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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

2D I6 DOORS DOOR NNER PANEL Lh x 2 R 1nr e frunt tIn n winvjlmw isgemblj TO VENTILATOR SCREW T Elk 3 Renwve vt ntiltitnr rlivisinn h innel lnxvm V j udtusting stud nut See ZD24 7 M lw 4 Rexiiuve cl0 1 inner punel tru ve1itilgt n nt TiD W REGULAL LB I g M t l1inu screw See Fit 2D24 T 1 I I L g x 5 On Itmr hinge pillar reninve ventil 1tm lriune g Q g lwwer ttt tnr h1ng bnlt nnnl ventxkitrtr treme ltiiwer O j x udiusting stud nut See ZD25 REMOTE CONTROL BOLT3 4 11 3 3 it 6 Lift v ntil 1tr r assembly frnni between I r r T inner and nutor panels l ENT LATO 2 ISION tHAN lE L M yi 74 T0 install reverse renwvnl p1 e iIurr LOWER ADJUSTING STUD NUT mg FRONT DOOR VENTILATOR ADJUSTMENTS 37 AND 67 STYLES F 2 i F H dv I N IOM mm Gr mw 1 A slight nre und nit Jcljustment of the venti FRONT DOOR VENTILATOR ASSEMBLY lat or ITT iSlOll h annel is available nt the lnwer 37 AND 67 STYLES ualjustinu stncl and nut by lnmseninq ntturlnne nut in l sliding nut in slut prbviwitetl See Flu ZD25 The lrbnt ttuur ven til it r nssexnlvly is n nmnnully The tlivisinn vhzinnel enn nlsn be pr siti nm it in nr eperziterl frictinn type unit on ull styles nut by loosening nut und turning stud in er eut us required and tightening nut Removal nd Instullution I Hglise Ir r r wimIr w reninve ctmiir trim gis Z Th EUUTI 1 q i d tn rjlmu in 1 S Ul seniblv and rletmsh inner panel water cleflt ntr 1 Vemllntwr mu be SM by St1 u mCmug lettummi washer tub and tightening or leinlnsening the adjust ing nut Tightening the adjusting nut will invrezise vEr nnAt0R FRAME V LOWER ATTACHING BOLT e v M ex Z 2 i Y 3 I t VENTILATOR TO DOOR T U INNER PANEL it ATTACHIQNG SCREW W L i l LU ixi t T 1 l Q I I J EK xx At it L I 1 6 VENTILATOR FRAME LOWEH W C i Amustmc stun 8 Nut c 4 r W TAB t w 7 ADJUSTING NUT I4 I l K VENTILATOR FRONT FRAME Q I ATTACHING SCREWS VENTILATOR DIVISION CHANNEL LOWER ADJUSTING STUD NUT Fig ZD25 Fr nr Door Ventilmor Hqrdwure Fig 2D26 Fr nt Door Wtzuwtitutmr Assembly