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FRAMES SPRINGS SHOCKS BUMPERS L344 1980 E Follow the steps below to utilize the Service Spring Charts 1 Obtain GAWRF frt or GAWRR rear weight from sticker on left front door Use kilograms Kg values
FRAMES SPRINGS SHOCKS BUMPERS L346 1980 X Follow the steps below to utilize the Service Spring Charts 1 Obtain GAWRF frt or GAWRR rear weight from sticker on left front door Use kilograms Kg values
FRAMES SPRINGS SHOCKS BUMPERS L342 1980 B COUPE OR SEDAN Follow the steps below to utilize the Service Spring Charts 1 Obtain GAWRF frt or GAWRR rear weight from sticker on left front door
FRAMES SPRlNGS SHOCKS BUMPERS 1980 ALL PASSENGER CAR CHASSIS SPRING CHART Exc Cadillac T0 determine correct replacement spring refer to production c0de taped to spring on vehicle REAR Prod Serv Serv d Prod Serv Serv
FRAMES SPRlNGEL l l ICKS BUMPERS L345 1980 l l Follow the steps below to utilize the Service Spring Cthartzs 1 Obtain GAWRF frt or GAWRR rear weight from sticlter on left front door
SPFIIlNG1 III E CKS BUMPERS L341 1980 B STATIONI WAGON Follow the steps below to utilize the Service Spring Chairtsi 1 Obtain GAWRF frt or GAWRR rear weight from sticker on left front door
SPRINGSE II jI CKS BUMPERS L339 1980 A STATIIOINI WAGON Follow the steps below to utilize the Service Spring Charts 1 Obtain GAVVRF frt or GAWRR rear weight from sticl er on left front door
FRAMES SPRIINGS IE I III2 CKS BUMPERS L343 1980 C ICOUIPE AND SEDAN Follow the steps below to utilize the Service Spring Charts 1 Obtain GAVI RF frt or GAWRR rear weight from sticker
FRAMES SPR NGS SHOCKS BUMPERS L34O 1980 A COUPE OR SEDAN Follow the steps below to utilize the Service Spring Charts 1 Obtain GAWRF frt or GAWRR rear weight from sticker on left front door
FRAMES SPRlNGS SH IlCl 1S BUMPERS 1980 ALL PASSENGER CAR Cl lASS1IS JSPFIING CHART Exc Cadillac To determine correct replacement spring refer to p c du1 1 ion code taped to spring on vehicle FRONT
necessary to use a water temp switch 25036136 exc ga pkg 1980 prior b water temp sender 8993164 w ga pkg 1979 80 c drill existing hole ...
round scallops at Iwr edge it will be necessary to measure from top of guide to valve spring seat Exhaust valve only lf dimension is 75 use valve spring and damper 6263796 free height
FUEL EXHAUST CARBURETION OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 4BC See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 11 12 3 725 CARBURETOR Production 17080260 17080517 3 725 CARBURETOR Service 1 17066964 17067003 3 724 GASKET ...
throttle 1 17063598 17064868 3 734 BOWL ASM float 1 17066961 17066725 3 459 BRACKET throttle return spring 1 3 444 BRACKET WASHER 1 3 766 CAM fast idle I 17053729 17056631 3 750 CHOKE
FUEL EXHAUST CARBURETION L224 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 4BC See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 1 2 3 4 5 3 725 CARBURETOR Production 17080202 17080204 17080504 17080250 17080253 3 725 CARBURETOR Service ...
BOWL ASM float 1 17066623 17066623 17066725 17066779 17066779 3 459 BRACKET throttle return spring 1 17070250 3 444 BRACKET WASHER 1 3 766 CAM fast idle
FUEL EXHAUST CARBURETION L226 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 4BC See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 6 7 8 9 10 3 725 CARBURETOR Production 17080259 17080553 17080554 17080251 17080252 3 725 CARBURETOR Service ...
