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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

FOLDING TOP lI I I IMPORTANT Where a grease pencil or similar 7 material is used for marking back curtain marks must be below trim stick so that they will not y I show after curtain is installed in body 4 Center and position back curtain assembly to V rear trim stick over attached compartment bag NOTE Notch in back curtain material at lower i V A edge indicates centerline of back curtain as A senibly See Fig 1147 In addition back curtain lower edge should extend approximately l 2 below lower edge of trim sticks V MOICFI IN MATERIAL Tack curtain to rear and rear quarter trim TACKS V A AT CEriTERI II JI sticks Fig lI4 On right side tack zipper tape I to forward edge of rear quarter trim stick Fig i 47 B eI Curtain I St ll H0v1 NOTE Zipper stop should be above upper edge of rear quarter trim stick Zipper tape should three or four tacks to rear bow to prevent acci not be pulled taut after back curtain has been dental damage to backlight installed to rear roof bow as zipper assembly may show through top material after top has ll Install rear trim stick with attached back been properly installed curtain assembly into body 6 Tack remainder of back curtain material to NOTE Make sure that all trim stick bolts are rear quarter trim stick driven ZOIHIDIGTGIY in to represent finished condition 7 Tacks securing back curtain assembly to trim sticks should be placed close to each side of every 12 Working from body center progressively out bolt hole in trim sticks then pierce or punch back board to right and left sides tack back curtain curtain assembly for each trim stick bolt upper valance to rear bow Make sure all fullness has been drawn from curtain material Fold any 8 Tack nylon webbing to rear trim stick For ward edge of webbing should be even with edge of rear trim stick FHLERS 9 Inspect rubber trim stick fillers cemented i to body below pinchweld Re cement if necessary Fig 1148 tg 74 y I I I 4 i 10 Fasten back curtain assist straps to rear roof bow then secure back curtain assembly with I I gg ea I ria I XT UI It I CENTER sowY te rrrr T 1 7 9 i osx er rrrr ly V rrr r y r TRIM STICK i SPACER pq r U STICK tt E Ilf iii r VV rr V i com on ups TRW SUCK 7 ti i up I Ii my IIl IEI B INI III ONS err Aq gfllilt AL 7 T fr if W 5 if F I I l2 Q IQQ6 Fig I I 46 Sp er Stick Insmllqrion Fig I I 48 Che king Trim Stick Fillers