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Process 4 SPD 2nd design exc 8 cyl D 3 10 3865965 1 48 25 64 66 Ser 60 TDM 193 W B w Clark 5 SPD 2nd design exc 4 cyc DIESEL ...
48 25 64 66 Ser 60 TDM 193 W B w New Process 4 5 SPD 8 cyl 2nd design 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL 193 W B w New Process ...
48 95 64 65 Ser 60 TDM w 193 W B 2nd design exc New Process DIESEL 65 66 Ser 60 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL 193 W B w 4 SPD exc New Process
axle J 4 cyc DIESEL E 3 16 3829946 1 48 50 63 Ser 80 TDM w 157 W B 409 exc aux trans ...
TILT w 97 W B 409 exc 8 SPD 23000 lb axle E 3 16 3839864 1 48 50 63 66 Ser 60 TILT w 97 W B New Process ...
Process 4 SPD E 3 16 3840469 1 48 50 63 65 Ser 60 TILT 109 W B w 17000 lb 2 SPD axle electric shift sl exc 8 cyl New Process
group See group 2 559 RETAINER 3816659 19 65 66 ALL BRACKET fitting assy upper 3859742 1 48 65 ALL BRACKET fitting assy lower 3859744 1 48 9 260 SEAL Air Conditioning Air Outlet ...
Control 59 ALL blower 3141823 1 3 20 60 63 ALL lst design blower 3146634 1 4 48 60 63 ALL evap temp control 3146633 1 17 70 63 ALL 2nd design blower ...
48 64 ALL evap ranco control 3158730 1 12 85 g 65 66 ALL evap ranco control 3008561 1 14 75 E yr 65 66 ALL blower 3828946 1 2 13 1 59 ALL RESISTOR
stamped 3752536 3752536 1 16 40 SERIES 50 Q 60 61 6 cyl 48 dev length 3767163 1 5 50 60 61 SBC 8 cyl 33 dev length ...
exhaust crossover 3795912 1 11 95 62 8 cyl 48 dev length stamped 3814986 3814986 1 7 70 62 6 cyl 65 dev length stamped 3816557 3816557 1 5 70 63 66 283 exhaust crossover ...
chassis TILT 61 TILT 6 cyl lst design 48 dev length 3767163 1 5 50 60 61 SBC 8 cyl 33 dev length 3772291 1 4 80 60 61 8 cyl exc SBC TILT dual
clutch 351 478 C 48 61 24447230 A R 1 40 65 66 ALL w 11 in clutch 351 C 48 58 24519040 3 1 75 65 ALL w 12 in clutch ...
clutch 478 C 60 51 23983890 3 1 25 wl 66 ALL 478 Long Mfg C 48 171 24959410 1 65 66 ALL w 11 in cluteh 351 SCREW lever
48 3876071 3 87 5196684 0 096 3728992 3 58 3779462 4 4 8 3876073 3 63 5196685 0 096 3728993 3 58 3779463 4 48 ...
48 3876086 5 60 5196687 0 096 3730189 3 87 3792558 3 58 l966 Chevrolet Motor Division I 83 ID 02 OPI 06 General Motors Corporation HUT REVISED
DIESEL 187 197 211 W B w New Process 5 SPD D 3 10 3768998 1 48 ...
48 3 10 3780211 1 32 80 60 62 Ser 60 145 W B w P T 60 62 Ser 60 70 TILT ...
48 25 60 62 TDM exc 157 W B aux trans P T 63 65 Ser 80 w 157 W B 409 exc TDM P T 8 SPD trans
axle Tach exc Alr Equip 211 223 W B TILT TDM LCF lower 48 1569034 1 1 39 61 62 Ser 50 w 2 SPD axle ...
TILT 62 Ser 80 w 2 SPD axle exc LCF TILT DIESEL 53 1563316 1 1 48 62 65 TILT DIESEL exc 8 SPD P T 4 cyc lower
48 ...
length w yoke 2378679 A R 48 00 65 ALL w 3 dia 502 length w yoke 2378680 A R 63 00 65 ALL w 3 dia 26 length w yoke ...
