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plunger Trans Overdrive I 4490 Regulator Electrical output 2 500 Relay W S wiper 10 163 plunger Trans Vac modulator 4205 Regulator Rear qtr window 11 041 Repair Air compressor level control 7 457 plunger wheel came lock 7 6g Regulator Shock absorber air Repair Carburetor 4 3 725 Pocket Battery l I 12 941 compressor 7 460 Repair Hydraulic brake main 4 650 Pocket Body panel stake 17515 Regulator Tailgate 12 195 Repair Luggage compt lid lock 12 248 pocket Engine Comph 100 12381 Reinforcement Back body opening 12 968 Repair Parking brake lever 4 597 Pocket Gas tank filler neck 12 945 Reinforcement Back wi d w mer 12964 Repair Rear axle shaft 5 428 Pocket Headlamp 2 726 Rei f r eme t Body 17 505 Repair Rear spring 7 523 Pocket Tail and stop lamp 12 943 Relufolcemeutr Body 8 Quglue 8 Repair Turbocharger 3 342 point Distributor 2 384 front radiator 1 266 Repair Universal joint 5 548 Pointer Trans gearshift control 4 020 Rei f e e t Body rear Engine and Repair pkg Tailgate 12 195 Prne piece Distributor 2 372 radiawr grille 1267 Replacement Rear view 10 166 16 068 power steering installation 5 5 3 Reinforcement Body side 16 157 Reservoir Fldg top hydraulic pump 14 486 Primer Back window 11 204 R l f0f me t Bumper f f8 lu E 7 836 Reservoir Hyd steering pump 6 635 Primer Quarter window 11 011 Reinforcement Clutch control 0 852 Reservoir W s washer 16 065 Primer Windshield 10 027 Reinforcement Cowl side 12 804 16 551 Resistor Blower motor 9 275 protector Main Cyp 4659 Reinforcement Door body lock pillar 16 520 Resistor Electrical output 2 515 Proteemr seat 14 875 Rei f r e D r r ker 12 934 Resistor Heater blower 8 855 pulley Ah Comp compressor drive g 1g Reinforcement Electric window 10 777 Resistor Ignition coil i 2 173 Pulley Air injection reactor pump 3 650 Reinforcement Engine luggage Resistor Ignition pulse amplifier 2 383 Pulley Clutch control cable 0 855 compt 12 971 Resistor Oil temperature waming 1 800 Pulley Crankshaft 0 659 R i f01 C m lir Fl b d 16 545 Resistor Temperature warning 1 800 Pulley Electric seat adjuster 11 556 Reinforcement Floor pan bar 12 980 Resistor Windshield wiper 10 163 Pulley Engine blower fan water pump 1 062 Reinforcement Frame cross front 7 010 Resistor Temperature Wadning 1 g Pulley Generator 2 274 Reiufcfcememr Flywheel 0666 Resonator Muffler tail 702 3 705 Pulley Hydraulic steering pump 6 655 R i f0 m tr Folding tlufd 81 Rest Door arm 14 686 14 762 16 155 Pulley Parking brake cable 4 833 u hi0 11 620 Rest Rear quarter arm 15 108 Pump Air cond compressor Internal 9 172 Reinforcement Frame cross rail 7 006 Restrictor Fuel tank filler 3 003 Pump Air injection reactor pump 3 660 R lI lf0l C m ll Fl 0 lC f l ld I 8 141 Retainer Accel 1 Od link 3 469 Pump Carburetor 3 838 Rel f01 me l1 G ef6t01 l l k t 2 277 Retainer Accelerator pedal 3 431 Pump Engine coolant 1 069 R luf C m ut Hinge Pillar 12659 Retainer Air cleaner 3 410 Pump Fuel 3 900 R l f0l C lTl t Ll plate compt 7 800 Retainer Air cond 9 262 pump Hydraulic steering 6 6 5 Reinforcement Luggage compt 12 981 Retainer Air cond evaporator core Pump Oil 1 652 Reinforcement Engine blower 1 062 housing 9 211 Pump Trans oil 4 224 Rei f r e e t Radiatm grille Retainer Air cond evaporator grille 9 264 pump Trang from and tear Oi 4200 