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Removed 1 1 66 72 11719 use 72B8147 a pcs 7268397 Removed 1 1 66 7274916 Removed 12 1 66 726196 3 Removed 12 1 66 V 7 v 726855 B Removed ...
Removed 12 1 66 77p v ur M r 7269870 Removed 7 1 56 72 Jtiw i Remuved 12 1 6b 7285327 Uee 7285144 5 1 55 7269872 Removed 12 1 66 7277378 Removed ...
Removed 1 1 66 7298995 Removed 12 1 66 7273755 Use 1213485 3 1 65 72 D96 Removed 1 1 66 7298026 Removed 2 1 67 7273772 Pnmnved
CONE clutch d r1ven4 4 7271180 50 51 55 57 60 62 66 69 72 ...
coun d1a1 drive 44 4 4 4 4 7285149 41 thru 70 72 73 75 76 78 81 Q 83 85 87 89 90 94 96 98 V 99 100 116 119 122 thru
72s2146 95 97 107 109 sssy tuner push button including dial glass 7282218 98 assy tuner manual 72 JZZI1 100 assy tuner push butts 1 1 22 1 1 glass 7282016 105 assy tuner push ...
4ampere Z 66 57 69 thru 90 exc 71 4 ampore 1 S3 thru 65 71 72 exc 63 7 5 ampere Z 68 71 thru 82 102 7 5 ampare
thru 68 70 71 74 77 82 91 dual 7273693 69 72 73 75 76 78 81 83 85thr 90 dual 7273697 70 71 74 antunna 7273107 72
NOTE Also used in place of DS 503 or 2N173 61 TRANSISTOR DS 502 1221008 72 73 75 76 78 79 81 83 85 thru 90 92 94 thru 99 103 106 thru ...
TRANSISTOR DS 75 1222371 l INOTE Also used in place uf DS 71 nr DS 72 134 147 155 TRANSISTOR DS H1 1222424 NOTE Also used in place ol DS 78 134 147 155 TRANSISTOR
Ignition coil capacitor adapter 4 4 4 4 4 3771778 72 78 4 4 mount1 ng4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5257525 72 78 4 speaker mounting plate
BOARD ASSY 92 thru 99 w 2 screws 1221805 COLLECTOR ADAPTER 5 Il 41 thru 75 exc 72 80 82 89 91 98 112 129 141 157 front wheel 4 4 4 494786 72
trim 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3755306 72 78 81 4 V trim V 4 4 4 4 4 4 5257809 72 78 81 85 87 90 tuner pointer back
CDILS Znd I F 62 64 65 66 1220992 63 671 1 1221021 69 72 ...
permanent magnet 6 X 9 4 1219970 67 72 78 79 pennnanent magnet 6 x 9 1218529 76 77 83 84 permanent magnet 4 x 10 7277 7I5 68 82 4 4 4 permanent magnet
MANUAL TUNER TYPICAL CODES 62 66 69 72 73 75 I PULLEY dial und 6 BAR ASSY can guldn 2 CDRD di I paIn r IrIv 7 BUSHING drlu shnh 3 POINTER ASSY B SHAFT
RHEOSTAT 70 71 74 77 B4 91 93 100 101 102 175 1 m 1221422 72 73 75 76 78 79 H1 B3 thru 90 exc B4 92 thnn
72 73 75 B0 85 87 89 92 94 96 98 99 103 129 130 tuna dial 44 4 4 4 4 4 7282086 93 104 111 112 115 tuner dial
SPACERS 69 70 71 73 74 75 89 91 4 transistor heat lnaulatlng 7269634 72 78 81 85 thru 90 exc 89 selector control knob 4 4 4 7274782 76 77 83 B4 selector control
72 74 thru 76 78 79 81 3 uoc A 400 mid 16 V Br850 mid 16 V C 2 2 mIr1 32 V 7273730 70 74 77 3 nec A 1000 mlrl
metal 987117 1 11 7255117 94 95 106 107 exc 1 C nv1 1 BAFFLE PLATE 2 72 JZ TZj CZZIIZ 1 1 1 72646 q 135 thru
12EK6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 1221272 59 70 72 73 thm 79 81 4 121757 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 1221259 83 87 thru
assy1 tuner mmusl and push buttm lncludlng dlsl glass 1 7273310 72 78 81 1 111 any tuner mununl tncludlng dlul glass 11 7274983 75 80 1 1 11111 1 uny tuner manusl including dlul
nder front and rear 4 4 7292302 COVER 72 78 79 B5 85 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 44 4 4 4 6257521 81 90 4 4 444 4 unpninted
Pans 988099 988085 Rau 987893 Wunder Eur 71 1960 Pass 988051 988063 Front 988062 Msnual 72 1960 Cnrvalr 988094 988093 Front 988275 Manual 73 1960 Pass 988095 988085 Rear 988275 Manual 73 1960 Pars
GROUP F c n n a rusnsvons 69 70 72 thru 81 B5 B7 33 ohm 4 4 7271575 79 B3 thru
Removed 12 1 66 1221417 Removed 11 1 65 3782545 Remwcd 1 1 66 72 CC CC R i 12 1 65 1221487 Removed 12 1 66 3793849 Removed 1 1 66 7262183 Removed
volt 7258575 GROUP w f WASHERS 41 thru 4B 51 thru 68 72 thru 78 80 thru 100 101 102 wnve nprrlng type ccnt m1kn0bl
POINTER ASSY See group P page 51 50 51 55 57 60 62 56 69 72 73 75 76 78 81 83 85 89 106 108 113 115 116 125 129 Lhru
thru 75 4 4 input 4 4 4 1221425 76thruB1 44 4 i nput4 4 4 1221590 72 75 75 7B thru H1 E3 85 thru 90 output 1 221535 77 4 4 4 output
UNIT 52 53 56 58 44 4 U 4 4 4 44 4 72590 2 61 66 72 75 78 81 B5 87 89 90 964 99 110 44 dtal cord tension
shaft 7285472 1054 BUS IING manual tuner drive shaft 7287619 4 11 I967 Chavraln Motor Dlvkkn uma 72 emma wm commenar REVISED FEBRUARY
726B Ii0 69 thru 71 73 74 4 speaker interlock 4 4 4 4 4 4 7271424 72 75 78 79 81 85 B6 B9 90 speaker lnterlock