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<- Transmission - Brakes Parts Catalog P&A 51 February 1983 Truck Cab and Body Parts ->
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BRAKES REAR AXLE AND DRIVE GMC GROUP 5 01 7 Corr 1 All orders are shipped freight prepaid Orders must be written on s special On Tsrge order form V All purchases accrue toward Dealers parts return reserve advertising assistance reserve Purchases are not eligible lor wholesale compensation or stock order allowance Merchandising Line Parts ere warranted in accordance with current GM Parts Division Parts Policy Refer to GM Parts Division Price Schedule for merchandising line 73 M H C exc 14 000 Ib GVW 73 CGP 1 2 3 Blazer C Jimmy C tt 1154121 1 N L SHOE UNIT inner and outer disc pads mdse I 154121 4 4 0005 73 K 1 2 Jimmy K GMC only 1154118 1 N L SHOE UNIT inner and outer disc pads mdse N A 4 0005 73 CP 3 73 M H C w 14 000 lb GVW 74 76 CGP 3 M H C w JB 8 JB 9 77 K 3 w JB 8 14002541 l 74 50 SHOE UNIT inner and outer disc pads mdse N A 4 0005 74 75 CGP 1 2 3 Blazer C Jimmy C w JB I JB 3 JB 5 JB 6 JB 7 74 75 K 1 Z Blazer K Jimmy K w JB 3 JB 5 JB B JB 7 76 78 CGP 1 Blazer C Jimmy C w JB 1 JB 3 JB 5 78 78 G 2 w JB 5 77 78 K 1 Blazer K Jimmy K 1154118 1 N L SHOE UNIT inner and outer disc pads 4 0005 76 K 1 2 Blazer K Jimmy K w JB 5 JB 6 JB 7 74 76 CGP w JBB 14002541 1 74 50 SHOE UNIT lr hrk clpr mdse N A 4 0005 75 78 K 2 w JB 6 76 78 CKP 2 3 w JB 6 JB 7 76 78 G 3 w JB 6 JB 7 1154457 I N L SHOE UNIT inner and outer disc pads mdse 1154457 4 0005 77 78 K 3 77 78 CGP3 M H C w JB 8 JB 9 JF 9 14002541 1 74 50 SHOE UNIT frt prim secd mdse N A 4 0005 5 017 SHOE UNIT SHOE KIT Braka Rear NOTE lr This part may be listed more than once in this group 73 CKGP I Blazer Jimmy 73 G 2 1154142 1 N L SHOE UNIT primary and secondary mdse 1154I42 4 0005 73 CKP 2 Cab 2 Dr Sub 74 CKP 1 2 w JB 5 JB 8 74 Blazer K Jimmy K w JB 5 74 G 2 w JB 5 1I54127 1 N L SHOE UNIT primary and secondary I 1 15 x 2 75 brk mdse 1154127 4 0005 73 M H C w 14 000 lb GVW 352665 1 N L SHOE UNIT primary and Secondary mdse N A 4 0005 73 76 P 3 w I I 000 Ib axle 74 76 M H C JB 9 w Dana axle 6260848 1 114 00 SHOE UNIT primary and secondary 15 x 4 brks mdse N A 4 0005 73 CGP 3 exc 11 0001b axle 73 M H C exc 14 000 lb GVW 73 CK 2 Cab 4 Dr 5474545 1 78 75 SHOE UNIT primary and secondary mdse N A 4 0005 74 CKGP 1 Blazer Jimmy w w JB I JB 3 1154142 1 N L SHOE UNIT primary and secondary mdse 1154142 4 0005 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DlVI 10N OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT 0N LT TRUCK 51 REV 2 83 s a 5 01 7 5 01 7