BOWL ASM float 1 17066790 17066947 17066947 17066961 17066961 3 459 BRACKET throttle return spring 1 17070250 3 444 BRACKET WASHER 1 3 766 CAM fast idle
Rest 14 762 SPACER Sliding Sunroof Motor 14 560 NUT Rear Door Trim Finish 14 764 SPRING Front Door Trim Finish 14 691 NUT Rear Quarter Upper Above Belt 14 645 STOP Seat Belt Attaching ...
PANEL Front Door Trim Finish 14 691 Rest 14 685 PANEL Lock Pillar Finishing 14 731 TRIM 1980 Front Door interior Trim Less Arm PANEL Rear Door Trim Finish 14 764 Rest 14 685 PANEL
FUIQL EXHAUST jQIARBl I IETION L363 OLDSIVIOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER ZBIC Conrltiriiuedl Se zLI iAl0deI Reference for Aprplication GROUP DESCRIPTION OTV 64 3 741 SCREW throttle body oo AR 17063500 3 454 SCREW throttle lever ...
SOLENOID idle stop 1 4 3 440 SOLENOID mixture control 1 4 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 170514 I l4 3 753 SPRING choke valve 1 4 3 766 SIPRING fast idle screw
FUEL EXHAUST CARBURETION L220 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 2BC Continued See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 51 52 53 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 454 SCREW throttle lever ...
Idle stop I 17067425 17067425 17067425 3 440 SOLENOID mixture control I 17066911 17066911 17066911 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 3 753 SPRING choke valve 1 3 766 SPRING fast idle screw
FUEL EXHAUST CARBURETION L208 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 2BC Continued See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 31 32 33 34 35 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 454 SCREW throttle ...
SOLENOID idle stop 1 99 17067425 17067425 17067425 3 440 SOLENOID mixture control 1 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 17051494 17051494 3 753 SPRING choke valve 1 E 3 766 SPRING fast idle screw
FUEL EXHAUST CARBURETION L202 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 2BC Continued See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION DTY 21 22 23 24 25 3 741 SCREW throttle body ...
idle stop 1 17067425 17067425 17067425 17060708 3 440 SOLENOID mixture control 1 17111445 17111445 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 3 753 SPRING choke valve 1 3 766 SPRING fast idle screw
FUEL EXHAUST CARBURETION L338 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 2BC Continued See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 59 60 61 62 63 3 741 SCREW throttle body ...
SOLENOID mixture control 1 17063279 17111445 17111445 17063279 17063279 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 17051494 17051494 17051494 3 753 SPRING choke valve 1 3 766 SPRING fast idle screw
FUEL EXHAUST CARBURETION L190 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 2BC Continued See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 1 2 3 4 5 3 741 SCREW throttle body ...
idle stop 1 17067425 17067425 17067425 17067425 17067425 3 440 SOLENOID mixture control 1 17111445 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 3 753 SPRING choke valve 1 3 766 SPRING fast idle screw
FUEL EXHAUST CARBURETION L214 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 2BC Continued See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 41 42 43 44 45 3 741 SCREW throttle body ...
SOLENOID mixture control 1 17066911 17066911 17066911 17066911 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 3 753 SPRING choke valve 1 3 766 SPRING fast idle screw 1 A 3 470 SPRING fuel filter
FUEL EXHAUST QARBUIETION L229 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 4BCt C0n1 inued See Model Reference for Applicratiorn GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 11 12 3 730 SCREW air horn I I AR 17063591 17063591 3 730 SCREW air horn ...
SOLENOID UNIT w brkt 1 17070262 17067179 3 440 SOLENOID mixture control 1 17063279 3 766 SPRING cam follower M 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 17051494 17051494 3 766 SPRING fast idle screw
EXHAUST QARBUIETIONI L199 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER ZBC C0intIinuled See Model Referenice for Applliceition GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 18 19 20 3 741 SCREW throttle body I AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 454 SCREW throttle lever ...
idle stop 1 17067425 17067425 17067425 3 440 SOLENOID mixture control 1 4 4 4 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 4 4 4 3 753 SPRING choke valve
FUEL EXHAUST QAREQQEETION L193 OLDSNIOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 2BC Continued See VIOde Reference for Applicaaticri GROUP DESCRIPTION DTY 6 7 8 9 10 3 741 SCREW throttle body AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 454 SCREW throttle ...
idle stop 1 17067425 7 17078752 3 440 SOLENOID mixture control 1 17111445 7 7 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 TA 7 7 3 753 SPRING choke valve
EXHAUST ALCAREIQRETION L211 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER JZBC Continued See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION 0TY 36 38 39 40 3 741 SCREW throttle body 4 AR 20363125 20363125 20363125 20363125 3 454 SCREW throttle ...
