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Unit W 3727102 5 432 Hanger AC l E 8 1552232 1 758 Cap Oil VVCFB 23515 3724158 3 71225 Carburetor x AC FG 1 5590037 3 904 Gasket WCFB
welded arm NOTE For use when installing carburetor 3724158 on jobs built with 3717687 When in stalling on jobs with O D also use bracket 3722513 and lever 3722514 and replace attaching studs in manifold
PASS CORVETTE w 4BC dual 4BC body Carter 1 21 267 w 3717687 exc 348 v 3724158 62 55 B 733246
INOTE Consists of 7007180 carburetor and 3707823 choke liectlli pipe azssy lNOTE For use when installing carburetor 3724158 on jobs bullt with 3717687 When installing on jobs with O ll also use bracket
CORVETTE 8 cyl 55 PASS w 4BC primary Carter 3 10075 w 3724158 3725020 1 3 00 55 56 PASS CORVETTE w 4BC secondary Carter 3 8515 566236 1 1 75 56 57 PASS CORVETTE