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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984 |
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G R O U P 1 7 000 w TRUCK LOAD CARRIER PARTS ALPHABETICAL INDEX A D APPLIOUE Cab and Load Carrier Outer Side DECAL body side I7 507AC Decoration 4 I7 507 DECAL pickup box side 17 507AD APPLIOUE End Gate and Rear Door Decoration I7 2I5 DECAL End Gate and Rear Door Decoration l7 2I5 DECAL Rear lender 4 4 4 4 17 507AE DECAL Side rear 44 4 4 4 4 17 507AB DECAL Slde Panel 44 17 507AA B DRIVER End Gate Lock 4 4 4 I7 204 BASE Luggage Roof 4 4 4 444 4 4 17 070 BASE PL E Luggagke Roof 44 4 4 17 070 E BEZEL End Gate Loc 444 44 44 17 204 BOARD End Gate CloeIng Support 44 17 215 BOARD Floor 4 4 44 4 44 I7 00 EMBLEM outaide decoration 1 4 17 507AF BODY UNIT Pickup Box 4 4 4 17 090 ESCUTCHEON End Gate Look 17 204 BOLT Cab and Load Carrler Outer Side EXTENSION Bald Load Carrier 444 17 505 Decoration 4 4 4 4 444 17 507 EXTENSION PI orm Cross 44 4 444 4 I7 405 BOLT End Gate Clo ing 4 4 4 4 174208 BOLT End Gete Cloaing Support 44 17 225 Q BOLT End Gate and Rear Door Decoration 4 I7 215 BOLT End Gate Support 4 4 44 4 17 202 F BOLT Load Platform Mounting 44 4 I7 447 BRACE Body Load Carrier 4 4 4 17 505 BRACE Platform Cross I7 405 FILLER Body Load Carrier 44 4 4 l7 505 BRACKET End Gate Support 4 I7 102 BRACKET Front Floor 4 4 17 445 BUMPER End Gate CIoaing Support 17 225 BUMPER End Gate Support 44 4 4 I7 102 G BUMPER U per End Gate 4 4 4 444 I7 1D0 BUSHING gid Gate Cloaing 4 4 17 208 GASKET End Gate and Rear Door Decoration 17 215 GASKET End Gate Lock 4 4 4 4 17 198 GATE End Gate Top and Bottom 44 4 17 185 C GLASS Uprer End Gate 4 44 4 17 100 GUIDE En Gate CIosIng 4 4 444 17 208 CAP Cab and Load Carrier Outer Side Decoration 44 17 507 CAP End Gate Support 4 44 I7 Z02 H CAP KIT Cab and Load Carrier Outer Side Deooration 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 507 CHAI N End Gat CIoeing Support 444 4 4 I74225 HANDLE End Gate Lock 4 44 4 17 204 CHANNEL Unger End Gate 44 4 44 4 17 190 HANDRAIL Plckug Box 44 4 444 17 000 CLEAT Stake ack 4 4 44 4 17 400 HINGE End Gat Ioelng 44 4 17 208 CLIP Cab and Load Carrier Outer Side Deooratlon 4 4 4 4 4 I 7 507 CUP End Gate and Rear Door Decoratlon 17 215 CLIP End Gate Lock 4 4 17 198 I CLIP End Gate Look 444 4 44 4 4 17 204 CONTROL End Gate Lock 4 44 4 4 17 198 CORNER Lug age Root 4 4 17 070 lNSULATOR End Gate Sggrort 4 4 44 4 17 202 COVER End at CIo ing Support 4 17 225 INSULATOR Luggage R 4 17 070 COVER End Gate Top and Bottom 4 44 17 185 IRON Floor Boar ear 44 44 17 442 CROSSMEMBER Luggage Roof 4 4 4 I7 070 CYLINDER End Gate Lock 4 4 17 1DB L LATCH End Gate Lock 4 4 4 I7 ID8 LEVER End Gate Lock 44 I74ID8 t WAREHOIJSING DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATl0N LT TRIJCK 62A 1 7 1 A IN DEX po a 4m Q L