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![Parts and Accessories Catalog January 1972](/getbigpage?pageid=89301)
1972 OLDSMOBILE MODELS ULDSMIIBILE r FISHER BODY SALES SALES MODHS SALESCDDE MODEL DUDE 8 VIN SEFIIES UDELS r 5 Four Door sedan me 72 33269 EK use rose res sraurraru root error Sedan Haroltop Coupe 3287 72 33287 F87 3287 lF87l Cutlass Standard y Hartltup Coupe cvrms s w 2 seat 72 33636 me ross I cures l 2 Seat ts w Four Door Sedan 3668 72 33669 EK 3688 669 r Cutlass Four Door Sedan S Club Coupe 3677 7233677 G77 3677 G77 Cutlass Club Coupe S Hardtep Coupe 3687 72 33687 G87 3687 G87 Cutlass S Hardtop Coupe CUTLAS5 surname uarurup Sedan rzame Jse me J38 Cutlass Supreme uarurop Sedan arotop Coupe 4257 72 34257 J57 4257 l I57 Cutlass Supreme Hardtnp Coupe Conuertih le 4267 72 34267 367 4267 IJ67l Cutlass Supreme Convertible VISTA CRUISER V 4800 Z Seat V C 4856 72 34856 m 4856 K56 Vista Cruiser 26eat VII V V 3 Seat V C 866 72 34866 K66 4866 ll 66l Vista Cruiser 3Se t Iv I I oem ee Hardtop seurrrr QQ 2 asm Las sm Ima oem ee rururap Sedan Hardtop Coupe 5457 72 35457 L57 5457 I 57 Delle 88 Hardtop Coupe Town Sedan w 72 35468 L68 5468 L68l Delta 88 Two Sedan DELTA 88 ROYALE 6400 uerurup Sedan QE 72 36438 use me luael nero as aware Hardtop sraurr Hardtop Coo r 6457 72 36457 N57 6457 N57 Delta 88 Royale Hardtop Coupe Convertible 6467 72 36467 N67 6467 N67 Delta 88 Royale Convertible Town Sedan 6468 72 36468 N 2 646 lN6Bl Delta 88 Royale Town Sedan 4 CUSTOM CRUISER b800 rmsw IIB ws mw custom c seas rz sem Im seas mal Custom Cruiser asear S W NINEIY EIGHT 8400 Hardtop Coupe 8437 72 38437 U37 8437 U37 Ninety Eight Hardtop Coupe Hartrtop Sport Sedan 8438 7238438 Q 8438 U38 Ninety Eight Hardtop Sport Sedan Luxury Home 637 HEIEEIH V3 sooo V S d Em n 3 V ttm Ivan Ninety eager Luxury Coupe T NA m M me lvsex Ninety ergrrr Luxury seoarr Haretop Cou e 8657 72 39657 Y57 gsm Hardtop Coupe Brougham 8857 72 39857 Y57 SMU mu S mal ohms Ambulance SPECIAL CHASSIS gag mm Special Cham Ambulance 8840 72 3886D T6ll nw II mil 72 38868 TBI Tumnadn EKU W Hagzsl X5 ZTASXSII Specral Chassrs Toronado CKD 8657 Y57 Toronaoo Custom Herdtop Coupe 980D 8657 lY57 Torehado Cr stom Coupe Brougham Page X O Vl