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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

DOORS 2D 15 2 Remove door trim pad and detach inner panel water deflector sufficiently to gain access to front 3 A 2 1 Q and rear up travel stop attaching bolts A 3 Remove bolts securing rear up travel stop r r Q to door inner panel and front up travel stop to window lower sash channel Fig ZD22 and re g move stops from door 6 gi 4 To install reverse removal procedure 4 7 ll 4 l 2 F n 7 l 5 FRONT DOOR WINDOW ASSEMBLY rl 37 AND 67 STYLES g l Jl The front door window assembly consists of a 6 solid tempered safety plate glass window and a ibid Y 4 ss e s1 9 bolted on lower sash channel assembly that in 3 cludes welded on lower sash channel cams With s X ll this design the door glass lower sash channel nfl l and sash channel cams are removed from the f rl door as a unit Once removed the glass can be 8 j N removed from the sash channel assembly in a il bench operation 7 Figure ZD23 is an exploded view of the 3 I 67 wi style front door window assembly and identifies the various components and their assembly sequence kl Im SECTION A A NOTE When installing nuts to lower sash chan ng to glass bolts dg not Exceed torque gf Fig ZD23 Front Door Window Assembly 37 Bi 67 Styles 50 meh 1bs 4 fum msi l Lower Sash Channel to 6 Gloss to Susln Channel Glens Attaching Bolt Spueers 3l CAUTION Use care to make certain glass does 2 Lawar Sash Channal y Lawar Sash Channel Ta not strike hard objects Edge chips or deep Assembly Gloss Armching Bolt Nut scratches can cause solid tempered safety plate 3 lr j v r SL rlr 9 n9l 8 h werr hsl glwnnel rms in O In nner l er or 1 glass to shattei Do not attempt to grind or drill 4r rowrr Sirh Crrrrrfhrr 9r Lower Sash Cgggrrrr wss Outer Filler Inner Filler 5 Door Window Gloss Removal nd lnslullurion front and rear sash channel cams and remove door 1 Remove door trim assembly and detach inner Window from door See Fig 2D22l panel water deflector 6 To install reverse removal procedure 2 On styles not equipped with a hang on door trim pad remove glass run channel inner strip assembly FRONT DOOR WINDOW ADJUSTMENTS 3 Raise door window and remove door window 37 AND 67 STYLES lower sash channel guide plate and front and rear up travel stops The front door window is adjustable fore or aft by adjusting the guide plate See Fig 2D22 Up 4 Remove inner panel cam as described in a and down adjustment is available at the front and following procedure rear up travel stops rotation of glass is available at the inner panel cam and in and out adjustment 5 The door window lower sash channel cams at rear edge is available at the rear run channel can now be moved even with or slightly higher lower attaching bolt A slight fore and aft adjust than the belt line of door outer panel Move door ment is available at front edge of glass by ad glass to this high point position and slide assembly justing the ventilator division channel at lower rearward to disengage regulator arm rollers from adjusting stud and nut See Fig 2D22