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SPECIAL STAMPED 4 WU13 30 l M 9422301 6 32 2187 4 273286 V Zinc V 20 4 4 4 125250 8 15 J 030 444 44 445348 Zinc i 20 Thibk ...
9422301 WF O f Zim V I 0 X 0 0 4 44616I Z0 X rr Thick 9419666 Ib Cad I D x 0 0 4 444 120392 l2 4 4 9422303 Zllw
lower arm l 1 64 Exc F85 B 917 9422301 12 IO NUT arm to frame 8 axle hsg 65 70 Exc Tor 8 917 9422301 8 10 NUT arms in frame axle
BRACKET 55 72 Tor l 397476 I l 64 BRACKET 68 71 Tor 8 917 9422301 I 10 NUT final drive bracket to hsg 66 72 Tor I 397477 1 97 PLATE support
BOLT Iwr arm to frame brkt fm 12 x 4 65 71 All 8 9I7 9422301 4 10 NUT arm ru bracket bolt
knuckle 67 71 Exc F85 or Tor 8 917 9422301 4 10 NUT arm to frame 69 70 Tor 8 915 9427880 4 25 NUT ball joint to strg knuckle iOLDSMOB LE DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS
S067 1 10 NUT front upper 4 87 70 Tor 8 917 9422301 2 10 NUT front shock to frame bolt 66 71 Tor 1305067 2 4 10 NUT vertical shock to underbody to lower
REPAIR KIT rear spring shackle incl shackle V sleeve bushing l l 6570 Tor 8 917 9422301 2 lO NUT spring to irame Iron 7 506 BOLT REAR SUSPENSION LEAF SPRING CENTER BINDING
BOLT V 14 x 3 A 55 70 Exc FB5 Br Tor 8 917 9422301 2 10 NUT lock fr supt to frarne 66 69 Tor 9 011 380570 vi 15 NUT from supt