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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

ELECTRICAL 1L 3 Rear Door Window Harness The left and right 7 2 7 rear door harness connects to the main flat feed 7 G 2 777 harness in the base of the center pillar See Figs 77777 j77 F A I y 1L10 1L11 l To disengage the connector pull har i 7 JT 2 i 77 7 V ness inboard at base of center pillar 7 i F 7 A 717 17 Power windows are operated by a rectangular 7 17 shaped 12 volt series wound motor with an internal i7 1 7 gig 7 7 l circuit breaker and a self locking rubber coupled 77 V gear drive The harness to the door window motor 77 7 V A 7 ii connector is designed with a locking embossment I 1 to insure a positive connection When disengaging C r D 7 l E me harness connector from the door motor it is r 7 Q Y necessary to depress the thumb release When in Z stalling the harness the thumb release must be we 7 V V held depressed until the embossment on the female 77 iw connector is locked in the hole of the motor V connector Fig lL5 Franr End Power Window Wiring Typical for Some rear quarter window motors and the ven 35 36 38000 Serie tilator motors are designed with a locking type connector which should not be disengaged When A Front Door Wiring testing or removing the motor the in line con B Ignition Relay nector located inboard of the inner panel should C Power Sear Feed on 38439 67 ond 38669 Only be disengaged All tests are made at this location D To Cirerlir Breol ier E To Fuse Block The current for the power window and ventilator F POWEY WIMOW Wiring C T circuit is obtained by a circuit breaker located G C A s O r H E 15716000 series left cowl 25 26000 series and CONNECTOR FOR LEFT AND RIGHT QUARTER WINDOW WIRING swircn BLOCK MASTER SWHCH BLOCK i r ir77 77e7 i e 7 77 QUARTER MOTOR Gr 7 7 I li Q7 3 U Yi 777 7 1 7 j yi 7 7 7 ir 1 in 77 i R err Y l T jd T lll 1 r V ee r 1 l 1 l s l li 1 J vger l L l 1 t l l R V I li i i i e 7 Q 1 1 7 7 77 777 y7 7 r 7 7 ii l L 7 X an 71 1 7 2 7 Y if 1 7 x V i 1 ll ii t V 1 r l r o is rr 7 E7 li IN LINE HARNESS CONNECTOR 7 C il 9 7 7777 i a r 77 DOOR MOTOR 1805 Fig lL6 Lett Side Power Window Wiring 67 Style