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Body Service Manual August 1964
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1B 4 LUBRICATION WV L f Qfii ij rrr A 1 rrr 4 Fix A gr r r tea irs 47 vis we eTe 4 Yif fiiiy g I i I T T A V r M Qizfl iiiii ll Al J rr rr T LUBRIPLME in rrr a r fi T l TTUT or r rr Jill T W T 1 Tr T M T all is I T lm UT T all TT T T M view A NT T if W i T i I aecnorx AVA V Q T we il l Fic iB10 t 1 Gnte tUb aC nO ll lll ll U S DRIPLESS On it W Lak ml apply a thin film of Lubriplate to the bolt at the iaTljQ i striker contact areas ii TKT i isi V J l J l w la tx rei t REAR COMPARTMENT LID HINGES TT a y seg it x si AND TOROUE RODS ALL STYLES TT wi V gsi will Apply Lubriplate to hinge and torque rods at Ti T 22 friction points i LT TE T TAIL GATE HINGE STATION WAGON STYLES 1165 Wipe Off dirt and apply a small amount of drip Hg TBTT LUb TC HO Cclw mble TOP Linkage less oil to frictional areas TAIL GATE kecumron AND cAMs F D NG TOP T CY NDER STATION WAGON STYLES PISTON RODS ALL 67 STYLES Apply It light mat Of Lubriplatg to points mdb With folding top in raised position wipe exposed cated THAT TBTOT portion of each top lift cylinder piston rod with a cloth dampened with brake fluid to remove any oxidation or accumulated griinei With another clean FOLDING TOP LINKAGE cloth apply a light film of brake fluid tothe A 67 STYLES piston rods to act as a lubricant Appl a sparing amount of light 0il to all bearing NOTE Use caution so that brake fluid does not points Fig 1B11 Wipe off excess lubricant to come in contact with any painted or trimmed prevent soiling trim parts of the body