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WHEEL ALIGNMENT For wheel alignment preliminary steps see Corvair 500 700 and 900 Maintenance and Adjustment Proceed with actual adjustments as follows Front Wheel Alignment Caster and Camber Adjustment The caster and camber adjustments ... wheel The front wheel hub may be removed from the spindle and service as outlined for 500 700 and 900 models except for following differences 1 Wheel studs are not staked on replacement They ... course no passengers Steering Axis Inclination Steering axis inclination may be serviced as outlined for 500 700 and 900 vehicles except that desired reading should be 71 4 for 1200 series vehicles Tee in Adjustment |
Corvair 1200 series veh les is basically of the same type as that used on the i00 700 and 900 models in that both are duo servo and hydraulically operated with cable operated parking rakes ... used on the 1200 series vehicles are in most cases increased ove like parts used in 500 700 and 900 cars in order MAINTENANCE A MA INTENANCE 7 te maintenance information ... Corvair 95 as rell AC IUSTMENTS Hy Iraulic Brake Adjustment I ze same procedure used for 500 700 and 900 may be ised except that running clearance for the Greenbri r and Corvair |
FILTER Type Full flow Capacity 1 0 pt OIL FILLER Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series Location Oil filter and generator adapter ENGINE TORQUE SIZE MATERIAL ... Valve R4 1 2 14 Oil Temperah 14 MM Spark Plug CLUTCH 500 700 Sectic Type Single plate dry disc Disc Diameter Models 500 700 ... Clutch Pressure Spring Type Diaphragm Diameter 9i s Total Pressure Models 500 700 and 900 900 1050 ft lbs Corvair 95 Lakewood Greenbrier Location Crankcase right side OIL PRESSURE GAUGE Type Electric OIL PAN DRAIN |
Flywheel Face Runout Installed on Flywheel 020 T LR Flywheel O D Runout 010 T LR 500 700 and 900 Models 700 AND 900 SERIES 3REENBRIER 1200 SERIES Non 60 Differential Pinion Shaft i Length ... Pinion 9 11 11 9 SPEEDOMETER GEARS Tooth Pitch 30 Teeth Drive 8 Driven 24 ION 500 700 900 SERIES 3REENBRIER 1200 SERIES lion 6D 3 Speed 4 Speed Synchronization ... Gears 1 2nd and 3rd lst 2nd 3rd Sliding Gears 1st and reverse Reverse Ratios 7 500 700 900 Corvair 95 Series Greenbrier 1200 Series 3 Speed 4 sp 3 Speed 4 Speed |
SECT1 ACCES CONTENTS C Gasoline Heater 500 700 and 900 Series 1200 Series Direct Air Heater 500 700 and 900 Series 1200 Series Instrument Panel Cover 500 700 and 900 Series GASOLINE HEATER ... iSORIES F THIS SECTION Page 11 1 11 25 11 28 11 32 11 35 10 700 AND 900 SERIES VDEX Page Combustion Blower Motor Replacement 11 15 Thermostat Replacement 11 17 Heater Control Switch |
SECT FUEL AND EXF CONTENTS O Model H Carburetor 500 700 and 900 Series Corvair 95 and Greenbriar 1200 Series Fuel Pump All Series Air Cleaner Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series except ... Corvair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series and Corvair Fuel Tank Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series l Corvair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series Exhaust System t Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series Corvair |
series For this reason the service operatic s outlined for the 500 700 and 900 series may be in nost cases applied to 1200 series also he following information provides service proce f f ures ... areas of rear suspension which differ from SOn 700 and 900 series vehicles RIN ING HEIGHT AND COIL SPRING SAG roper riding height should be measured as the di ance from the center of control ... mounting plate 4 Support transmission with jackstand and remove transmission support plate as outlined in Corvair 500 700 and 900 series Service Operations 5 Remove both crossmember to body supports 6 Support crossmember with suitable |
unitized swing type independent rear suspens m system is of the same design as the 500 700 and 9 D vehicles except for heavier rate springs and shock a sorbers MAINTENANCE L 1BRICATION Lubrication requirements ... Troubles and Remedies 3 36 DESCRIPTION Service Operations and Maintenance are basically the same as the 500 700 and 900 Series components except as outlined in the following pages 48 Fig 3 52 Front Suspension ... Series kND ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTMENT OF FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS Adjust front wheel bearings as outlined in 500 700 and 900 Maintenance and Adjustments except that nut should be backed off 1 z flat or less |
00x14 four ply tires are standard equipment MAINTE Maintenance procedures are the same as for Corvair 500 700 and 900 models except as outlined in the following TIRE PRESSURES The following recommended pressures must ... CHANGING ROAD WHEELS Follow operations 1 and 2 outlined for Corvair 500 700 and 900 series under Wheels and Tires Changing Road Wheels Position furnished jack as shown in Figure 3 66 and raise wheel |
