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<- Metal Trim and Clips - Panels Parts Illustration Catalog January 1972 Body Wiring - Folding Top Trim ->
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197112 CUSTOM CRUISER BODY SHEET METAL 16835 15 ex 1973 CUSTOM CRUISER BODY SHEET METAL IBQ BR I iii tfatzn I xii inn lE v I 1 i2 a1 J DANE L Iain I 1 22 JSl 5L I PORT Spare Tire ment Side Ctniiptinent it lluin 35 I J 12 458 SUPPORT Tail Gate kvnzliow xlnttir Mounun in Panel I 4 12 981 SUPPORT Tail Gate Vin4iou Motor Mounting on Snare Tire Pocket I 5 a2 981 POCKET Spare Tire Riuit Side Coniponent tf Item 35 5 12 081 BAR Ioninart nent Rin Longitudinal Outer Rear Right Side I 7 12 304 PANEL 4SSY Cowl IC mnonent nl Item 10 I Ii 12 650 GRACE SS i Dash to Chassis Frame IComponent nf Item 14 9 12 80 1 EXTENSION Cowl Panel 10 12 304 PANEL ASSY Cowl Vent Center Duct Incl Item T1 I 11 10 230 SUPPORT Instrument Panel End Upper I 12 12 340 PANEL Front Body Hinge Pillar 13 12 054 SUPPORT Headlining Outer I 14 12 304 PANEL ASSY Dash Incl Item 5 I 15 12 804 SUPPORT Steering Column on Center Duct I 16 12 934 PANEL ASSY Rocker I 17 12 981 PAN ASSY Rear Compartment 18 12 242 COVER Tail Gate Linkage I 19 11 520 RETADIER Folding 3rd Seat Back Filler Panel Catch I 20 12 981 BAR ASSY Compartment Pan Longitudinal Inner Right Side I 21 12 981 I IOUSDIG ASSY Tail Gate Lower I 22 12 981 I IOUSTNG ASSY Tail Gate Upper 23 12 986 BAR Rear Cross I A r 24 12 179 PANEL Tail Gate Outer Component oi Item 25 25 12 179 GATE ASSY Tail Incl Item 24 I J 26 10 230 SUPPORT Instrument Panel End I A 27 12 804 EXTENSION Cotvl Vent Duct Panel Reinforcement I 28 12 491 PILLAR Center I 29 12 491 EXTENSION Center Pillar Inner Panel to Roof 30 12 942 PANEL Body Lock Pillar Outer Lower 31 12 945 DOOR ASSY Gas Tank Filler 32 12 940 PANEL Quarter Outer I 33 12 942 REINFORCEMENT Body Lock Pillar at Belt 34 12 945 FILLER Gas Tank Door Opening I 35 12 944 PANEL ASSY Wheelhouse Incl Items 2 5 37 It 36 36 12 945 POCIQET ASSY Gas Tank Filler Neck Leit Side I Component of Item 35 I 37 12 944 PANEL Wheelhouse Outer Component of Item 35 I 38 12 940 PANEL Quarter Outer Extension I 39 12 940 FILLER Quarter Panel tu Back Body Pillar Front I 40 12 940 FILLER Quarter Panel to Back Body Pillar Rear I 41 12 943 POCKET Tail Lamp Opening I 42 12 968 PANEL Back Body Pillar Inner Lower 43 12 968 PANEL Back Body Pillar I 44 10 351 DOOR ASSY Front Incl Item 45 I 45 12 395 PANEL Front Door Outer Component of Item 44 46 10 373 DOOR 4SSY Rear Incl Item 47 I 47 12 913 PANEL Rear Door Outer Component of Item 46 I I I I I Rev Sept 1972 GROUP 12 000 B 589 I