filler 1 287 Retainer Air cond hose 9 242 Pump W S washer 10 153 16 065 Rei f r eme t Rad grille fau water Retainer Air valve 4 918 PumP 1 266 Retainer Ash tray 12 016 16 120 R Reinforcement Rear axle control 5 382 Retainer Auto 8 820 Reinforcement Rear body lock pillar 12 942 Retainer Automatic choke cont ol 3 75 Race Air cond compressor Internal 9 172 Reinforcement Rear compartment 12 986 Retainer Back window 1 2 7 Race Differential side 5 536 Reinforcement Rear compartment lid 12 996 Retainer Back up lamp unit 2 697 Race Mast jacket 6 521 Reinforcement Rear door bumper 16 400 Retainer Back window glass 16 471 Race Steering gear worm thrust 6 835 Reinfercement Real gud 12 966 Retainer Battery 2 335 Race Trans forward cone freewheel 4 168 Reiufomemeutr Rea lua l XY 12940 Retainer Battery access door 16 548 Rack Steering gear 6 586 Reinforcement Rear seat 12 981 Retainer Bezel 2 594 Radio 9 650 Reinforcement Rear seat back brace 12 768 Retainer Body mounting cushion 9 011 Raj Deck nd luggage come 12815 Reinforcement rear suspension Retainer Body side frt trim panel 17 110 Rail Folding top frt roof 14 050 crossmember 5 380 Retainer Body side rr quarter Rail Folding top side roof 14 100 14 170 R l f tr Rear uPP 1 Pauel 17 110 window inner panel 17 110 Rail Frame cross 7 006 Reinforcement Rear view mirror 16 069 Retainer Body sill moulding 8 309 Rail Luggage compt cross 12 981 Reinforcement Side door front 16 175 Retainer Body to engine side seal 1 025 Rail Rear compt 12 986 Reinforcement Side intermediate Retainer Brake and clutch pedal Rail Rear cross 7 014 door 16 157 17 110 shaft 4 634 Rail Rear quarter 12 428 Reinforcement Side roof inner 12 957 Retainer Brake main cyl clevis pin 4 662 Rail Roof 16 585 Reinforcement Seat 16 715 Retainer Bumper support 7 833 Rail Roof luggage carrier 12 815 Reinforcement Steering gear shaft 6 525 Retainer Car heater knob 8 852 Rail Side roof inner 12 957 Rei f01 Ceme t Toe panel 16 550 Retainer Carburetor air valve 3 45 Rail Side roof outer 12 956 Rel f f0eme t TOP llillng l6 742 Retainer Carb choke lever 3 752 Ran Trane overdrive 4 4g Reinforcement Valve rocker cover 0 413 Retainer Carburetor fuel inlet 3 740 Ratchet Windshield washer pump 10 153 Reinforcement Wheel cover 5 871 Retainer Carburetor idle vent 3 852 Receiver Ai cond 9 95 Relay Air cond motor cutout 9 277 Retainer Carburetor power 3 858 Recharge kit 9 990 Relay C3 healief ignition 8 840 Retainer Carburetor pump 3 862 Rectifier Generator 2 319 Relay Generator electrical Retainer Carb pump spring 3 841 Rectifier Gen electrical output 2 510 eutput 2510 Retainer Chassis wiring harness 2 559 Reflector Dome lamp 11 927 Relay Headlamp motor 2 755 Retainer Choke therm cover 3 750 Reflector Seat separator 10 242 Relay Horn 2 815 Retainer Cigarette lighter 9 709 Reflex Bnck np amp 2 597 Relay Speed cruise control Retainer Clutch and brake pedal 0 829 Reflex Rear reflector 2 689 electrical 3 887 Retainer Clutch control cable 0 855 Refrigerant Air cond 9 282 Relay Tailgate 840 13095 Retainer Clutch shaft 0 837 Regulator Door Relay Transmission overdrive 4 480 Retainer Defroster g g45 window 1 733 1 791 5 25 Relay W S washer 10 153 16 06S Retainer Direction signal lamp 2 892 1967 Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation CCC REVISED NOVEMBER 1 1967