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Pass w Sp H Per 427 SCREW cam lock w 3849804 3863150 3868826 8864 9933 3874898 696 6741 3882835 4506 6091 6101 66 Pass w H D 396 427 w 3887l47 V 66 Chevy Chevelle ...
Pass w Sp H Per 427 SCREW discharge nozzle w 3B49804 3863150 3868826 8864 9933 387489 B898 5964 6741 3882835 4505 6091 6101 66 Pass w H D 396 427 w 3887147 66 Chevy Chevelle
Pass w Sp H Per 427 w seat assy Holley 18R 135A w 3868826 9933 3885067 6101 3916143 5 3923289 66 Chevelle w Sp H Per 395 w 3893229 66 Pass ...
Pass w Sp H Per 427 BRACKET float shf ret Holley 59R 79 i w 3868826 9933 3885067 6101 3916143 5 3923289 68 Chevelle w Sp H Per 396 3 66 Pass
gasket Con t 66 69 Pass w Sp I l Per 427 NUT needle adjusting w 3849804 3868826 8864 9933 3874898 5964 6741 3882835 4505 6091 6101 3916143 5 3923289 r 4 66 Pass ...
Pass w Sp H Per 427 SCREW needle lock w 3849804 J 3868826 B864 9933 3874898 596M 674I 38B2635 4505 6091 6101 3915143 5 3923289 66 Pass
Pass w P G 327 exc A R pump discharge Holley N0 21R 572 25 w 3868826 8864 3875964 3684505 2635 3890499 4 I 66 Chevy Chevelle ...
Pass 395 66 Chevy Chevelle 327 396 pump discharge Holley Nc 21R 572 21 I w 3868826 9933 3874898 5964 3885057 6747 389234 I 2339 3229 66 Pass w HD 396 427 w 3887147 67 Chevelle
Pass w Sp H Per 427 SCREW w lookwasher body to alrhorn Holley 5Fl 557 w 3868826 886886 9933 3874898 5904 6747 3882835 5067 6101 3890499 2341 66 Pass ...
Pass 396 66 Pass Chevelle w Sp H Per 396 427 FLOAT ASSY Holley 16R 420A w 3868826 3869933 3886101 66 Pass w H D 396 427 w 3887147 67 72 All w Holley
Pass w Sp H Per 396 3852464 1 14 SCREW fast idle cam lever adj w 3849804 3868826 9933 66 Taxi 6 cyl SCREW fast idle cam w 38B6193
Pass w Sp H Per 427 main metering secondary Holley Nc 22R 40 76 w 3849804 3868826 9933 5057 5091 5101 66 Pass w H D 396 427 w 3887147 66 Chevelle
Pass w Sv H Per 427 Holley 15R 40 w 3649804 3863150 3868826 8864 9933 38748985 964 6741 3882835 4505 6091 6101 66 Pass w H D 396 427 w 3887147 67 Pass w Holley
Pass 396 66 Pass w Sp H Per 427 pump diaphragm w 3849804 3868826 9933 3885067 6lO1 66 Chevy Chevelle 327 396 w 3877413 3890497 3229 66 Pass
Chevy Chevelle 327 396 LEVER ASSY carb dlaph Holley No 83R 354A w 3849804 3868826 64 S93 3874898 59846741 3882835 4505 6091 6101 66 Pass w H D 396 427 w 3887147 67 69 Chevy
Pass w Sp H Per 427 FITTING lever adiustlng w 3649804 3868826 8864 9933 3874896 596 6741 3882635 4505 6091 6101 66 Pass w H D 396 427 w 3887147 67 72 All w Holley
Chevy Chevelle 327 396 66 Pass w Sp H Per 427 metering body vent w 3849804 3868826 8864 8833 3874898 5964 6741 3882835 4505 6091 6101 66 Pass
Pass 396 exc A l R SCREW to air horn w 3849604 3868826 66 Pass w H D 396 427 w 3887147 67 72 All w Holley 4BC 23679B6A
Pass w Sp H Per 427 pump dlsc needle w 3849804 3868826 8864 9933 3874898 5964 6741 3882835 4505 6101 66 Pass w H D 396 427 w 3887147 66 Chevelle
Pass Sp H Per 396 primary Holley No 34R 4460A w 3868826 9933 67 Pass w H D 396 427 w 3887147 67 Pass w Sp H Per 427 3898992 I 21 50 w 3916I43
BODY ASSY w plugs carb main merering 1 secondary w 3868826 99336885 06 6101 3916143 5 3923289 Note 1 1 70 All Holley
2818A 85 Pass w Sp H Per 396 3888265 1 4 20 COVER w coll w 3868826 3869933 70 Pass 454 70 Nova Chevelle Camaro
Holley 4BC 3852474 1 2 25 DIAPHRAGM ASSY w rod secondary w 3849804 3868826 64 9933 3874898 5964 6741 3662635 4505 6101 7147 73 74 Vega w 2BC 335093 1 15 SCREW carb dlaph