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Body Service Manual August 1964
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lD 38 DOORS VACUUM DOOR LOCK DIAGNOSIS 35 36 38 48000 SERIES CAUSE I One door lock lass behind Lock or linkage binding Front Door others when locked or unlocked 1 Lubricate lock and check in side locking control rod for free dom of movement 2 Check drive link for freedom of movement in lock trip lever Rear Door 1 Lubricate lock and checkin side locking control rod and link age for freedom of movement 2 Check clearance of lock and actuator to door hardware Coupe 1 Lubricate lock and check in side locking control rod for free dom of movement 2 Check freedom of movement of actuator and lock J One door lock will not lock Actuator hoses pinched or Front Door or unlock disconnected 1 Check for pinched hoses at front door conduit on side affected 2 Check for hose disconnected at affected actuator Orange or Yellow Rear Door 1 Check for pinched hose at rear door conduit and at center pillar 2 Check for kinked or flattened hoses under front door carpet support plate 3 Check for disconnected hose at metal tubing or at actuator Orange or Yellow K System will not hold vacuum 1 Excessive leakage in any one 1 Actuate system through sev for 48 hours of the following units can be the eral lock and unlock cycles and cause recheck leakage Remote Valve isolate leaking component and b Door valves 2 IBD ACE c Storage tank and check valve IMPORTANT If a door valve is d That part of the harness as found to be leaking tighten senibly that contacts these screws on back of valve then re components check valve If valve continues to leak replace valve