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Body Service Manual August 1964
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11 4 FOLDING TOP camera s0w Q f r 7 7 O Y O Aw O l we I O rr V r V rrrrrrr Wg A x NN O rt I O semen W I 3 STICK Oryrr 1 Loran on TAPE WM OVV A O J 1 fl r i i g f r 7 r rs 1 ii 3 iT Sli j MARKS ON VINYL MATERIAL INDICATING ENDS OF TRIM STICK M M I rm Fig I I 9 Sp eer Siick Inseuliurion Fig I I 1I M rI ing Back Curtain T Il 2T1 i1x ti FO 356 lbmiltn 1 E r marks for trim sticks should be transferred to new 1 Pl ff Iii lr ny fl vii brick curtain material when step G 0i instullation LINE 1i1 b v y pdLS AHC LU lll dill ILSSEXHJ pl UC du1 Q D riO1 nlSd IQI r l D 29 Remove back curtain assembly from rear 26 Remnye reur trim stick with atturlieci back and may qumqer trim StiCkS nurtnin ussembly nnti t0p t cr1np 1rtn1ent bus from V I VIIA body ruidplxwe on rrleun protected surface 30 Remove bldg Stay p3dS Stdy pads me lt tuehed te front roof rail and front and rear bows 27 Remove right and left nylon webbing from with tacks M Center bow wth Sm wS H Smkr INSTALLATION or I 0L Nc Tor AND 28 Using eliixlk or either suitable material mark BACK CURTAIN TRIM ASSEMBLY ends uf rezir quarter trim sticks 0n yinyl surface 1 1f new top is being installed but it was ini rif bnek curtain nuiterinl Fig 1111 Referenee possible to perform step 23 0f removalprocedure 1 n I M 4 Z I 1 C Q v 3 8 R 4 v 3 1 J lf Le I l Q W I j 14 2 7 1523 Fig I I IO 5p cer Stick Dimensions MATERIAL PER STICK Weed I 2 x I 15 1 2 Bott I r4 20 UNC 2A I Sreei 1 32 X 1 2 X 2 1 2 Wingnut I 4 20 UNC 2B Steel 1 32 I 1 2 7 2 Washers I V4 I D 2 screws 6 X i r2