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NUMBER AND DATE PRICE 10 051 8736897 discontinued 12 74 at 10 50 14 924 8737476 to 8737463 4 75 was 27 27 10 051 8736898 discontinued ...
discontinued 4 74 at 2 63 14 924 8737465 to 8737463 4 75 was 27 27 15 320 8738500 discontinued 6 74 at 2 81 14 924 8737466 to 8737463 ...
discontinued 5 74 at 5 41 14 924 8737469 to 8737463 5 75 was 27 27 15 320 8738502 discontinued 6 74 at 2 63 14 924 8737473 to 8737463