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rear brkt 7 16 20 301M steel 3722853 2 6 172 Not required in this group See group 6 172 NUT 3691530 08 7 412 SPRING Front Coil 60 63 CORVAIR exc H D susp
CHEVY bushing 3792613 2 10 62 63 CHEVY NUT front eye 7 16 20 3722853 2 6 172 7 535 BUMPER SPACER Rear Spring 62 63 CHEVY 3790214 2 30 63 64 F C SPACER
upper arm to front crossmember 7 1620 upper and lower arm 301 M steel 3722853 4 10 61 64 F C lower arm 7 16 20 2 holes 2 1 2 long
crankcase attach 7 16 20 3722853 8 6 172 61 64 CORVAIR F C PIN crankcase dowel 1 2 x 1 2 hollow 3786755 2 10 60 62 CORVAIR F C WASHER crankcase attaching