WASHER U joint front yoke Spicer aux trans exc 4 cyc 184 W 093702 1 1 48 SPLINE ENDS TUBE SPLINE NO OF PART LIST YEAR DIA TYPE 0 L DIA TEETH IDENTIFICATION NO PRICE
Auxiliary Axle Rear AA on lllustrotions on P 57 56 59 TDM E 3 16 3757026 1 48 00 60 66 Ser 80 TDM exc 4 cyc DIESEL 34000 lb axle ...
length w yoke 2335041 1 14 20 65 66 ALL w 2 dia 48 length w yoke 2335042 1 19 10 all 65 ALL w 3 dia 49 length w yoke
48 I ROD Hand Throttle with Button Wire and Tube ...
necessary to cut to required length using old part as guide 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division 289 3 48 3 General Motors Corporation REVISED MAY I I966
DIESEL Air Timken B 3 3800 X 518 6 16 Equip w 16000 lb axle 8 48 1 ratio 23707650 1 678 00 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL W 16000 Timken ...
axle exc Air Equip 8 48 1 ratio 24025s1 1 692 00 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL w 16000 Timken B 71 3800 X 518 6 61 lb axle exc Air Equip
TILT 97 W B 366 exc 2 SPD Spicer 5 SPD E 3 16 3813651 1 48 50 62 Ser 60 TILT 109 W B w Spicer 5 SPD 327 66 Ser 60 TILT ...
TILT w 97 W B 409 exc 8 SPD 1st design E 3 16 3829959 1 48 50 63 65 Ser 80 TILT 97 W B w 8 SPD exc DIESEL 23000 lb axle
Spicer 5 SPD w I I D axle exc TDM D 3 10 3757824 1 48 25 56 57 Ser 10D P T w H D axle ...
48 25 58 59 Ser 10D TDM exc P T E 3 16 3757028 1 46 50 56 57 Ser 10E Spicer 5 SPD w H D axle
DIESEL w 16 000 5 41 7 44 6 16 8 48 6 61 9 09 lb 2 SPD axle axle ratios 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL ...
DIESEL w New Process 5 SPD 20913290 1 48 65 Ser 80 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL w aux trans
Process 4 SPD E 3 16 3777552 1 48 50 60 Ser 70 w 145 175 197 W B 63 65 Ser 80 w 175 W B 8 SPD w 18000 lb axle ...
Process 4 SPD exc H D 478 E 3 16 3777551 1 48 50 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division Generol Motors Corporation 599 HDT REVISED MARCH
TILT w P S 6 cyl 4 48 N P W 3759228 1 3 35 59 Ser 4 6 Cool Pack ...
48 amp A C gen I 6 cyl exc P S Z 41 N G W 3759218 1 3 15 60 61 Ser 60 Air Equip
THJT 4 cyc DIESEL 145 W B w New Process 5 SPD E 3 16 3875115 1 48 25 65 66 Ser 60 TILT 4 cyc DIESEL w 133 W B exc New Process Trans ...
48 25 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL 145 W B w New Process 4 SPD exc TILT E 3 16 3875120 1 52 25 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL
design 63 64 ALL 212 65 66 ALL 159 212 VALVE reg and relief 5177777 l 2 48 63 66 Ser 50 60 6 cyl VALVE usedw pump cast ...
DIESEL GEAR drive 5116458 l 1 6 17 65 66 ALL 159 212 GEAR drive 5135161 l 1 5 48 65 66 Ser 80 318 GEAR drive 51350V79l 1 6 27 62 66 Ser 60 212 ROTOR
SEAL rear 3887152 1 48 58 59 ALL 348 SEAL frt and rear molded rubber 3736441 2 43 60 65 ALL 348 409 SEAL frt and rear ...
