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Body Service Manual August 1964
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FOLDING TOP 11 27 CONDITION APPARENT CAUSE CORRECTION A Difficult lorking action at front 1 Lock hook improperly Adjust lock hook Counter roof rail adjusted clockwise 2 Misaligned front roof rail front Loosen realign and retark front weatherstrip roof rail front weatherstrip 3 Front roof rail misaligned Adjust front roof rail B Top does not lock tight enough 1 Lock hook imp r op e rly Adjust lock hook clockwise to windshield header adjusted 2 Misaligned front roof rail front Loosen realign and retaek front weatherstrip roof rail front weatherstrip 3 Front roof rail misaligned Adjust front roof rail C Top travels too far forward l Front roof rail misaligned Adjust front roof rail rearward Fig 1159 2 Male hing e a s se mbly Adjust male hinge assembly rear misaligned ward Fig 1158 D Top does not travel forward l Front roof rail misaligned Adjust front roof rail forward far enough Fig 1159 2 Male hinge assembly Adjust male ninge assembly for misaligned ward Fig 1158 3 Improper spacing between rear Install an additional spacer be trim stick and body metal tween rear trim stick and body metal at eaeh attaching bolt location E Side roof rail rear weather 1 Male hinge assembly Adjust male hinge assembly rear strip too tight against rear of misaligned ward Fig 1158 rear quarter window F Gap between side roof rail 1 Male hinge assembly Adjust male hinge assembly for rear weatherstrip and rear of misaligned ward Fig 1158 and or shim rear quarter window side roof rail rear weatherstrip forward as required G Side roof rail rear weather 1 Male hinge niisaligned Adjust male hinge upward Fig strip too tight against top of 1158 rear quarter window l 1 Gap between side roof rail 1 Male hinge misaligned Adjust male hinge downward and rear weatherstrip and top of or shim side roof rail weather rear quarter window strip downward as required 1 Sag at front to center side 1 Control link adjusting plate Adjust control link adjusting plate roof rail joint misaligned downward Fig 1158 2 Center side roof rail hinge Adjust screw oounterclockwise adjusting screw improperly Fig 1159 adjusted