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<- Transmission - Brakes Parts Catalog P&A 51 February 1983 Truck Cab and Body Parts ->
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BRAKES GMC GROUP 4 634 Con tl 75 78 P 3 w JB 8 JB 9 JF 9 exc M H C 335374 1 4 70 SPACER rod lever 13 x 3 50 15 x 4 brks rear disc 4 5955 4 639 SPRING BUMPER Brake Pedal Return J 73 0 1 exc B B 74 78 CK 3 w JB 8 3850084 1 64 SPRING pedal return 4 5870 74 78 P 1 2 3 exc M H C 355549 1 1 20 SPRING brake pedal pull back 4 5970 73 77 All Blazer Jimmy MHC 340688 l 50 BUMPER brk pedal 0 829 4 5757 4 648 BRACKET ASM BOLT EXTENSION GASKET SUPPORT ASM BrakeCyl nder and Pedal Shaft 74 78 G 1 w JB 1 14004820 I IZ 25 BRACKET ASM main cyl 4 1080 78 78 G 1 w JB I 395B598A R 52 BOLT brkt main cyl 4 1082 73 78 CK 1 2 3 Blazer Jimmy 334I46R H 1 20 EXTENSION brake pedal bracket brace right 4 1078 73 G 1 exc Brake Booster 74 78 G I w JB 1 397898 I I 80 GASKET main cyl bracket 4 1127 73 M H C exc 14 000 Ib G V W 73 CG 1 exc Brake Booster 74 CP 1 w JB 1 3792586 1 38 GASKET main cyl mtg Moraine 4 1127 74 77 CG I w JB I 1242053 1 33 GASKET brake mein cyl 11 x 2 brk 4 1 1 27 73 M H C w 14 000 G V W 74 75 P 3 w JB 8 JB 9 exc M H C I 4004814 1 22 25 SUPPORT ASM brake main cyl 13 x 3 50 I5 x 4 brks 4 805 4 078 78 78 M H C w JB B JB 9 JF 9 354544 I 12 65 SUPPORT ASM brake main cyl I3 x 3 50 15 x 4 brks rear dis 4 1078 4 649 REPAIR UNIT Hydraulic Brake Main Cylinder NOTE 1 Repair Unit consists of 1 Piston Asm 2 Cups 1 Stop Pin 1 Retaining Ring 1 Gasket NOTE 2 Repair Unit consists of 1 Diaphragm Reservoir 1 Piston Asm Primary 1 Packet NOTE 3 Repair Unit consists of 1 Assembly Primary Piston 1 Piston Primary 1 Cup 1 Protecton Cup 1 4 Cup Pumping 1 Retainer Cup 1 Spring Primary Piston Return 1 Retainen Primary Piston Return Spring 1 Screw Self Tapping 1 Seal O Ring 1 Cup Pressure 1 Protacton Cup 1 Cup Pumping 1 Retainer Snap Ring 1 Boot 1 Assembly Push Rod and Retainer 1 Rod Push 1 Retainer Push Rod NOTE 4 Repair Unit consists of 1 Diaphragm Reservoin 1 Piston Assembly Primary 1 Packet NOTE 5 Repair Unit consists of 1 Diaphragm Reservoin 1 Boot 1 Piston Assembly Primary 1 Packet NOTE 6 Repair Unit consists of 1 Assembly Primary Piston 1 Piston Primary 1 Cup 1 Protecton Cup 1 Cup Pumping 1 Retainen Cup 1 Spring Primary Piston Return 1 Retainer Primary Piston Return Spring 1 Screw Sell Tapping 1 O Ring 1 Cup Pressure l Cup Pumping 1 Seal O Ring 1 Ratainan Snap Ring 1 Seal D Ring lor Stop Bolt NOTE 7 When uaad as a rapiacement for 5471960 it is not advisable to use old rubber pans 73 CK 1 Blazer Jimmy 74 76 CK l Blazer Jimmy w JB 3 JB 5 335072 I 22 25 REPAIR UNIT I 1 x 2 1I I5 x Z 75 brks Bendix 2226384 Nota 6 4 1055 73 GP I exc Brake Booster 3995844 l 35 00 REPAIR UNIT Bendix 2228308 4 1055 73 or 1 im Brake Booster I 8001018 l 24 55 REPAIR UNIT Moraine 4 1055 73 G 3 73 Cl P 2 3 w Brake Booster exc 1 1 000 Ib axle M H C 74 75 CKGP 2 3 w JB 6 JB 7 18005287 I 25 80 REPAIR UNIT 1 I 15 x 2 75 I3 x 2 50 brks Moraine 4 1055 73 CK 1 Blazer Jimmy w Brake Booster 74 CK 1 Blazer Jimmy w JB 3 JB 5 77 78 P 1 w JB 5 77 78 G 2 w JB 5 78 G 1 w JB 5 I800Z379 I 22 45 REPAIR UNIT 1 1 15 x 2 75 brk 4 055 74 78 CG I w JB 1 345599 I 30 25 REPAIR UNIT 1 1 x 2 brk Bendix 2228422 Nota 3 4 1055 J WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTIONDIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK 51 4 6344 649 nz REV 2 83