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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1977 |

1971 TRIM COMBINATION CHART Cont Comb Comb No Material Models No Material Models I Dk Jade Derma Coated Fabric Lt Sandalwood Flahara Cloth V 7 1 2487 WB Aht nit Jada ceatau Fabric l Lt sahuaiwotm Prima Cloth 1663947 Ant Dk Saddle Derma Coated Ant Mad Saddle Pebble 779 Fabric 12487 Coated Fabric Aht ok saddle coated Fabric Bu Aht Matt saaaia coated 5 36 6 Fabric Black Flaydo Cloth 785 Black Coma Fahd 2 87 Ahtmea sauaie Pahala Coated Fabric 786 Blue at aim aavuti Cloth 12487 924 Aml Mw saw coma l5635 5 69 Dk Blue Coated Fabric Fabric 787 Jade 81 Black Flaydo Cloth t2487 Ant Dk Saddle Roulet Coated 1643539 45 47 Ant Dr Jade Coated Fabric 525 Fabric 57 67 69 789 WOW Black Havdc clam 12487 Ant Dk Saddle Coated Fabric l6635 45 Black Coated Fabric Med Maize Floulet Coated 16435 35 45 47 827 Fabric 57 67 vg i f dC m may mea Main came Fabric 166 15 as Med Maize Rahara Cloth 802 SIW F 5435 69 828 1v1 t1 Ma1ze imma ciath l 7 Med M R Cl h BOB aiack Fiahcam Cloth NESS Bm Med C 1 t1 Fab ic 56 39 Elm d F h E30 Med maize aimihi ciath 16439A7 57 B9 804 Black Pebble Coated Fabric 15635 46 69 Med Maize Coated Fabric Black Coated Fabric Eu D Jade Rancaro Cloth 15669 805 Black Flimiru Cloth 6439 47 57 69 Ant Dk Jade Coated Fabric Black Coated Fabric Dk Jade Rimini Cloth 834 A Dk J C 16439 47 57 69 806 aim Floulet ca tea Fai he 15669 M ade wed F l Black Coated Fabric Ant Dk Jade Floulet Coated l5435 39 45 47 835 Fabric 57 G7 69 1207 mass 47 Aht ok me coma Faerie 1611 5 is 835 Dk Jade Flaliara l l S63947 Bm Dk Blue Pebble Coated Fabric 1543569 Dk Jade Prima Cloth Dk Blue Coated Fabric tm Black Coated Fabric with I k 511 Dk Blue cuned Fabric 15669 Bev Coated Fabric 1410511 I5 77 812 gb gm b a F 15635 Aa sa 874 Black Houlat coma Fabric F h with aim Coated Fehrlc l4111 15 77 Dk BI1 1e Rimini Cloth Hm ok aha coated Fabric 57 a7a Dk crash Coated Fabric with B14 ok amt aaaiet came Fabric 1s4 1s a 4s sv Dk G d F b m 6 5 77 D Bl 5 69 an o1t cra h aauiat caateti Fabric wl li Dk G C F 1 11 1 815 Elm Llggzitilxh 639 47 t 7 men oated abrnc 4 1 5 77 883 Med Saddle Coated Fabric with Ant Lt Sandalwood Pebble Med Sadd e Coated Fabric 14I11 15 77 BIB Coated Fabric 5435 G9 A Anil LL 5anda w d cosmd BH4 Antlque Med Saddle Roulet Fab C0at6d Fabric with Antique Med Saddle Coated Fabric 14l II 15 77 A L 5 d d P c md a Lf b aaa sahaaiwaw ctwtea Fabric with BIQ AHL LL Sandalwwd coma 1563545 69 Antiqua 1 t sam1aiwt a caatau Fabric Ftric 14I 05 11 15 77 A V 892 Dk Blue Rdulet Coated Fabric 820 2 m R 6439 47 57 with okyaiue came Fabric 14111 17 Ant Lt Sandalwood Coated 16639 4757 Fabric GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPOHATION CHEVROLET l1 R EV 10 76 as