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PLUG pedal push rod hole repl 3872120 12 980 66 68 All 427 3857543 1 72 SEAL pedal push rod 69 All 427 3950007 1 1 40 SEAL pedal pueh rod 0 830 PEDAL Clutch
PLUG pedal push red hole repl 3872120 12 980 65 All 409 3857543 1 72 SEAL pedal push rod Note 1 lIl07 E I When using in place 0f38 79 15E seal
Chevelle 396 9776826 1 1 25 SEAL clutch push rod bellows type 65 68 Pass 396 3857543 1 72 SEAL pedal push rod Note 1 l NOTE l When using in place 1 9819756 seal
Chevelle 327 9776826 1 1 25 SEAL clutch push rod bellows type 65 68 Pass 327 3857543 1 72 SEAL pedal push rod Note 1 NOTE I When using
PLUG pedal push rod hola repl 3872120 1Z 9B0 68 Pass 307 3857543 1 72 SEAL pedal push rod 69 73 Camaro w A T 307 68 73 Chevy
Chevelle 283 9776626 I 1 25 SEAL clutch push red bellows type 85 67 Pass 283 3857543 I 72 SEAL pedal push rad Note 1 t GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET
SEAL clutch push rod bellows type 65 68 Pass 6 cyl 3857543 1 72 SEAL pedal push rod Note 1 NOTE 1 When using in place 3819756 seal up to M65 it wi be necessary