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Body Service Manual August 1964
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ELECTRICAL IL 29 1 Checking fer Current at Circuit Breaker 5 Checking the Seat Centrnl Sw tch A Connect cine test light lead to batter side of Ul U18 fellewingg 0D91 Yi i 1lf V hi il ll UY the Seat h uit bl Hkc 1 j L ng q H rpm Sjumud Dang in ctiintrni switch tn be actuated a switch that has been engine compartment 35 36 38000 series engine h kGd fl 1 PI V D I i 1 91 ilti lh ifY DP i l l t dt cumpartnient 25 26000 series in fusebluek 45 46 the switch bluck It a switch is nut available a 43 53000 SEMQS Jud my uu j other q1 If tester three wav jumper wire can be made tu perform the does not light there is no current at battery side switch iunctiun The niethed of makin the jumper Cj1 puj gk r wire and the switch locations tu be cunnected to obtain a specific mcivement ofthe seat are shbwn in B Tu check circuit breaker diseunnect switch Figgures lIAl 42 Ii a jumper wire is uscd feed wire from breaker and with a test lisht check number the locations on the switch bluck as in for current at switch side di circuit breaker It dicatcd in the illustratiun tester dues not light there is HU current flowing ju ughCh witm AkE v NOTE Tb make jumper wire ubtain two 2 pieces cwf M12 gauge wire each 4 l 2 lone Join 9 r r une end bf each wire as slibwii in diagram The Ch l Um the Iglutwu Remy A lr jeined end can be inserted in the feed location in 35 36 38O0O 1195 Only the switch bltvck one of the rem iimn ends I Ill A WM t 1 It 1 kf t t be inserted intu one of the solennid lcncations A i i tes isi c iecc er curren at circui t rB kE1v Side Of rgkwj H tester kms i t h ht there A Obtain switch or jumper wire and connect to is a short dr open circuit between circuit breaker Switch block and relay assembly B Operate switch if used It adjusters operate B Turn ignition switch on Iandfwitli a test light with Switch M jumper wire but dm um pl jmt9 with U1 1 1 At Outptlt 1 letay It te tgt Original switch the Original switch is defective or dtmb HM 1 1 the Why lb dsjeuuvg OY tiles ls A connector block was nut sufficientlv cnsaexed short cir epen circuit between ieniticnn switch and RFFY Hgsgmhhx Check WINS belurg mphmulg IMPORTANT T0 obtain a seat niovement using I E y a three wav jumper wire at the switch block the switch feed lncation one uf the m tbr field wire F f Y NQTE 3 fh 38090 U l AOHU Iw lt1 u locatiuns and one ot the sol n it1d locations have switch must be on tor pertmrmine the remainder rf he MP 3 I r tu bc connected siinultancnuslv n c c t i g jrocec ure The switch locations tb be c nnected tu bbtnin a s eciii seat movema t utl ici ti i 1l 3 Checking Feed Circuit Cdntinuitv at Relay on 1 L U Ln Us mel l U MVA S it l t q IU O1 1 To raise seat place jumper wire in locrttinns A B and E A Disengtage three way emnnecter bcidv frctm the seat inotnr relav 2 To lewer seat place jumper wire in locations A D ai il E B Insert one test light lead into the relay power ll Wi i il bbw on tht hUn ml Elnuud 3 TO Operate seat fdrward place jumper wire in lecaticms A C and D H 9 h E un Tn nperate sen i e r w n p1 n t jumper wu at end of teed wire Failure is caused bv an open in l cati ns A B and L or shert circuit in feed circuit fi Checking Wires Between Cr ntrt l Switch and 4 Checking for Current at Seat Contrul Switch jW tm H jRy A C Y UH test light Wild te EBU t F1 I im ii1 A Disengage three wire harness cunnector from uf switch block and ground other test light lead tn yeh at mUt Jy body metal B Insert 0ne test Iieht lead inte the int tti 1 field B It tester does n0t lieght there is HO Cll1 1 t nine tt r slot on harness and c r und other lead at switch block Failure is caused by an Open mr shbrt circuit between switch block and power C Aptumg SEM Switch tj Ougmizg mgm Wu S0 1 being tested