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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984
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1982 COLOR NAME LIST CHEVROLET TRUCK y INTERIOR COLORS SEAT INTENDR SEAT IIITERIDR CDDE DESCRIYIIDN TRIM TRIM DDDE DESCRIl I Il lN TIIIII TRIM CK ID3 W A5Z G WSI W A51 AVS AII7 lC1mI d l VAAI Medium Almond Vinyl Bench SIV Sll VAA4 Medium Almond Wnyl High Back VDDI Blue Vinyl Bench 23V lll Bucket EIV SII VEE1 Mahogany Vinyl Bench 7SV 76l VDD4 Blue Vinyl High Back Bucket 23V 23l VRRI Carmine Vinyl Bench MV 74I XAA4 Medium Almond Custom hnyI VJJI Charcoal Vmyl Bench ISV ISI High Back Bucket SIW Sll XAAI Medium Almond Custom Vinyl XDD4 Blue Custom Wnyl High Back Bench SIW 6II Bucket BW 23I XDDI Blue Custom Vinyl Bench ZIW 23I XRR4 Carmine Custom Vinyl High Beck XEEI Mahogany Custom Vinyl Bench 7SW 78l Bucket 74W 74I XRRI Carmine Custom Virryl Bench 74W 74l XTT4 Light Gray Custom hny High XJJI Charcoal Custom Wrryl Bench IIIW IBI Beck Bucket I3W I3 IAAI Medium Almond Special Custom XBB4 Black Custom Vinyl High Back Cloth Bench SID Sli Bucket IBW 19l LDDI Blue Special Custom Cloth Bench 23D 23I KAA4 Medium Almond Custom Cloth LEEI Mahogany Special Custom Cloth High Beck Bucket SIG EII Bench 7ED 7SI KIJD4 Blue Custom Cloth High Back LRR1 Cannine Special Custom Cloth Bucket 236 13I Bench 740 74I KRR4 Carmine Custom Cloth High Back t lJl Charcoal Special Custom Cloth Bucket 746 14I Bench IBD IBI KIT4 Light Grey Custom Cloth High gg 06 wym Back Bucket 136 13I wut Medium Almond vmyi Bench stv sti K t Gm t Minh vom Blue Wnyl stout zzv ut t 476 4 vnm cotmmo Vinyl cotton uv ui W6 M i g A d t l uutt Medium Almond soosioi Custom w 6 6 Q gmt Bench cm gu KDDS Blue Custom Cloth Swivel mm emo soootti Custom Cloth Bench un zen t 136 Z3 mm Carmine Special Custom Cloth KITS Ulltl Grnv Gumm liivth Swivel emit no ui l t 136 I3 tm nom Gray Special Custom clout 6 oe W AVS AN1 Bench 13D I3l VAA4 Medium Almond hny High Beck XAAI Medium Almond Custom Wnyl Bucket EIV Ell Bench SIW Sli VDD4 Blue Vinyl High Back Bucket 23V 23l XDDI Blue Custom Vinyl Bench 23W lil XAA4 Medium Almond Custom Vinyl XRIII Cannine Custom Vinyl Bench 74W 74I High Back Bucket SIW 6II gg my w Ay XDD4 Blue Custom Wnyl High Back vm Medium Almond wttyr mort Back K BW 23I guckct my cu XRR4 Carmine Custom Vinyl High Back VDD4 eluo vinyl tuqtr aock Bucket my ztr K t 7 W 7 l mr Medium Almond Custom vmyi XTTI I iutit Guy i t m Vinyl Hiott mort soot Bucket siw str K WW l3l xpm Btu gmwm vt muy Back KAA4 Medium Almond Custom Cloth guckcy ggw yr High Beck Bucket SIG SII xeeo Carmine Custom vimi Hiott at tort KDDI l Hieh B Bucket uw rn K t 236 Z3 X11 Ulm gmc guxmm vinyl High KRR4 Carmine Custom Cloth High Back atoit ettoitot raw isi K t 7 7 l V HAA4 Medium Alnond Custom Cloth Km Melt Grey www limit Hint mon soot Bucket stu on K k t WG I3 item cormmo Custom Cloth mort eoot KW Unk I t t t Minh guckcy 1444 pt Beck Bucket 476 41I H 4 ugh gm gusmm gym muy KAAS Medium Almond Custom Cloth a mt t Z ts t t 22 ill C 0342 VI ASI AV5 AII1 cue nstom 0 wtve ug et vm Medium Abound Wnyl Bucket srv sri Km V S c vnu eluo wttyr Bucket mv zst B 3 CK 43 ONLY CK I5 UNLV WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK 52A REV 1 M 71