SEAL front 3879803 1 29 66 ALL 6 cyl SEAL rear 3879802 1 48 1 453 FLANGE SCREW PLUG Oil Pun Drain 55 61 ALL 265 283 1 62 66 Ser 40 thru
Clark 5 SPD w 17000 lb 2 SPD axle exc 292 E 3 16 3777550 1 48 ...
TILT 97 W B W P T exc 23000 lb SGL SPD E 3 16 3814894 1 48
VALVE ASSEMBLY und PARTS Air Broke Relay 58 66 TDM Bendix 227356 2335218 1 48 40 58 66 Ser 70 80 TDM 65 66 Ser 60 TDM DIESEL relay valve supply Bendix ...
Trailer Air Brake CAP synchronizing valve Bendix 202620 648507 1 48 65 66 Ser 60 80 TILT 4 cyc DIESEL DIAL two way hand cont valve w Air Brake Bendix
48 25 58 59 Ser 9C exc P T D 3 10 3766233 3757009 1 48
hole cover 513059 4 63 66 ALL 366 GUIDE 2 holes and 2 U slots 3860038 8 48 0 443 GASKET Volvo Push Rod ond Cylinder Block Cover ...
5185416 l 4 27 63 66 Ser 50 230 250 push rod cover 122 O L 3788497 2 48 63 66 Ser 50 60 292 push rod cover
SCREEN control valveinner 24 B713 1 50 63 66 ALL SCREEN control valve filter 2403714 1 48 60 62 ALL 63 64 TILT DISC ASSY inlet valve synthetic 65 66 ALL rubber Midland ...
Emerg Air Brake NUT emerg cont valve dial 20 2426078 1 48 60 62 ALL exc TILT 64 66 ALL COVER inlet 2381288 1 95 60 65 TILT 66 Ser 60 TILT 2 cyc DIESEL
Brake Booster RETAINER UNIT piston cup Bendix 56 59 Ser 7 8 9 10 377849 3738728 1 48 S5 59 ALL 60 62 Ser 40 thru 60 exc A O H B RING piston snap ...
piston intake M hex long 60 61 Ser 70 exc TDM Midland 100437 A 2402014 1 48 60 62 TDM cyl piston intake X head dia 60 62 Ser 80 Midland
Spicer 5 SPD exc DIESEL D 3 10 3889797 1 48 25 66 Ser 60 IDM 4 cyc DIESEL ...
Auxiliary Axle Front BA on Illustration F 57 I 56 59 TDM E 3 16 3757025 1 48 00 63 66 Ser 80 TDM P T w 3 4 SPD aux Trans
GEAR 332 2289422 NUT 5 155 X 2400938 REPAIR KIT 30 8 48 3726658 GEAR 356 V 3770296 STUD 5 188 X 3737508 REPAIR KIT 30 8 49 3726657 GEAR 3 Q 65 3726704 LINK
48 20 60 62 Ser 60 SBC 225 W B w 13000111 axle E 2 37 16 3765513 3768965 I 1 31 80 60 62 Ser 60 SBC w 15000 lb axle
pressed in crankshaft 66 Ser 80 exc DIESEL rear end cover Bendix 240745 2434760 1 1 48 1966 I Chevrolet Motor Division 475 4 858 4 860 General Motors Corporation HDT REVISED
mainshaft lst spd 36 and 18 teeth Spicer 55 8 87 3770292 V1 48 20 60 65 TDM w 3 SPD mainshaft Spicer 55 8 94 3799167 T 11 42 55 TNOTE
close ratio DIESEL 64 65 Ser 60 w Spicer 5 SPD exc DIESEL driven 48 I Spicer 30 1 23 3726654 1 21 80 1966 4 416 4 421 Chevrolet Motor
DIESEL 63 66 2 cyc DIESEL PLUNGER low speed spring 5126135 Il 1 10 48 62 Ser 80 D1ESEL PLUNGER low speed spring 5182555 l 1 7 10 62 66 2 cyc DIESEL SEAT low speed
DIESEL WASHER shaft thrust 5127077 I 2 48 62 65 Ser 60 80 2 cyc DIESEL WASHER drive gear hub thrust 5119285 l 1 21 65 66 Ser 50 2 cyc DIESEL WASHER gear