lubrication recommendations for the Greenbrier Sportswagon and Commercial series models are the same as the 500 700 and 900 Corvair models except as outlined in the following paragraphs ENGINE The engine components requi mg regular ... crankcase capacity lubrication change intervals and type of oil used remain the same as the Corvair 500 700 and 900 series vehicles Refer to the previous sub section 1 t T rrrr |
HOUSING TO STEERING WHEEL CLEARANCE This operr tion is the same as that used on the 500 700 and 900 vehicles SERVICE O STEERING WHEEL Remove and replace steering wheel as outlined in Corvair ... 700 and 900 Section DIRECTION SIGNAL FIG 4 39 Removal 1 Remove steering wheel as outlined in this section 2 Disconnect horn wire from connector under dash and remove retaining spring seat and bearing assembly |
SECTI STEE CONTENTS OF I Cor tir 500 700 and 900 Series Cor vir 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series CORVAIR 500 70 INI Page Gen ral Description 4 1 Mai tenance and Adjustments ... Steering Gear 4 8 GENERAL C 7 ke steering gear used in all Corvair 500 700 and 900 models is of the recirculating ball type with a ratio of 8 1 Ease of handling |
cell 7 9 Ampere hour capacity at 20 hour rate 35 40 Voltage 12 12 ISSION 500 700 900 tEENBRIER 1200 SERIES on 6E Reaction Member stator Aluminum air foil type supported on stationary sleeve ... Regulator Valve Type Spool Governor Type Centrifugal Drive From transmission output shaft TUNE UP on 7 D0 700 AND 900 SERIES EENBRIER 1200 SERIES on 8 ELECTRICAL Maximum permissible specific gravity variation between cells with |
AUTOMATIC 4 73 1 1 00 1 500 700 AND 900 SERIES THREE SPEED 3 50 1 1 99 1 1 00 1 FOUR SPEED ... 700 900 SERIES 3REENBRIER 1200 SERIES Non 6A Gross Torque Rating 128 ft lb 2300 rpm Super Turbo Air Advertised Gross Horsepower Rating 98 4600 rpm Gross Torque Rating 132 ft lbs 2800 rpm Idling |
SECTI ENI CONTENTS O CorNJr 500 700 and 900 Series except Models 535 an Com vir 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series and Corvair St CORYAIR 500 Except Model IN Page Gene al Description ... THIS SECTION Page d 735 6A 1 ttion Wagon Models 535 and 735 6A 55 700 900 SERIES s 535 and 735 DEX Page Rear Shroud Right Side 6A 17 Engine Mountings 6A 17 Front |
INSTRUME H1 500 700 AI The instrument panel cover or padded dash is the same in all 500 700 and 900 Series Corvairs The following procedure covers removal and installation procedures for all component parts |
CsENERAL CONTENTS Cc vair 500 700 900 Series Cc wair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series CORVAIR 50 Pag Ei One 2 rankcase Oil 2 Crankcase Capacity 2 First 1000 Miles 2 After 1000 Miles ... ronkcase Capacity i efill 4 q1 TION Z LUBRICATION OF THIS SECTION Page 2 1 2 12 700 900 SERIES INDEX Page l Distributor 2 5 l Air Cleaners 2 5 L Front Wheel Bearings |
edge of the roof drip moulding Align and seal the screw holes and install the attaching screws 700 MODELS Motor Compartment Lid Outer Panel Moulding Front Compartment Lid Outer Panel Moulding The moulding is secured |
SEC1 ENGINE CONTENTS OF Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series Corvair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series CORVAIR 500 71 n Page Introduction 7 1 Mechanical Checks and Adjustments 7 2 Remove Spark Plugs and Test |
cable assembly from the front to the rear The Service Information and Procedures outlined for Corvair 500 700 and 900 models also apply in general to Corvair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series except for Maintenance |
SECT POWEI CONTENTS C Cor tir 500 700 and 900 Series Cori tir 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series Ir Page Gew ral Description 6 1 Serv ee Operations 6 4 In roduction |
Rate at Wheel 177 lb ir Height at Maximum Load 5 90 2943 lb S1 SE 500 700 AND 900 SERIES STEERING GEAR Make Saginal Type Recirculating ba Ratio 18 Overall Ratio 23 5 Mainshaft |
FUEL AND E Se FUEL TANK Corvair 500 700 900 Location Under front compartment floo Capacity gallons 1 Filler Location Left front fender crowr Fuel Filter Type Straine Corvair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series Location |
BTDC 13 BTDC 0 rpm 0 2 1400 rpm 0 2 700 |
Length 1 380 Inner Bushing ID 1 1255 1 1260 BRA Sectiv 500 700 AND 900 SERIES SERVICE BRAKES Type Servo 4 wheel hydraulic Brake Drum Type Composite Rim material Cast alloy iron Web material |
SECTI SPECIFI SUSi Se 500 700 AND 900 SERIES GENERAL FRONT SUSPENSION Type Independent combining long and short control arms with spherical joints coil springs and anti dive control Front suspension steering linkage and front |
blower 4 Lift the heater assembly from the housing and service assembly as previously recommended for 500 700 and 900 style assembly Installation 1 Set assembly into position and replace stud nuts and support bracket |
general theory and operation the Corvair 95 gasoline heater is the same as that in the 500 700 and 900 Corvair styles Obvious design differences in the Corvair 95 make necessary an extremely compact heater |
CLIPS E F 51 Fig 10 86 Removing Bathtub Cllp H v F ior Mouldings on 700 Series r Lower Outer Panel Moulding G Front Roof Drip Scalp Moulding ler Lower Outer Panel Moulding |
