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SERIES 40 50 Require items C D G H plus the following I 1 1110947 Distributor Assembly Purchase new or transfer from replaced engine See J 1 3787522 Clutch Housing Assembly S General Information Note ...
SERIES 40 THRU 60 Require items C D G H Br j plus the following I 1 1110947 Distributor Assy Ser 40 50 I K Purchase new or transfer from replaced engine ...
SERIES 4000 THRU 8000 Require items C D G H Bn L plus the following S l 1110947 Distributor Assy Ser 4 6 L D l M 1 1112725 Distributor Assy Ser 5 thru
plus the following f ITEM QTY PART NO DESCRIPTION REMARKS l I 1 1110947 Distributor Assy Ser 4 P Q Purchase new or transfer from replaced engine 1 1112725 Distributor Assy Ser 5 thru ...
Purchase new or transfer from replaced engine W 1 3728750 Exhaust Manifold R H 1 1110947 Distributor Assy Ser 4 5 6 I X Exc Gov Purchase new or transfer from replaced l 1112330 Distributor ...
items D G L N O Gs R thru W 8 Z plus the following AA 1 1110947 Distribug L sembly Purchase new or transfer from rgxlaced engine AB 1 1513130 Temperature Gauge Engine Connect
stamped 1110847 on plate 1110947 1 29 00 55 62 ALL 6 cyl p rt No on plate
1110947 1015 2330 1932004 1 1 07 wl 57 59 Ser 4 5 w ov 57 59 Ser 4 6 7 8 9 10 8 cyl exc L D w 1110280 0302 0318 1H2343