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Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 14 May 1980 |

ALPHABETICAL INDEX CLAMP Crulse Control 4 4 3 887 CLIP Radio Noise Suppression 4 4 4 4 9 663 CLAMP Distributor Housing 2 363 CLIP Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 CLAMP Exhaust Pipe Support 3 616 CLIP Rear Quarter Molding 12 118 CLAMP Fuel Feed Pipe 3 162 CLIP Roof Panel Headlining 14 640 CLAMP Fuel Tank Evaporative Control 3 130 CLIP Shock Absorber Air Lift 7 346 CLAMP Heater 8 854 CLIP Spark Plug Wire 2 251 CLAMP Heater 8 866 CLIP Speedo Drive Gear 4 345 CLAMP Hose with Nut and Bolt 1 166 CLIP Speedometer and Odometer Miles 9 761 CLAMP Hydraulic Steering Pump Hose 6 672 CLIP Speedometer without Casing 4 342 CLAMP KIT Steering Shalt U Joint 6 525 CLIP Speedometer Drive Gear 4 345 CLAMP Lock Parts Folding and Hardtop 14 080 CLIP Speedometer Without Casmg 4 342 CLAMP Manifold 3 273 CLIP Stop Lamp 2 447 CLAMP Mast Jacket 6 521 CLIP Sunshade Support 10 219 CLAMP Muffler Exhaust Pipe and Tail Pipe 3 708 CLIP Throttle Control Rod 3 425 CLAMP Radiator 1 219 CLIP Top Roof Outer 12 810 CLAMP Steering Connecting With Internal CLIP Transmission Control Lock Cable 4 070 Parts 6 870 CLIP Transmission Oil 4 126 CLAMP Steering Connecting Rod 6 886 CLIP Transmission Smog Control 4 075 CLAMP Steering Gear Ball eturn Guide 6 843 CLIP Transmission Throttle Valve Control 4 052 CLAMP Throttle Control Rod 3 425 CLIP Vacuum 4 205 CLAMP Tie Rod End 6 234 CLIP Windshield Access 10 130 CLAMP Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder 4 930 CLIP Windshield Glass 10 092 CLEANER Carburetor Air 3 402 CLIP Windshleld Reveal Molding 10 096 CLEANER Engine Concentrate 1 850 CLIP Windshield Wiper Pipe 10 155 CLEVIS Gearshift Rod to Lever 4 037 CLIP Windshield Wiper 10 154 CLEVIS Main Cylinder Adiusting 4 662 CLOCK Clock 9 772 CLEVIS Parking Brake 4 765 CLUSTER Cluster Gage 9 735 CLIP Air Cond Evap Air Disrributor 9 262 CLUTCH Air Conditioning Compressor Clutch CLIP Air Conditioning l 1ose 9 242 Actuating 9 186 CLIP Air Conditioning Outlet 9 264 CLUTCH Clutch Pressure with Cover 0 859 CLIP Air Flow Control with Tube 9 787 CLUTCH Engine Air Fan 1 050 CLIP Air Flow 9 786 CLUTCH Transmission Rear Ring Gear 4 180 CLIP Air Iniection Reacror 3 680 CLUTCH Transmission 1st 2nd and 3rd 4th CLIP Ash Receiver Mounting 12 016 Speeds 4 380 CLIP Back Up 2 698 CLUTCH Transmission 4 164 CLIP Back Window Glass Reveal Mo ding 11 209 COIL Air Conditioning Compressor Clutch CLIP Battery Cable 2 343 Actuating 9 186 CLIP Belt and Strap 14 875 COIL Antenna 9 647 CLIP Body Wiring Electrical Equipment Wiring COIL Automatic Choke Control 3 750 Sae Group 2 480 for Chassis Wiring COIL Headlamp Washer 2 780 Harness and Extension 13 090 COIL Ignition 2 170 CLIP Brake Shoe Anchor Pin 5 056 COIL Starter Motor Field 2 049 CLIP Bumper Sheet Metal 7 833 COIL Windshield