body opening as described under Checking Back Window Body Opening 2 Install rubber channel to glass On 700 styles install back window reveal mouldings to rubber channel A rubber lubricant soap and water solu tion |
wrap around back window is secured in the body opening by a conventional rubber channel The 700 r equipped with folding seat lower rear seat back then fold seat back filler panel forward and secure |
assembly with aid of helper from body opening and place it on a protected bench NOTE On 700 styles the windshield reveal mouldings are installed in the rubber channel and are to be removed prior |
MOULDING Removal and Installation 1 Remove screws fig 10 30 securing drip moulding and remove moulding On 700 styles slide drip moulding downward to disengage upper end o1 moulding from under front roof drip scalp |
Support 10 46 Lid Latch 10 46 Lower Gutter Sealing Strip 10 47 Exterior Mouldings 700 Models 10 47 Removal and Installation 10 47 Windshield Pillar Drip Moulding 10 47 Engine Compartment Lid Outer Panel |
tORVAIR 95 AND GR Tune up procedures ai vair 95 and Greenbrier Corvair 500 700 and 900 f EENBRIER 1Z00 SERIES id specifications for the Cor vehicles are the same as for eries |
ExHAUS CORVAIR 95 AND GRI GENERAL Service operations for brier Series exhaust syste for the Corvair 500 700 an SPECIFI See SecTion 16 for Fuel fications SPECIAI |
HORN AND NOTE A single horn is provided on 500 series Dual horns are used on 700 series QUICK CHECKS FOR HORN TROUBLE When analyzing faulty horn operation any of the following four basic conditions |
SECT CONTENTS Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series I Four Door 69 Models Two Door 27 Models Station Wagon 35 Models Corvair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series FOUR DOOM PagE General Information 10 2 Body |
service replacement parts for the Corvair Passenger Car transmission Bypass valve need not be removed for 500 700 and 900 series but cover holes must be tightly plugged CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL |
SECI ELECTRIC CONTENTS C Page Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series 8 1 Engine Electrical 8 1 Wiring Diagrams 8 39 Chassis Electrical 8 46 ENGINE CORVAIR 500 71 II Page General Trouble Shooting |
SECT REAM CONTENTS C Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series Corvair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series CORVAIR 500 71 Page General Description 6C 1 Periodic Maintenance 6C 2 Lubricant 6C 2 Differential Carrier |
Pedal effort high Insufficient Clutch Release a Improper lash adjustment b Clutch fork pull rod movement S00 700 and 900 Models R 1205 1206 1244 and 1254 Models SPECIFII Refer to Section |
SECT1 CLU CONTENTS O Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series Corvair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series CORVAIR 500 71 IIS Page General Description 6B 1 Maintenance and Adjustments 6B 2 Clutch Linkage Adjustment |
Main and connecting rod bearings use the same diameter and specifications as used in the Corvair 500 700 and 900 series engines however the bearing material is a heavy duty type BATTERY IERATOR I CHOKE |
iERING LINKAGE Ti Rod Assembly escription and service of tie rods are covered under C o 500 700 and 900 Steering Service Operations ie Rod except for following difference f tie rods are adjusted |
position using Tool J 755 fig 4 49 Bi 1 Nut Assembly Ulow procedure outlined in 500 700 and 900 Secti a Note however that the ball nut used in the S rtswagon and commercial |
Remove sector shaft seal from gear casting and discard Ball Nut Disassembly Follow procedure outlined in 500 700 and 900 Section Note however that ball nut used in the Greenbrier and Corvair 95 steering gear |
LUBRICATION The Greenbrier and Corvair 95 steering system has s ne lube requirements as the 500 700 and 900 models e cept for the addition of the relay arm pivot which n xst be greased |
joints which compensate for normal internal wear automatically Service operations are the same as for the 500 700 and 900 unit except as outlined in following pages |
valve core c Rim defect See Wheels and Tires in this section SPECIFII For Corvair 500 700 and 900 Susp a Disconnect shock absorber and test action replace if necessary b Inspect and correct |
sECI SuSPI CONTENTS C Co irair 500 700 and 900 Series ispension heels and Tires Co vair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series ispension Fheels and Tires susP CORVAIR 500 7 Ir Page Ge ieral Description |
SEC1 GENERAL 11 CONTENTS C Cor iir 500 700 and 900 Series Cor air 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series I CORVAIR 500 71 Ir Page Veh de Dimensions 1 1 I Ma l Indentification |
sEC1 BM CONTENTS C Ca vair 500 700 and 900 Series I Cc vair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series CORYAIR SOOs 7C Page Ge teral Description 5 1 M intenance and Adjustments 5 3 ydraulic |
sECTI MANUAL TR CONTENTS C Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series Three Speed Transmission Four Speed Transmission Corvair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series Three Speed Transmission Four Speed Transmission CORVA R 500 r 71 THREE |