OVERHAUL KIT VALVE KIT GASKET RlNG Fuel lnjector Assembly 62 64 DIESEL 519322 ll A R 1 48 65 66 2 cyc DIESEL 5228701 l A R 1 90 62 64 DIESEL VALVE KIT 5228313 l
DIESEL ELBOW fuel pump to filter tube 5179969 l 1 1 48 62 66 Ser 80 2 cyc DIESEL ELBOW fuel drain crossover tube 45 5125447 l 1 1 10 65 66 4 cyc DIESEL ELBOW fuel
wiring 29882740 1 42 25 65 TILT H D Starter w H D wiring 478 29882660 1 48
hanger 2332124 1 4 48 62 66 TILT DIESEL exc 478 tray front 3816458 1 14 75 62 66 TILT DIESEL exc 478 tray rear 3822218 1 14 75 62 65 LCF 318 SUPPORT splash
less switch 1107633 or 1107677 on n plate 1931460 1 48 75 55 59 ALL w H T 8 cyl less switch 1107634 on n plate
TILT grille filler complete 2472186 O 1 48 10 60 62 ALL exc LCF TILT SHIELD ASSY L H splash 3773433 T 1 1 55 60 62 ALL exc LCF TILT SHIELD ASSY
DIESEL exc LCF 65 66 TILT 318 FLANGE cast 5116409 511640 A R 1 48 65 66 ALL 351 478 FLANGE water outlet 538440 1 1 10 65 66 ALL 351 478 SLEEVE water outlet
SEAL oil fan pulley to spindle 5108219 l 1 48 62 Ser 80 318 BEARING ASSY pulley and spindle front HYATT A 1401832 7451080 1 6 311 63 66 Ser 80 318 BEARING ASSY pulley
stamped on lamination 19328720 1 48 50 QBNOTE Exchange Price Shown Add 4 25 to prices if used Chevrolet Armature is not exchanged 65 66 ALL 478 1948999 stamped on lamination
used with 3735413 sprocket and 3735411 chain on early link type jobs 58 65 ALL 348 409 48 teeth cast 3740684 3740684 1 5 65 55 62 ALL 6 cyl GEAR aluminum cast
Bendix 127257 2368569 1 48 00 60 62 ALL 63 64 Ser 60 80 TILT exc 11000 lb axle 65 66 Ser 60 80 DIESEL
23311l6 1 23 95 57 TDM w l l D axle Eaton 44526 48
DIESEL w 15 16000 lb axle exc TILT LCF valve w knob 48 O L 3773934 I 5 35 60 61 Ser 60 70 FFC valve w knob
torque div 23287720 1 176 00 60 66 TDM SHAFT pwr div input Eaton 45479 2398241 1 48 25 60 66 TDM exc 34000 lb axle SHAFT pwr div output Eaton
48 24 E 3865294 2390272 3859274 21 2 E 3871507 2067503 2224387 23 5 442 9 HOT 618 Ch vroI t Motor Division REVISED MAY 1 1966 Gonorol Motors Corporation
housing 3728840 2 10 56 59 TDM BEARING ASSY block shft sgl row ball 907508 2 7 48 56 59 TDM SEAL block end yoke oil 3728842 2 4 35 56 59 TDM VALVE relief
axle E 3 16 3757006 1 48 70 57 Ser 9A w 2 SPD H D axle 59 Ser 7A Clark 5 SPD w H D 2 SPD axle
TILT 4 cyc DIESEL 175 W B w 15000 lb axle E 3 16 3841228 1 48 75 63 65 Ser 80 197 W B w 8 SPD exc DIESEL
DIESEL 145 W B 8 SPD trans E 3 16 3853560 1 48 75 64 66 Ser 80 w 133 W B P T w 23000 lb axle exc TILT LCF 409 2 SPD axle
Clark 5 SPD exc TDM 4 cyc DIESEL E 3 16 3795116 1 48 75 60 62 Ser 40 w 133 W B 60 62 Ser 50 w 133 W B exc 2 SPD axle
