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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1977 |
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PASSENGER REAR AXLE IDENTIFICATION Cont plan Plant Men m S Identilimiimt sum type o 1 it nouara warm r we G l A o Warm PASS Posltraction 2 73 ratio EQ CHEVELLE 3 55 ratlol 4 4 KJ PASS Positractiort wI3 Sp 1 Aut Trans 2 73 ratio ER CHEVElLE wlMetaIIic Brakes 4 10 ratio 4 4 KL PASS Positrartion w Metallic Brakes 2 73 ratlol ES C 1EVEL1E w MetaIIlc Brakes 4 56 ratlo KN PASS 3 27 3 31 ratio EU CHEVELLE wlMeta Iic Brakes 4 88 ratio KP PASS Sta Wag Positractiou wINteta Ic Brakes CHEVELLE Posltraction 4 10 ratio KK 3 70 ratio EW CHEVELLE Positraction 4 56 ratio KM PASS Sta Wag w Overdrive 3 70 ratio EX C VELLE Posltractlon 4 88 ratlo K0 PASS Sta Wag Positractiorr 3 70 ratio EY CHEVY B 08 ratlo BA PASS Sta Wag wlMeta Iic Brakes 3 70 ratio EZ CHEVY 3 36 ratlo BC PASS 3 Soeed Auto Trans with C A C 3 07 ratio GA CHEVY Posltraction 3 08 ratio BE PASS Positraction w 3 Spd Auto Trans 3 07 ratio GF CHEVY Pnsitraction 3 36 ratio BF PASS Metallic Brakes wI3 Spd Auto Trans 3 07 ratlo GG CHEVY Posltraotlon 3 55 ratio small ring gear BG PASS Positraction 3 31 ratio GJ CHEVY 3 55 BH PASS 3 Spd Auto Trans with C A C 3 31 ratio Gl CHEVY wINwtal ic Brakes 3 08 ratlo BJ PASS Metallic Brakes 3 07 ratio GL CHEVY Posltractlon wlMehl c Brakes 3 08 ratlo BK PASS Metallic Brakes 3 31 ratio GN CHEVY w Metallic Brakes 3 36 ratio BL PASS Positraction w Metallic Brakes 3 31 ratio G0 CHEVY Positraction w Metallic Brakes 3 36 ratio BM PASS 3 55 ratio GP CHEVY w Metallic Brakes 3 55 ratio small rlng gear BN PASS Powerglide 327 3 08 ratlo G0 CHEVY Positractlon w Metallic Brakes 3 55 ratio B0 PASS Positraction B 08 ratio GR CHEVY Air Cond wISp Hi Per 3 31 ratio BQ PASS wlrtlletalltc Brakes 3 08 ratio GS CHEVY Posltraction 3 07 ratio BR PASS Positraction wllvletalltc Brakes 3 08 ratio GT CHEVY Positraction 3 31 ratio BS PASS Posttraction 3 36 ratio GU CHEVY w Metallic Brakes 3 07 ratio BT PASS w Metallic Brakes 3 36 ratio GV CHEVY Posltractlon wlMetaII c Brakes 3 07 ratio BU PASS Positraction w Metallic Brakes 3 36 ratio GW CHEVY wlMeta lc Brakes 3 31 ratio BV PASS Sta Wag Positraction 3 55 ratlo CHEVY Positractlon wlMeta i Brakes 3 31 ratio BW small ring gear GX CHEVY wl4 Spd Close Ratio 0 55 ratio FI PASS Sta Wag w Metallic Brakes 3 55 ratio CHEVY wlMetaIIic Brakes 3 55 ratio large ring gear FJ small ring gear GY CHEVY Positraction w Metallic Brakes 3 55 ratio PASS Sta Wag Positractlon wlMetalllc Brakes large ring gear FK 3 55 ratio small ring gear GZ CHEVY Positraction 3 55 ratio large ring gear FL CHEVEILE 3 08 ratio CA CHEVY 3 73 ratio FM CHEVELLE 3 36 ratio CB CHEVY wIN etal lc Brakes 3 73 ratio FN CHEVELLE 3 73 ratio CC CHEVY Positractlon wlMeta ic Brakes 3 73 ratlo E0 CHEVELLE Positractton 3 07 ratio CD CHEVY Posltractlon 3 73 ratio FP CHEVELLE Posltraction 3 08 ratlo CE CHEVY wl 3Z7 Sp HI Per 3 07 ratio FQ CHEVElLE Positractlon 3 31 ratio CF CHEVELLE Positractlon 3 36 ratio CG CHEVELLE wlMela lic Brakes 3 70 ratio CH CHEVELLE Positroction 3 73 ratio CI I 9 7 CHEVELLE wlMetal lr Brakes 3 07 ratio C CHEVELLE Positraction wlMetal ic Brakes 3 07 ratio CK CHEVELlE wlMetal lz Brakes 3 08 ratio CL PASS 3408 ram 4 DA CHEVELLE Positractton wllt mtallic Brakes 3 08 ratlo CM pASSS 4 4 SSS mw 4 v 4 4 v v 4 4 my CHEVELLE wlMeta i Brakes 3 31 ratio CN PASS 4 BSS mh m D and C4R4 A Spd 4 4 S Dc CHEVELLE Posltraction wwetallic Brakes 3 31 ratio C0 PASS GSS mm 4 4 S 4 S 4 4 S S DD CHEVELLE wIMetal ic Brakes 3 36 ratio CP PASSS S 4 4 Heavy Du SSM ramp 4 4 4 S DE CHEVELLE Posttraction w Metallic Brakes 3 36 ratlo C0 PASS 44 pnsmadgnn G4 Hua 4 SS 4S up Ciiiiiitti Positroitiort 7 ratio 4 CB PASS Pmtnetron out ratio oc CHEVELLE Positractlon wlltlletallic Brakes 3 70 ratio CS PASS4 Pomramun GJ mm S S S SS S S DH F Lf oittetoiiir Broke 0 3 ratio CT piss vasamtttn 3 36 ratio Zfji or GHF EM Positroction w M to i Brow 173 ratio CU PASS Posltractlon 3 55 mm small rang gem oi GHB ELLK werorive 170 ratio CV mss Positraction 3 55 ratio large rang gear DK CHE Elli 3 31 ratio 3 w A r Gonot CW PASS Pqsnraetton 3 70 ratio nt CHEVELLE 3 07 ratio 3 o wiittr o o ono PG GX PASS Positraction rm ratlo om CHEVEI Lf w iMt ic Brakes 3 55 ratio 4 KF Piss vtmtractton 4 10 ratio on CHEVELLE Posltractton w Metallic Brakes 3 55 ratio KG pA5 pmqyacqjpn 4 55 ram 4 v 4 gg CHE ElLi Positroction 155 ratio Kit Pass Pusrtmtton eee ratio DP ELLL 3 o w P0 U3 ratio Ki Piss 3 55 mm oo PASS w Metallic Brakes 3 07 ratio DR PASS Positraction 3 07 ratio DS NOTE me our oiglt number toliwinq the type oesioruttori will PASS w Metairie Brakes nat ratio ov designate tha calendar month and data produced PASS Posttractlon w Meta lic Brakes 3 31 ratio DW PASS w Metallic Brakes 3 55 ratio lar rlng gear EB NOTE Plant oestenation is to he starnooo ivnioooiatoiv toiiowioo mass Posttrautaan wimeonto Brakes oss ratlo the production date B Buflalo Plant G Gear and Axle Plant tame I ing gear 44 4 4 4 4 gg and W Warren Plant PASS wlMel aIIic Brakes 3 73 ratio EF GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORFORATION 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