SOLENOID mixture control 1 A A A A 3 766 SPRING cam lever 4 1 A A A A 3 753 SPRING choke valve 4 1 A A A A 3 766 SPRING fast idle
EXTENSION SPR NG Brake Pull Back 76 H X EXC P B 3850084 1 78 SPRING PULL BACK 4 639 4 765 CONNECTOR EO UALlZER LEVER NUT Parking Brake Cable ...
CABLE Parking Brake NOTE 1 1980 X 1st des w A T and Vin s greater than AW 104409 Wi ow Run NOTE 2 1980
EXHAUIST CARElQRET lON L335 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER ZZIBIC Continued See Model Reference for Alglicatiion GROUP DESCRIPTION 0 TY 54 55 56 57 58 3 741 SCREW throttle body ...
SOLENOID mixture control I 17063279 17063279 17063279 W W 3 766 SPRING cam lever I 17051494 17051494 17051494 17051494 17051494 3 753 SPRING choke valve I W W W W W 3 766 SPRING fast
FUEL EXHAUST ARBI IEIETION L225 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 4BC Continued See NIOdel Reference for Aprplicaticm GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 1 2 3 4 5 3 730 SCREW air horn ...
UNIT w brkt 1 17067179 17067179 17070262 3 440 SOLENOID mixture control 1 17063279 Y 3 766 SPRING cam follower M 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 7051494 17051494 17051494 17051494 17051494 3 766 SPRING
FUIEL 4 EXHAUST 4 CARBLI lETION L217 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 2BlC Continued See Model Reference for Appiliczatloinl GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 46 417 48 49 50 3 741 SCREW throttle body ...
SOLENOID mixture control 1 17063279 17063279 4 4 17066911 3 766 SPRING cam lever I 17051491 4 17051494 4 4 4 3 753 SPRING choke valve t 1 4 4 44 3 766 SPRING last idle
FUEL EXHAUST W IQZARBUIIETIORI L205 OLDSMOBIILE 1980 ROCHESTER 2B Ci C0ntiinued See Model Reference Ifor Appllicationr GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 26 27 28 29 30 3 741 SCREW throttle body ...
SOLENOID mixture control 1 W W W W W 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 17051494 17051494 17051494 17051494 17051494 3 753 SPRING choke valve 1 W W W W W 3 766 SPRING fast
FUEL EXHAUST W CARBURETION L196 OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 2BC Continued See Model Reference for Application GROUP DESCRIPTION OTY 11 12 13 14 15 3 741 SCREW throttle body ...
SOLENOID mixture control 1 W W 17066683 17066683 17066683 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 W W W W W 3 753 SPRING choke valve t 1 W W W W 3 766 SPRING fast
FUEL EXHAUST CARBUEEETION L227 OLDSMOBll lE 1980 1ROCHESTER 4BC Continued See Model Reference for App lic atiorn GROUP DESCRIPTION OT 6 7 8 9 10 3 730 SCREW air horn ...
brkt 1 17070262 17070262 17070262 17070262 j 3 440 SOLENOID mixture control 1 17063279 17063279 3 766 SPRING cam follower A 3 766 SPRING cam lever 1 17051494 17051494 17051494 17051494 17051494 3 7615 SPRING
FUEL EXHAUST CARBURETION OLDSMOBILE 1980 ROCHESTER 2BC Continued See Model Reference for Application cnoue oescniprioiu orv as 38 39 40 3 752 LEVER stat coil A 1 4 3 454 LEVER w bearing throttle ...
SCREW solenoid stop l 1 5 3 444 SCREW solenoid adj 1 3 806 ROD w spring metering 1 17065665 4 1987 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS OLDSMOBILE 31 3 000 GROUP