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TRIM COMBINATION CI IART Continued 1956 C nt 1957 Connb g mb N0 Material Models N0 Material Model Charcoal Pattern Cloth 1011D Black and Gra Cloth 626 Cream Imitation Leather 1019D 650 Black ImitationyLeather 121 l llB l2l9 602 Charcoal Ivory Imitation 651 Black and Gray Im Leather 1271 Leather Conv Black Imitation Leather 503 T f I t lack and Gray Im Leather uiggaltsei vow ml Q Km C0Hv 652 Black Imitation Leather 1263F 604 Charcoal Yellow Imitation IGYGGH md Grey lm L th 1 653 1263F Leeihet Come le led Met Green Im Leather 605 Red Ivory Imitation Leather Conv 654 hmlco Cllllll 1 606 Medium Green Light Green lV l Ytlmll ll n L lh l 10 1 19 37 39 imiieiien Leather oem 655 Medium Gleell Clelll l10l1 19 37 39 607 Medium Blue Light Blue U 19hFGr Im1t L th r I 16616666 reenter Conv 656 llledlum Blue Clelll 1011 19 37 39 621 Ceppei Tcm Imiieiien Light Blueilmitation Leather Leeihei Ctmv 657 Charcoal Imitation Leather 101 IA Charcoal Imitation Leather IIVOYY lmllqlwn L th9r 631 C n M Cream Imitation Leather O v 658 ll d Mei GIee l IPL Leather O A 1 Light Green Imitation Leather Charcoal Pattern Cloth 579 iiveiy imitation Leeihei SPI CPB SPI S d 659 Beige Imitation Leather 101 IA Met Copper Imitation Leather 6lO Erg ciCr tr g t iI ciLO i1 1062DF 660 Charcoal Imitation Leather 1O62F 63F 62FC 629 Red Taupe Pattern Cloth 1062 DFG tt t liyr rvt tmrif fi Leefheg ined Imitation Leather gl eee 661 Lett ee Gieeil tel teellttel 1062r 66r 62Fc iCharcoal Yellow Pattern Cloth iO62 DFG nig wen mt Q tcm Leu er eee elem 16661166 Leather 662 B 6 Ci P1 ei lm i 1 tg e he 166gp 66p 62p6 611 Charcoal Pattern Cloth 1054DF Bfl9i mtrqswn 3 EY Ivory Imitation Leather 663 ee ell l el el 1011D 191 632 Charcoal Yellow Pattern Cloth 1064 DF gi1v t1r Imgagon L gih Cream Imitation Leather 664 MSE ig Grrlfsri limOLe ther lO11D 19D 633 tggg I ll 6 1 IhgtOt1 h l e l DF 665 lcftl rer t lt Cilj l thrr 101 1D 19D Medium Green Pattern lot 580 lLiqht Green Imitation Leather SPL Cpe SPL Sedan 666 ti 3 kT rIrguIIg l lr sEiJr r3 t 1r lOl1D l9D 596 2 l le lllllll Gleell l lllelll Clelll lO64DF Black end Copper Cleth Light Green Im1tat1onCLearther 667 tBetge Irrrttrrttrm Leather IIOIID 19D Medium Blue Pattern lot Sel Light Blue rmueuen Leather spl CPe SPL Sellell 668 ite ljN il r ltt rleQre i r 3ft l r 1011D 191 Light Blue Pattern Cloth 59l Light Blue imueuen Leather lO6 lDll 669 Bleek ellelllell Clelll 10llD l9D 527 Charcoal Yellow Pattern Cloth Spt Cpe tgiilC rm fr1 1C i r Eggth Cream Imitation Leather Spt Sedan 670 Silver Imttrrttorr Leather 1037D 39D 628 Red Taupe Pattern Cloth Spt Cpe Replaces Bi ir D ir G P t Ci th Red Imitation Leather s i Sedan 583 671 ee el leell e 10671 39D Red Pattern Cloth P Med Met Green Im Leather 598 grecirlmitcrition Leathrerrt yleelllel 672 til i tlrrer i lt reitlr B etitl elh lO37D 39D i 9 1l 1l I l I l lIql10lS GIH k k T h 584 i Ertertrtrirgkiggggrigrquoise Spt cpe spi Sedan 676 iM Terrgegtse lggutelxhrfl 1037D 691 Medium Turquoise Pattern 674 geek mr feppije ftielh 1067D s91 587 c1e11i 1 1616 Turquoise 1062DF I elee llll ll lell ell el Black and Yellow Cloth llmmtmon Laumer 675 Yellow Imitation Leather lO37D 39D 594 Medium Turquoise Pattern Black and Red Cloth t 37D 3 D ClothjL1ght Turquoise 1064DF 676 med Imitation Leather I0 9 tt nlieC 2g 1L1 t I Cloth 677 Mel Silver llllllellell Leelllel 1067D EYGHOW Imitation Leather Cpe Sedan Ivory IH l1lC1l1OI1 IIGGIIIET Med M t G e I Leather 588 i Ftt i1 C g r nLgg i l r 1062DF 678 GigenrI ll r I6nrriL e ther 1O67D ich lp C h e 1um ue m ea er eee tYe1I I 0I1m1i l S nLe I1ler 1064DF ele tlr rot glue Imif ii rt e trl r 1067 Tqm Pqttg rt Cloth e urquoise m eat er 618 Copper Irrliitation Leather SPL Cpe SPL Sedan 680 Ivory Imitation Leather 1067 619 Tan Pattern Cloth IOGZDF 681 Met Copper Imitation Leather 10671 Copper Imitation Leather Beige Imitation Leather Tan Pattern Cloth Met Silver Imitation Leather 620 Copper Imitation Leather 1064DF 682 Yellow Imitation Leather 10671 570 Medium Green Imitation Met Silver Imitation Leather Leather Startrost 1062F 6ZFC 63F 683 Red Imitation Leather 10671 572 Medium Turquoise Imitation 684 Black and Silver Cloth 1062DF Leather Startrost 1062F 62FC 63F Silver Met Imitation Leather 609 Charcoal Imitation Leather 685 Black and Dark Green Cloth 1062DF Starfrost lO62F 62F C 63F Med Met Green Im Leather 562 Medium Green Gold Bl ck a d D k Bl Cloth Slflp d rmueuen reenter 126217 686 Me 6mmnB1ue im Lgither tloezllll 6 6 Charcoal Gray Gold 687 Black 81 Dark Turquoise Cloth iO62DF Striped Imitation Leather 1263F Med Turquoise Im Leather 615 Charcoal Gray Gold 688 Black and Copper Cloth IOGZDF W Striped Imitation Leather 1271 Beige Imitation Leather 1136