Process 5 SPD lst design E 3 16 3839382 1 48 75 1965 5 436 580 Chevrolet Motor Division HDT General Motors Corporation
DIESEL rear 15 x 6 3772507 1 48 80 60 61 Ser 60 70 16000 lb axle w Air Brake 62 63 Ser 60 w Air Brake 62 63 Ser 80 TDM w Air Brake
Equip exc TILT SBC 4 cyc DIESEL GAUGE pressure 5654206 1 25 48 64 66 TILT SBC w Air Brake exc DIESEL GAUGE pressure 5654182 1 29 90 56 59 ALL w Air Equip
axle exc LCF TILT 51 1569038 1 1 48 65 Ser 80 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL w New Process 5 SPD exc close ratio
comp exc DIESEL HEAD ASSY cylinder Bendix 275017 2417290 1 48 00 65 Ser 60 80 4 cyc DIESEL HEAD ASSY cyl air cooled Midland w Air Brake lst design
front Z dia moulded Z 5455481 4 48 55 59 Ser 5 6 7 8 TDM SBC exc H D 60 62 Ser 40 thru 60 60 61 Ser 70 SBC w 15000 lb axle
DIESEL VALVE ASSY w seal Wagner FC 31011 3889712 1 48 55 59 Ser 4 5 exc I LD Brake Booster A O H B WASHER
TILT DIESEL 66 Ser 50 60 exc TDM secondary 1 0 D 5300900 1 48 55 S6 Ser 5 w H D Brake Booster S5 59 Ser 6 w H D Brake Booster
DIESEL w Spicer 5 SPD 3rd 37 and 19 teeth Spicer 30 8 48 3726658 1 41 25 56 66 Ser 60 W New Process 5 SPD 3rd 35 teeth
axle ratio 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL w 16 000 5 41 6 16 8 48 6 61 9 09 axle lb 2 SPD axle ratios 66 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL
splitter planet carrier spacing 2 O D x 1 I D x Z thk 6755581 I 48 56 66 ALL w P T trans splitter thrust
front 8615277 1 48 60 58 59 ALL w H T 8 cyl 8615049 1 46 90 4 162 SHAFT UNIT SHAFT ASSY RING DRUM ASSY BUSHING Transmission
Brake Bendix 2501850 3874184 1 48 50 63 65 Ser 80 exc TDM DIESEL 63 65 Ser 60 TDM exc A O H B DIESEL Bendix
PARTS Fuel 56 57 ALL 58 Ser 4 5 6 7 8 58 S9 Ser 10F GF 48 carb mtd 854444 1 2 87 ALL ALL w saddle tanks
wire vacuum control pipe 60 66 Ser 60 thru 80 8 cyl wire 16 long 596330 2 48 56 57 ALL w distr cont
valve Carter 39 11 sltd rd hd No 3 48 x 741 342146 A R 06 55 59 Ser 4 6 w Roch 6 cyl exc A C throttle shaft and lever
TILT 2303 3021 3023 3025 5025 65 Ser 60 80 348 409 7020025 0029 7010821 1 48 55 59 Ser 4 6 w Roch 6 cyl exc A C 60 66 ALL 6 cyl SPRING
length stamped 3814984 3814984 1 1 1 10 f 62 8 cyl exc H D chassis 348 48 dev length stamped 3814986 3814986 1 7 70 62 6 cyl exc TILT H D chassis
chassis TDM 348 409 I J 62 TDM exc 9000 lb frt susp 48 dev length stamped 3814986 3814986 1 7 70 63 65 8 cyl exc TILT
48 O L black C on chrome knob 1991773 1 2 30 60 63 ALL exc DIESEL 63 Ser 60 327 exc LCF SBC 63 Ser 80 TILT exc DIESEL
inlet 5116384 1 45 79 62 65 Ser 80 2 cyc DIESEL HOUSING air inlet 5127214 l 1 48 12 3 417 1 276 Ch vroI Motor Drvmon HDT General Motors Corporation REVISED
