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Parts Book SPRINT-57 April 1981 |

ALPHABETICAL INDEX BELT 1 066 BOLT Steering Gear Shaft 4 6 525 BELT UNIT 14 875 BOLT Steering Knuckle Lower Control Arm 6 172 BEZEL Air Conditioning Evaporator Air BOLT Steering Knuckle Upper and Lower Distributor 9 264 Control 6 168 BEZEL ASSY Headlamp 2 728 BOLT Steering Knuckle Upper Control Arm 6 178 BEZEL ASSY Instrument Cluster 9 743 BOLT Steering Knuckle 6 104 BEZEL Gearshift Floor Mounted Lever 4 015 BOLT Steering 6 500 BEZEL Hazard Flasher 2 575 BOLT Tail Gate 12 184A BEZEL Park Lamp 2 593 BOLT Transmission Parking Brake 4 290 BINDING Floor Carpet 15 294 BOLT Transmission Rear Main Shaft 4 319 BLADE ASSY Fan 1 064 BOLT U Joint Trunnion and Yoke 5 586 BLADE ASSY Windshield Wiper 10 146 BOLT Valve Push Rod Cover 0 446 BLOCK ASSEMBLY Cylinder 0 033 BOLT Valve Rocker Cover 0 413 BLOCK ASSY Battery to Starter Switch with BOLT Wheel Brake Also see Group 4 667 4 665 Terminals 2 342 BOLT Wheel Carrier 7 632 BOARD UNIT Wiper Motor Washer 10 153 BOLT Windshield Wiper 10 150 BODY ASSY Air Conditioning less Clutch 9 170 BOOT ASSY Wheel Cylinder 4 670 BODY ASSY Transmission Low and Drive BOOT Belt Unit and Shoulder Strap Unit Valve 4 265 Components 14 875A BODY ASSY Transmission Main Valve 4 216 BOOT Brake Main Cylinder 4 659 BODY ASSY Transmission Oil 4 224 BOOT Clutch Fork 0 797 BODY ASSY Transmission 4 256 BOWDEN Air Flow Control 9 787 BODY CLOTH 15 500 BOWL Gearshift Hand Lever Control 4 010 BOLT Air Injection Reactor 3 680 BOWL Mast 6 518 BOLT Air Injector Reaction Pump 3 655 BOW Tonneau Cover 12 815 BOLT Also see Groups 3 288 Manifold to Carb BOX Floor 12 980 3 613 Manifold to Exh Pipe and 8 981 3 275 BRACE Air Conditioning Compressor Mounting 9 171 BOLT ASSY Heater and Defroster Motor 8 856 BRACE Air Injector Reaction Pump 3 655 BOLT ASSY Mast Jacket 6 521 BRACE Frame to Bumper Attaching Also see BOLT Auto 8 820 Group 7 869 7 836 BOLT Axle Housing 5 398 BRACE Frame Cross 7 039 BOLT Belt Unit and Shoulder Strap Unit BRACE Front Fender 8 141 Components 14 875A BRACE Gearshift Control Hand Lever 4 008 BOLT Body to Frame 9 008 BRACE Generator Bracket listed in Group BOLT Brake Connector 4 671 2 277 2 317 BOLT Brake Hose or Pipe 4 681 BRACE Hinge Pillar to Floor 12 659 BOLT Brake Main Cylinder 4 653 BRACE Instrument Panel to Dash 10 230 BOLT Clutch Cover and Pressure Plate 0 862 BRACE Speed and Cruise Control 3 880 BOLT Clutch Pressure Plate 0 864 BRACE Starter Motor to Engine Attaching 2 042 BOLT Connecting Rod Bearing Cap 0 623 BRACE Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump BOLT Crankshaft Bearing Cap 0 056 Mounting 6 606 BOLT Cylinder Head 0 293 BRACKET Accelerator Pull Back 3 459 BOLT Differential Carrier Cap 5 506 BRACKET Air Cleaner Diaphragm 3 415 BOLT Engine Mounting 0 002 BRACKET Air Cleaner 3 405 BOLT Exhaust Pipe 3 613 BRACKET Air Conditioning Control 9 281 BOLT Flange Plate 5 002 BRACKET Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 190 BOLT Flywheel to Crankshaft 0 669 BRACKET Air Conditioning Compressor BOLT Flywheel 0 679 Mounting 9 171 BOLT Frame to Bumper Attaching 7 836A BRACKET Air Flow Control 9 787 BOLT Front and Rear Bumper Bar Mounting BRACKET ASSY Air Injector Reaction Pump 3 655 and Attaching 7 874 BRACKET ASSY Auto 8 820 BOLT Front Axle Tie Rod 6 232 BRACKET ASSY Brake Flange 5 001 BOLT Front Bumper Shock 7 840 BRACKET ASSY Brake Pedal 4 634 BOLT Fuel Tank Strap 3 023 BRACKET ASSY Carburetor Throttle Return BOLT Generator See Group 2 317 for Brace 2 277 Check 3 444 BOLT Generator Through 2 316 BRACKET ASSY Engine Mounting 0 029 BOLT Heater 8 854 BRACKET ASSY Fuel Tank Evaporative Control 3 120 BOLT Hood Panel 8 015 BRACKET ASSY Gearshift Hand Lever Control 4 010 BOLT Hood Upper Lock Plate 8 085 BRACKET ASSY Muffler 3 706 BOLT Hub or Drum Front and Rear Wheel 5 812 BRACKET ASSY Radiator Grille 1 267 BOLT Intake Manifold to Carburetor 3 288 BRACKET Brake Hose or Pipe 4 681 BOLT Low Sun Gear and Clutch 4 162 BRACKET Carburetor Air 3 730 BOLT Muffler Exhaust Pipe and Tailpipe Clamp 3 708 BRACKET Catalytic Converter 3 690 BOLT Oil 1 652 BRACKET Catalytic 3 685 BOLT Oil Filler Tube 1 750 BRACKET Clutch Fork 0 796 BOLT Oil Filter 1 840 BRACKET Clutch Pedal Intermediate 0 852 BOLT Oil Pan Attaching 1 428 BRACKET Clutch 0 829 BOLT Oil Pan Pump Suction 4 197 BRACKET Distributor 2 393 BOLT Radio Stereo Mounting 9 667 BRACKET Early Fuel Evaporation 3 145 BOLT Rebuilt Transmission 4 115 BRACKET Engine Lifting 0 004 BOLT REBUILT Transmission 4 115 BRACKET Engine Mounting 0 029 BOLT Ring Gear 5 531 BRACKET Frame to Bumper Attaching Also BOLT Shock Absorber Frame 7 395 see Group 7 869 7 836 BOLT Speed and Cruise Control 3 887 BRACKET Front and Rear Bumper 7 869 BOLT Stabilizer 7 240 BRACKET Front Bumper Shock 7 840 BOLT Starter Motor to Engine Attaching 2 042 BRACKET Front Fender 8 153 BOLT Starting Motor 2 077 BRACKET Gearshift Control Hand Lever 4 008 BOLT Steering Gear to Frame 6 509 BRACKET Gearshift Control 4 047 BOLT Steering Gear Housing Also See Group BRACKET Gearshift Hand Lever Control 4 010 6 518 6 807 BRACKET Generator See Group 2 317 for BOLT Steering Gear Housing Side Cover 6 809 Brace 2 277 BOLT Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump Mounting 6 606 BRACKET Generator 2 319 BOLT Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump 6 635 BRACKET Hydraulic Brake 4 686 BOLT Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump 6 655 BRACKET Ignition Coil Mounting 2 183 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT ON SPR NT 57 INDEX 18