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um INDEX T T T N i i T ALPHABETICAL INDEL I 0 000 ENGINE Cl ULQEI I 1 000 COOLANT GRILLE lc Qll IED l 2 000 I ii I CHASSIS I CHEVELLl CAMARO I I 3 000 I FUEL EXHAUST K 0E EE9 PARTS CATALOG I TRAI ISIVIISSION I I E E T 5 I I REVISION NUIVIBEFI 2 5 000 I BRAKES REAR I Reprinted in its Entirety AXLE AND DFQEVE I Effective with Parts Release and Change Notice 69 2 Dated February l 1969 jjb0 I FRONT AXI E STEERING PARTS ORDERS TO BE PLACED BY CHEVROLET FRAME S m GS II BUMPER DEALERS WITH GENERAL MOTORS PARTS DIVISION 8 0 SHEET METAL Ii GENERAL rviotorzs coaeomxriom II NOTE1 All iliustrations supplementary data and reference material is included in BODY MTG 0iR the E assenger Illustration and Special Information Catalog P X 25 EI Particular attention should he given to the General Information section NIN1 I0I LD II of this illustration and Special Information Catalog for reference material DOORS CON I ROLS and instructions which will be very helpful in the effective use of this I Parts Catalog REAR GLA5 5 I SEAT AND ADJLISTER All illustrations and specifications contained in this literature are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication approval The right is re METAL pR M a Lipg I served to rnake changes at any time without notice in colors materials equipment AND PAN EEE II specifications and models and also to discontinue models 13 000 ii BODY WIRING I The prices shovvn in this catalog under the heading I List Price are suggested prices only FLDG Tb PARTS I l INTERIOR TRIM 15 000 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION REAR TR M ArS X e9B2 iL I GENERAL IVIOTOIRS CORPORATION 16 000 1 TRUCK INTERIOR DETROIT IVIICHIGAN 48202 AND PANE I I 17 000 II SGL AND DBL UNIT 1969 P A 34 Revised Chevrolet Motor Division February T5 1959 Gerierai l Iotors Corporation Litho lh U 0I