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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

DOORS 2D l T effort and loosening adjusting nut will decrease effort When desired adjustment has been obtained bend down washer tab to look nut in position See I rio ZDBG j f NOTE This adjustment should be perfornied J as a benrh operation s iiii Il OOOOOO r E I I 3 The ventilator frame lower adjusting stud F Fo J 1 V Ijg and nut provides in or out adjustment by use of I nl FN ifi V an oversize attaching hole and tore or att adjust j I M ci 3 I ment by turning adjusting stud in or out as I T VI f tj required Nd j K 3 j UJj I FRONT DOOR VENTILATOR ASSEMBLY I 1 r ALL STYLES EXCEPT 37 AND 67 STYLES j wig 4 le RETAINER The front door ventilator assembly is a j l I QSGCHING inanually operated irietion type unit on all styles jj M jjj TU T I Removal und nsI i n lL L h SECTION B B v l Raise door window remove door trim pad and IEW A detaoh inner panel water deflector UM 2 Remove door window glass run channel lower rear retainer attaching srrew and remove retainer F 9 2D27 D00 Wiiidvw G 5 Run Cl l through large access hole Figure 2D Y is typical L W V REW R l V of retainer retention on all closed styles and sliding nut in slot provided See Fig ZD28 3 Remove window lower stop Fig 2D30 Lower The diVi i m hiUm 1 CHU NSU UE l S1U d Ul UT door window completely down and slide it as far IM DY h 5 i nut ind WYNUTQ Stud iii UT out liemiwmid as DOSSij j as required and tightening nut 4 Remove ventilator division channel lower ad 2 Th mwt Yequir d t r r l E Wi FIGS vw justing stud nut ventilator frame to door outer Vemlkitor elm b S t py Stmlghtglullg timu g panel return flange attaching screw and three v Sb mb mid Uglltelung i l i i S e me Lid ventilator to door upper franie attaching screws u5tm ut Tmhtgmug the d uStmg um wlu m SEE View NAM in 21328 crease operating effort and loosening adjusting nut will decrease operating effort When the 5 R l l OV glass run ehannel from ventilamp d iT l 11 ljl1 Y 11 IMS been obtained bend down division rhannei above ben line Washer tub to lock nut in position Sec ZD26 G Lin v utijutm l m Lu j and upward umu NOTE r I his adjustment should be performed lower forward corner of assembly is ree oi door H5 H h h P M m u Y L L1U vS V x B 2D28 mm I FRONT DOOR WINDOW INNER PANEL CAM T Rotate ventilator assembly in an outboard 6LL TYLES EXCEPT 35 55 65HAND v r 69 STYLES inovenient and iemove unit outboaid oi dooi uppei U Ame bee VIEW C m Fl 2DZB All two door styles are equipped with a door 8 TO msmuv 1 UvC1 S r mwval pI O dul window double arnr regulator thereby requiring usage oi a door window inner panel eain This rain houses one oi the window reeulator balance FRONT DOOR VENTILATOR ADJUSTMENTS arm rollers ALL STYLES EXCEPT 37 AND 67 STYLES Removul und Insoullurion 1 A slight fore or nit adjustment of the venti lator division channel is available at the lower 1 Raise door window remove door trim pad adjusting stud and nut by loosening attaching nut and detach inner panel water defiector