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1961 elwzoakiCORVAIR PASSENGER AND COMMERCIAL N SHOP MANU 49 FOREWORD This manual is designed to provide the service plete information on the maintenance and repair of the 1961 Chevrolet Corvair Passenger an Vehicles An effort has been made to produce a manus only serve as a ready reference book for the expe man but also cover step by step procedure for t the less experienced man The Section Index on the title page enables th quickly any desired section At the beginning c a Table of Contents gives the page number o subjects begin An Index is placed at the beginnin subject within the section Within each section service information applic passenger vehicles is included in its entirety and a description of operations which differ for the mercial vehicles Summaries of Special Tools are found at the en section while Specifications covering vehicle c presented in Section 12 This manual should be kept in a handy place ence If properly used it will enable the mechani the owners of Chevrolet Corvair vehicles and tl maintain a reputation for reliable service All information illustrations and specificatiot this literature are based on the latest product inf able at the time of publication approval The r to make changes at any time without notice CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVIS General Motors Corporation DETROIT MICHIGAN 1960 Portions of mate General Motors Corporation contained herein i reprinted with pc General Motors Service Technolc SECTION INDEX SECTION NAME GENERAL INFORMATION LUBRICATION SUSPENSION EHICLE IAL STEERING BRAKES POWER TRAIN man with com A various units 6A ENGINE d Commercial il that will not LB CLUTCH rienced service he guidance of e user to locate 6C REAR AXLE f each section n which major g of each major 6D TRANSMISSION MANUAL able to Corvair is followed by LE TRANSMISSION AUTOMATIC Corvair Com V d of each major omponents are ENGINE TUNE UP for ready refer to better serve Q ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS lereby build o Vr is contained in ormation avail 9 FUEL AND EXHAUST SYSTEM ght is reserved O BODY ION ACCESSORIES Z SPECIFICATIONS ials Reprinted with Permission o1 Printed in U S A tavc been General Motors Corporation mission of orpomdon Group