TILT 348 2nd design 65 Ser 60 TILT 348 w silencer 1 take oft 6419770 1 48 65 64 65 Ser 80 TILT 409 2nd design w silence 1 take
DIESEL TEE fuel filter to cyl head tube 518551 1 2 48 62 66 Ser 80 2 cyc DIESEL NUT fuel filter to cyl head tube fuel pump to filter tube fuel drain cross over
EXTENSION cover 71 0 L 2964750 1 4 48 56 Ser 5 7 EXTENSION cover 56 O L 2964978 1 3 95 3 I9 232 Chovrolot Motor Diving HD7 General Motors Corporation REVISED
Starter 478 W 1113379 19469450 1 48 75 65 66 ALL 351 478 clutch w 1107575 1113659 19641270 1 29 50 f 66 Ser 50 w T H 1965723 1 8 45 NOTE Exchange Price
SEAL center stud 62 66 ALL 212 318 327 cover nut gasket type OF 225 5574350 1 48 I966 Chevrolet Motor Division 189 1 837 I 844 General Motors Corporation HDT REVISED MAY 1 I966
TILT DIESEL SBC L 64 66 Ser 50 thru 80 exc LCF TILT complete 3833784 1 48 80 64 TILT exc DIESEL 65 66 TILT exc 318 frt bumper filler 2419805 1 6 75 I966
KNOB 3726657 s 30 8 49 GEAR 2486734 F 15117 SEAL 3726658 S 30 8 48 GEAR 2486735 F 15116 SPRING 3726659 S 30 8 47 GEAR 2486736 F 15119 VALVE
UNIT Door Safety Look p Not required in this group See group 16 328 I I 601261 48 Not required in this group See group 16 328 SPRING UNIT
Equip amm oil gauge tach FFC TILT mounting gas gauge 5643020 1 1 48 60 61 Ser 40 50 60 6 cyl exc Air Equip amm oil gauge tach FFC TILT mounting thermo gauge
deluxe 3149778 1 4 50 S5 59 ALL SLEEVE blower to housing air flow 3751455 1 48 60 64 ALL 65 TILT GASKET blower case 3143552 1 43 55 63 ALL NUT retaining speed
DIESEL right 3814948 1 19 45 ui 9 8 48 8 IS3 844 Chevrolet Motor Diwdsigg HDT General Motors Corporation REVISED JANUARY l I966
design valve adjuster upper 5686837 1 1 15 60 62 Ser 40 1 O D 5666693 2 48 65 Ser 80 TDM 4 cyc DIESEL BEARING ASSY
control valve to cyl 48 dev length 3741269 2 11 95 56 Ser 6 8 56 57 Ser 7 lst design pump to valve
axle exc TDM CUP outer roller brg 4 457295 2 10 48 64 Ser 80 W 23000 lb axle exc TDM CUP inner roller
design assy Wagner AE 43141 A on flange hydraulic control 3840042 1 48 10 63 66 ALL 2nd design assy mechanical control Midland N 3991 B 2402736 1 43 90 63 66 ALL w Trailer
lead stamped 956 25 30 35 amp 1906956 2 48 55 61 ALL w 1106976 6981 6982 6985 6681 w lead stamped 953 1906977 2 92 59 61 ALL w 1105123 5124 w lead stamped
8503X1C 954685 1 3 48 60 62 Ser 60 w 1102202 Z99503X1C
Boot Power divider lever 4 570 3 evroo Ch I r M l 19 HOT 48 General MoIon G o pd d i REVISED JANUARY
DIESEL 16000 lb 2 SPD axle w 6 16 8 48 l ratio w pinion 24407600 1 1 106 00 65 Ser 50 4 cyc DIESEL exc TILT 65 Ser 60 4 cyc DIESEL