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Illustration Catalog P&A 11A October 1976
PrevPrevious Page - Illustration Catalog P&A 11A October 1976Illustration Catalog P&A 11A October 1976Next Page - Illustration Catalog P&A 11A October 1976Next
1974 75 PASSENGER STATION WAGON SHEET METAL 1 12 810 PANEL ASM Roof 28 10 230 SUPPOFIT nst Panel End 2 12 954 SUPPOFlT Head ining Outer 29 12 804 EXTENSION Shroud Vent Duct Pnl Reinf 3 12 981 SUPPORT Spere Tire Rt Side Component 30 12 491 PILLAR ASM Center of Item 36 31 12 491 EXTENSION Center Plr Inr Pnl to Roof 4 12 940 SUPPORT Gtr Orr Pnl At Roof Joint 32 12 942 PANEL ASM Body Lk Plr Gtr Lwr 5 12 650 RE NFORCEMENT Dash To Chas Frm Br 33 12 942 RE NFOFICEMENT Eody Lk Plr At Belt 6 12 981 PACKET ASM pare Tlre Rt SI 34 12 945 FILLER Ges Tank Dr Opening Component of Item 36 35 12 944 PANEL W House Otr Component of Item 36 7 12 981 BAR ASM Compt Pan Longitudinal Otr 36 12 944 PANEL ASM W House Including Rr Lt Side Items 35 36 49 8 12 179 GATE ASM TaiI Including Item 48 37 12 969 PANEL ASM Back Body Plr 9 12 804 PANEL ASM hroud Component of Item 12 38 12 968 REINFDRCEM ENT Bk Body Plr Upr Otr Cor 10 12 MO EFIACE ASM Dash to Chassis Frm 39 12 940 PANEL ASM CItr Otr Extension Component of Item 22 40 12 968 PANEL Ek Body Plr Lwr Rear 11 12 804 EXTENSION Shroud Pnl 41 12 940 F LLEFI Otr Pnl To Bk Body Plr 12 12 804 PANEL ASM Shroud Vent Ctr Duct 42 12 940 PANEL Gtr Otr Including Item 9 43 12 946 DOOR ASM Ges Tank Filler 13 10 230 SUPPORT nst Pnl End Upr FIt Side 44 10 351 DOOR ASM Frt Including Items 45 54 14 12 804 SJPPORT Suering Column On Ctr Duct 45 12 895 PANEL ASM Frt Dr Orr Component Of 15 10 230 EXTENS 0N nst Panel Supt On Ctr Duct Item 44 16 10 230 SUPPOFIT Inst Pnl to Ctr Duct 46 10 373 DOOR ASM Rear Including Items 47 53 17 12 981 BAR ASM C mpt Pan Longitudinal nr Rt SI 47 12 913 PANEL Rr Dr Otr Component of Item 4E 18 12 840 PANEL ASM Frt Body Hinge Plr 48 12 179 PANEL Tail Gate Otr Component of Item E V 19 10 230 PANEL ASM Inst Lwr 49 12 945 POCKET ASM Gax Tank Flller Ne l Lt Sl V 20 12 934 PANEL ASM Rocker Compt of Item 36 21 10 230 FIE NFORCEMENT Inst Pnl Lwr Flange 50 12 981 FRAME ASM TaiI Gate Upper 22 12 804 PANEL ASM Dash Including Item 10 51 12 968 REINFORCEI ENT Bk Body Opening Upr Cor 23 12 981 PAN ASM Comparrment 52 12 944 SUPPORT TaiI Gate Elec Mtr On W House 24 11 610 RETAlNER Fo ding 3rd St Ek 53 12 913 BAR R D Ou Pnl Component of Item 46 25 12 242 COVER TaiI Gate Linkage 54 12 895 BAR F D Otr Pnl Component oi Item 44 26 12 986 BAR Rr Cross 55 12 981 REINFORCEMENT Compt Pan Side Filler Rr 27 12 981 HOUSING ASM Tail Gate Lwr 58 12 981 REINFORCEMENT C mpt Pan Side Filler Frt 57 11 620 UPPOFIT FIdg 3rd St Ek On Bar 12 832 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON CHEVFlOLET 1 1A W 12 155 12 000 6 ROUP