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Carter 11B 391 w 3764593 3772600 3795566 3815403 5404 9207 3820580 6004 6006 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 M 0 D x Vu shaft length 60 61 Pass ...
port expansion secondary Carter 47 36 w 3772600 3795566 7699 3815403 04 9207 3820580 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 3 786 VENTURI Carburetor 59 64 Pass w Roch ...
secondary choke side Carter 58 6205 w 3797699 3815403 5404 9207 3851761 62 F 6580 61 64 Pass w dual 4BC 409 62 64 Pass w H Per 327 3816416 1 secondary pump side Carter
Pass w H Per 327 exc P G 3862090 1 primary choke side w 3851761 used w Carter 3721 SA 64 Pass w H Per 327 exc P G 3862091 1 primary pump side ...
3851761 used w Carter 3721 SA NOTE 1 It is necessary that these parts be used on Carter carburetor Model 32698 with identification letter A stamped on base 3 790 GASKET SCREW Venturi Cluster ...
primary Carter 121 288 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 3815403 04 9207 3820580 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 3875966 6749 58 61 Pass
primary Carter 101 420 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815402 04 9207 3820580 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 3875966 6749 58 61 Pass ...
secondary Carter 1010 491 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815403 04 9207 3820580 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 3875966 6749 59 60 Pass w Carter 4BC 1875404 1 lever adjustment Carter ...
lever adjust w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815403 5404 9207 38205S0 6004 06 7324 3851761 5581 6580 3875966 6749 Carter 101 452 64 Pass w P G H Per 327 3857357 1 lever
shaft lockout Carter 53A 412 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815 404 9207 3820580 6004 06 3851761 62 5581 6 580 3875966 6749 59 61 Pass w Carter 4BC 62 64 Pass ...
inner shaft Carter 114 1152 w 3772600 3795566 7699 3815403 O4 9207 3820580 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 61 64 Pass w H Per dual 4BC 409 62 64 Pass ...
outer shaft Carter 114 159 w 3797699 3815403 5404 9207 3820580 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 3875966 6749 38 49 Pass 64 Taxi 7002139 1 CLIP connector rod clevis Carter
primary Carter 2 211 w 3760246 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815403 5404 9207 3820580 6004 06 3851761 62 6580 3875966 6749 58 61 Pass ...
secondary Carter 2 196 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795966 3815403 04 9207 3826004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 3875966 6749 61 64 Pass 409 exc dual 4BC 3814829 1 primary Carter ...
Pass w H Per 409 3814830 1 auxiliary Carter 3 13395 w 3797699 3815404 9207 3826004 06 3851761 62 5581 6580 61 64 Pass w H Per dual 4BC 409 62 64 Pass
standard Carter 16 205 w 3797699 3826004 3851761 used w Carter 37215 62 64 Pass P G w H Per 327 3877016 2 standard Carter 16 204 w 3819207 3826006 3851762 used w Carter ...
Carter 16 225 64 Pass w H Per 327 exc P G 3821716 2 w 3851761 Carter 16 199 used w Carter 3721SA 61 63 Pass w dual 4BC 409 3826075 1 ROD UNIT ...
Carter 61 585 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 3815403 04 9207 3820580 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 3875966 6749 3 811 DISC Carburetor Metering Rod 55 61 Pass w 4BC 62 64 Pass
Carter 121 292 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 3797698 7699 3815403 5404 9207 3820580 6004 96 3851761 62 5581 6580 58 64 Pass w Carter 4BC 3751527 1 Carter 121 311 59 61 Pass ...
gasket Carter 15 528 w 3760264 4593 3773600 3795566 7699 3815403 04 9207 3820580 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5561 6580 57 64 Pass 7032508 A R GASKET gas pipe connector carb ...
3851761 62 5581 6580 59 64 Pass exc Carter 4BC 7013584 1 GASKET gas pipe conn strainer carb end Rochester 59 64 Pass w Carter 4BC 3764576 1 GASKET fuel inlet filter Carter
assy WCFB 3697 S 62 63 w H Per 327 exc P G 3851761 1 assy AFB 3721 SA 62 64 P G w H Per 327 3851762 1 assy ...
