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Body Service Manual August 1964
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1D 42 DOORS REAR DOORS The pruceclures intzluclecl in this sectimi concern REAR DOOR HINGES lIll OY lE l lS peculiar to rear duniirs only Pr1 e ALL STYLES dures ior the removal Of trim inside and tnitsitle clmnr handles and d1 0r weutherstrips which are AS the TEK l J1 hi LT S RTE S l 11 1il with SCl WS similar for both irnnt and rear clmiirs are found in tn lmth the C100 and CQNWT DiU i1 UW flO J1 Ulm D9 the F1 f1nt 111dRe 1r Dr11 1r sevtionl I 1UOV il by either removing the duor rum the hinges Or by removing the d1 11 1r and hinges as an assembly from the center pillar Fiu11r1 s lD54 lD55 and lD56 which are il lllSll L lllJ lS 1 1f the 39 style 69 style except 68069 style and the 68069 style rear clmnr luirdwure Rem v I meclizinisnis identify the specific lmrtlware c n1pO nents and shbw their lIltlf l1Sl ll to etich Other l With u pencil markl1 1i 1ti 111rvfliiiigesrui cl01 1i 1 7 i 1 l0 Rxxn 1 1 1 ll 1 Ry 2 K 11 11 1 1 1 jj 1 9 m 4 7 I 4 j r 5 y 1 1 g 7 rrpprpr I al 5 Q li 8 rrrrr V 1 7 1 1 J 7 1 1 l 1 1 1 e 11 l M11 9 K A 7 6 1 5 K 1742 Fay 1D54 t e 1 0001 1 1 1 1W 1e ewes Except 38 48 68000 series 1 wz11 1 1 A5 cm1 1 1 5 Remote O 1 1 8 Gloss Run c11 e1 Emends Complefely 4 Lm 1 t 1 sm C1 m1el mm Connecting Rod Aroma Window to Point A 1 3 Outside 1 1 1le wl Sealing Gaskets 6 1 e1 Pqnel Cum 9 msiae Locking Rod 4 Dom Lock 7 Remote comm 10 window Regulmer