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thru 80 TILT w 109 W B left 3882241 1 147 50 63 66 Ser 50 thru 80 TILT w 109 W B right 3882242 1 147 50 63 66 Ser 50 thru 80 TILT |
right 3789372 1 175 25 60 62 TDM w 157W B exc I Beamaxles left 3815243 1 147 75 60 62 TDM w 157W B exc I Beam axles right |
ASSY universal adjustable 9 to p 12 3703494 2 10 147 60 65 ALL exc TILT 4 cyc DIESEL 65 66 Ser 60 TDM LCF 4 cyc DIESEL ARM ASSY |
piece throw away type 1 qt cap 5578052 1 3 81 65 Ser S0 159 Type PF 147 5574978 1 3 40 1 837 VALVE ASSEMBLY und PARTS Oil Filter |
ANOTE Refer to note at beginning of group I966 A Chevrolet Motor Division I General Motors Corporation 147 HD1 REVISED |
control striker 16 176 Plate assy Clutch slave valve shift 4 550 Plate Front fender name 8 147 cylinder 0 782 Piston transmission rear servo Plate Fuel manifold 3 330 plete assyw Drive seat |
DIESEL Spicer 60 15 147 3831800 1 120 45 63 66 ALL w 8 SPD Fuller A 2054 2372693 l 103 00 64 65 TDM 2 cyc DIESEL w 4 SPD w plugs Spicer |
krrrrelrle upper reveal 16 185 Nwtrivigigieggyvgli 5 120 control arm 6 178 Moulding Front fender name 8 147 Nut Steering knuckle spindle 6 022 Moulding 1 leadlarrrp |
required in this group See group 1 6 062 INSERT ASSY 792926 1 26 10 147 ARM ASSY Windshield Wiper Not required in this group See group 16 063 703494 2 42 l0 l50 MOTOR |
front fender series designation 3844131 A R 05 0 I966 8 147 Chovrolot Motor Divisron 843 HD1 Gonorol Motors Corporation REVISED MARCH I I966 |
DIESEL SPRING fender bolt 24464910 4 10 8 147 MOULDING ORNAMENT PLATE NUT Front Fender Nome Also see Group 17 507 Series Designation S6 ALL exc A T left Chevrolet |
grille 3838514 1 1 80 62 64 ALL NUT front emblem 6 3844131 A R 8 147 8 075 HANDLE Hood Catch 62 LCF DIESEL 65 LCF 4 cyc DIESEL |
compressor 4 868 power divider remote control 5 494 Pin Piston 0 636 Ornament Front fender 8 147 Pawl Parking brake lever 4 595 Pin Power divider control lever 4 570 NJ Outlet Coolant |