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Corvette Assembly Manual January 1978
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Q J D J 3 A E V EQDFJLS The fr llowiug designations represent all models released for the vehicle indicated K ul 1 0o EEK nmuucs Gmc Truck IXAOO LEED 1n 1 1 s mmm whenever applicable Oldsmobile and Buick 5 A00 GMC Truck only wlienever applicable lBAU0 Y IYADO A 1 200 cx c 000 00 V 7 s li IHAEU i 7 I Includes Pontiac G G000 00 I i Oldsmobile and Bulck P POU0 OO vhc11ever applicable T ITAOO V S l MBOl imiierzztes cross rclerencing of part numbers lnallcznlcs cross referencing oi notes I L Iudivzttns torque i Q nu1mn s revismn A V Q lnlimntcs parts that are lnstallegl the sznnc ns anolhcr nindel or option or 7 izxsiaillud thc szunc cxclzpl its ll ll1 lr 1led T nu ue s ziyjqyliecl nzltei i 1 Nuinclnl represents n lislinv ul ll curnnmn code i 0 mnlcrialls for ull mzunmls 5 y l l anu nunmrzxl l p senlS sp an us y ol mum lan V B ing as pnrt nf an zissznnlaly I V i Lg Flsusg many xlllzxl acm r nm a 2 1nm n inslrucllcn provided hy Fmhcr Holly V ln llv 1 cs all values shown il any are in metrics s 4 1 2 1 222 13 Ml V5 Qi ES I is v vn l E 3 ml A if Af 1 Z LTL lT j l 1 4 mums SYMDOLS F TFT E f l l P SS ZNCibiR S l l UCK Z2 Y2 Ql K 70005 fj Wl r l ttt r i F F Y 5 az G A3 t