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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

FOLDING TOP 21 13 material Fig 2130 RE 1 1 E l C marks for t 1l1l sticks sl1Ii nl l he translerred ti new tnp D Ll1 l lfL1 when step 8 wl inst 1llati n pnieedure is pericimiiied 15 Rei11 ve screw securing es ut l1e 111 clip at li eavh end nt Vll l Ul l nI lini nn rear linw Re1nr Ive A wire nn bindinu lrinn rear haw Detach trip ma terial l J ll rear wel I 1i 1w 1nd frnni trim sticks I then 1 en1r ve tmp 1 r vu1 asseniblv 1 7 I s II Ii n Y 1 Prinr te install 1ti 1n nl new tmp trim material E cheek enntiinr nl Iw n l t lI 1Lllll and side star pad asseiiililies wliere required adjust back curtain UPPER EDGE OF P REAR TRIM STICK and I 1 side staj 1 pads as 1 t lll1 d 2 Lav nut new tmp niaterial nn elczan prnterted GREASE PENCIL V V V MARK CURTAIN snrlave with nuter layer nl material oxpnsetl BELOW UPPER EDGE OF REAR 3 Using a penvil 111 11 1 tmp 111 1te1 ial t lTl l1 k TRIM STICK shiynld be apprI imatelv 1 2 in length at deck scam 4 1 4 f1 I ll11 edge nt tcp material upper rmi valanee biiidiiiu Flu 2131 A 4 Feld new tnp material in half sn that inner Fig 2 I 29 L c ring Edge of Top Mareiiul lining nf trip material is expnsecl Fig 2132 Install 1 G piece nl tape on inner surface at enterlint trim over t 1lclin mp Il l1 lE VLIl k With quarter lnld nf new tmp material Fig 2132 Usine a pencil flaps properly felded river rear side rent mils mark the apprr xi1nate eenterline ul new top Ina edge nt rails should match stitch lines et C tll 1E 1 te1 i Il 1l 1Igentirelenufdinttape llap seams niarks en deck seam sl1I nld be in center nf rear 1 11101 bww IMPORTANT Be sure lllilfk will he visible inside nf b rly after new wp is i11Stnlle l wu NOTE The deck seam l1lLll k will vary slightly ve1 tiI 1etr p i1 Hllll VII1 k IZ 1 4 depending upnn prisitimi ni rear 1 rml bow Alsn cheek centerline mark on inner linine 5 Alnng l Irwar surfaee nt rear 1 1t f1 IiI v install mf tnp material Mark shnuld eI 1 1 espn11tl tn 11 1 piere uf tape at centerline Lliniplr of 1 Hl l U gnt 1 1ii1e mark rin 1 13 1r 1 t iI 11 l v1w bww Using a penril mark centerline ni rear bmw on tape Fig 2133 7 Reninve trip trim l1lLlt 1 l ll 6 Cheek pijisitimi Inf rear 1 E1 fb I V ill l GiIIti to B Cnrefullv l 1y remnveil tmp whieli was marked llcrw fwldilll Wl Wim l155 1 blIv bY lT1 i S IWW ml at lnwer edge nl trim stiek prinr tn 1 e111 Jval nver rrrr F i J F L VK i S5 w riEHr 1 V 1 4 atI litr E O T i 1 l I 1 ir 7 x ig T 1 1 lti rE i E iI 1 a r re I if i V E T1 W j If 1 i i r V E iii Z v1 iii I v1 iiszar b ii I T Eli Iii i D r l W T ie it i Iii ii e e e3 rE G P I mm srIc r V MARKS on vnrwt vcr AUACHIMG BCM MATEI2IAt IMDICATING E nm or nm sncx Fig 2 I 28 11 im tiii Qtt cFwrv1eI1t Fig 2 I 3L1 I Imking Folding Top M Ieii I