3851761 No 5099 N 64 P G w H Per 327 3857361 1 w 3851762 No 3720 S CARTER MINOR REPAIR KIT NOTE Repair kit minor consists of pump needle and seat unit air horn ...
dual 4BC 409 3857360 A R w carb 3851761 381S403 5404 9207 3926004 3856580 No 900 136 141 62 64 409 exc dual 4BC 3794439 1 w carb
primary Carter 120 161 w 3895566 7699 3815403 5404 9207 3820580 6004 6006 7324 3851761 62 3880861 5439 41 3891595 used w Carter 3720S 3721S 61 Pass H Per w reg cam 348 64 Pass ...
primary w 3855581 Carter 120 224 64 Pass w H Per 327 7009575 A R w 3851761 62 used w Carter 3720SA 3721SA approx Vu opening 64 Pass w H Per 409 1456135 2 secondary ...
Carter 120 159 64 Pass w H Per 327 1460475 1 primary w 3851761 62 Carter 120 185 used w Carter 3720SA 3721SA approx Via opening 61 63 Pass 409 3823039 1 JET UNIT carb
lever piston housing Carter 14 6055 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815404 9207 3826004 06 3851761 62 6580 58 61 Pass ...
lever piston housing Carter 14 612S w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 9207 3815404 3816004 06 3851761 62 6580 59 64 Pass w Roch 4BC 7013175 1 SHAFT w lever ...
SPACER choke trip lever w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815404 9207 3826004 06 3851761 62 6580 3 753 SPRING Carburetor Choke 38 62 Pass w Roch 6 cyl exc A C 7002356 1 valve
piston cover plate w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815403 5405 9207 38205S0 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 3 859 SPRING Carburetor Power Pistoln 38 49 Pass w Roch 50 53 Pass ...
Carter 61 485 w 3650264 4593 3772600 3795566 7698 99 3815403 4 9207 3820580 6004 6 7324 3851761 62 5580 81 59 61 Pass w Carter 4BC 62 64 Pass ...
ASSY check Carter 122 108S w 3764593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815403 04 9207 3810580 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 1970 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON
Pass w dual 4BC 409 1423131 2 GASKET choke hsg Carter 20 43 w 3846246 3851761 2 5581 60 63 Pass 8 cyl exc Carter 4BC 64 Pass 327 exc H Per 7016472 1 GASKET ...
Pass w Sp H Per 327 3830752 1 HOUSING w 3826004 06 3851761 62 63 64 Pass 409 exc H Per dual 4BC 7025496 1 HOUSING w plugs 38 62 Pass
idle cam Carter 101 323 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815404 9207 3820580 6004 O6 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 3875966 6749 68 51 Pass w Carter 4BC 62 64 Pass ...
Pass w H Per 327 3830751 1 fast idle connector Carter 115 374 w 3851761 62 3 775 PLUG Carburetor Nozzle Passage 55 61 Pass w 4BC dual 4BC 62 64 Pass
Pass w H Per 327 1470451 2 w 3851761 62 3875966 6749 Carter 30A 81 3 823 SPRING Carburetor and Fuel Injection Idle Adjusting Screw 38 58 Pass w Roch exc 4BC 57 64 Pass ...
length 55 64 Pass w H Per dual 4BC 563887 A R carb idler w 3846246 47 3851761 62 5581 3875966 6749 Carter 61 84 56 58 Pass w Roch 4BC 59 64 Pass
3851761 62 5581 6580 58 61 Pass w H L Cam H Per Sp H Per 348 exc 3 28 3 61 64 Pass w dual 4BC 409 62 64 Pass ...
SCREW w washer Carter 101 4318 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815403 04 9207 3826004 06 3851761 62 6580 3 732 COVER GASKET SCREW Carburetor Dust 55 64 Pass w 4BC dual
Pass w H Per 327 3815044 2 w 3795566 3815493 04 9207 3826004 O6 3851761 62 6580 38 64 Pass exc 1959 C A C 7015110 1 VALVE ASSY air bleed airator unit
Carter 111 75 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815403 04 9207 3820580 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 64 Pass 327 exc H Per Sp H Per F l 3839649 1 Carter
Carter 48 2645 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815403 5404 3820580 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 62 64 Pass
flex Carter 61 649 w 3797699 3815403 O4 9207 3820580 6004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 3875966 6749 3 764 SWITCH CONTROL ASSY VALVE Carburetor Vacuum 58 61 Pass
Carter 7 218 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815404 9207 3826004 05 3851761 62 6580 61 64 Pass w H Per 409 3815038 1 Carter 7 217S
Pass w H Per 327 7013765 1 PISTON choke w 3797699 3815404 9207 3826004 06 3851761 62 6580 Carter 610 199 61 64 Pass 409 exc dual 4BC 3815053 1 PISTON choke Carter