Washer 10 153 CLIP Carburetor and Fuel Injection Choke 3 752 COIL Windshield Wiper Motor 10 150 CLIP Carburetor and Fuel Meter Intake with COLLAR Generator Drive End 2 307 Seat and Gasket 3 814 COLLAR Starter Motor Thrust 2 063 CLIP Chassis Wiring Harness 2 559 COLLAR Steering Column 6 758 CLIP Clock 9 772 COLLECTOR Radio Noise Suppression 9 663 CLIP Crankcase Ventilator Outer 1 762 COLUMN Mast Also see group 6 803 6 518 CLIP Cruise Control 3 885 COMPARTMENT Instrument Panel CLIP Direction Sgnal Lamp 2 892 Compartment 10 260 CLIP Distributor ontact Point Support Clamp 2 387 COMPARTMENT Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 CLIP Distributor Spark Advance Trans Electric COMPASS PKG Auto Group 8 873 21 100 Control Also see Group 4 075 2 408 COMPENSATOR KIT Carburetor Idle Air CLIP Door Handle Push Button 10 529 Compensator 3 820 CLIP Door Inside Locking Rod 10 565 COMPRESSOR KIT Air Suspension 7 455 CLIP Door Lock 10 474 COMPRESSOR PKG Airlift Shocks 7 455 21 110 CLIP Door Remote Control Locking Rod 10 506 COMPRESSOR Air Conditioning Less Clutch 9 170 CLIP Door Trim Binding Strip Replacement 14 683 CONDENSER Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 190 CLIP Door Weatherstrip 10 695 CONDENSER Distributor with Bracket and Lead 2 393 CLIP Electric Window Li1tParts 10 777 CONDUCTOR Instrument Case Face 9 748 CLIP Emergency and Safety Lamp Socket CONDUCTOR Lighting Monitor 2 580 Replacement 2 575 CONDUCTOR Windshield Wiper Switch 10 163 CLIP Energy Abs Bar Guide 7 829 CONDUCTOR Windshield Wiper 10 154 CLIP Folding Top Bow Binding End 13 342 CONDUIT Door 10 778 CLIP Front Fender and Skin 8 154 CONDUIT Electrical 2 530 CLIP Front Seat Side Trim 14 818 CONE Drive Pinion Rear 5 484 CLIP Fuel Feed Pipe 3 162 CONE Fuel Injector Air 3 335 CLIP Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 CONNECTOR Air Conditioning Control 9 281 CLIP Fuel Tank 3 107 CONNECTOR Air Flow 9 786 CLIP Generator 2 313 CONNECTOR Air Invlction Reactor 3 580 CLIP Heater See Group 1 166 for Clamps 8 846 CONNECTOR Body iring 13 100 CLIP Hydraulic Brake 4 686 CONNECTOR Carburetor Vacuum 3 765 CLIP Hydraulic Steering Pump Hose 6 672 CONNECTOR Carburetor 3 755 CLIP Ignition Switch Waming and Theft A arm 2 195 CONNECTOR Clock 9 772 CLIP Instrument Case 9 744 CONNECTOR Concealed Headlamp Control CLIP Instrument Panel Fuel Gage 3 108 Opening Cover 2 765 CLIP Instrument Panel 14 655 CONNECTOR Coolant Pump By Pass o 1 097 CLIP KIT Antenna 9 647 CONNECTOR Coolant Temperature Engine CLIP Mast Jacket 6 521 Unit 1 150 CLIP Parking Brake 4 765 CONNECTOR Crankcase 1 745 CLIP Radiator Grille and Engine Baffle CONNECTOR Distributor Spark Advance Trans Attaching 1 276 Electric Control Also see Group 4 075 2 408 CLIP Radio and Stereo Mounting 9 667 CONNECTOR Disrributor Terminal 2 400 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS COF1PORAT 0N CH EVROLET 14 INDEX 56