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ALPHABETICAL INDEX DEFLECTOR Air Conditioning Evaporator Air EMBLEM ASM Hood Ornamentation Also See Distributor r rr 4 rr r 9 264 Group 1 303 4r r r r4 8 055 DEFLECTOR Air Flow r r 4r r r 9 786 EMBLEM Door Trim Panel 16 166 DEFLECTOR Axle Housing Oil Rear Axle Dana EMBLEM Radiator Grille Series Designation 1 303 Desi n 5 392 EMBLEM Seat Separator 16 650 DEFLECT R Bumper Sheet Metal 7 833 END ASM Tie Rod 6 233 DEFLECTOR Front Axle 6 056 END GATE Lock and Hinge Transfered 17 198 DEFLECTOR Propeller Shaft Pinion Front Axle 17 20 17 625 Corporation Design 5 545 END Main ylinder Push 4 658 DEFLECTOR Rear Wheel Hub 5 815 ENGINE ASM 0 000 DEFLECTOR Valve Spring Cap 0 308 ENGINE Cylinder 0 033 DIAL Air Conditioning Control 9 279 ENGINE Universal 100 000 DIAL Air Conditioning Electric Temperature and EOUALIZER Brake Rod 4 765 Motor Control 9 275 ESCUTCHEON UNIT Front Fender See Group DIAL Coolant Temperature Dash Unit 1 148 8 147 for Front Fender Moldings Which DIAL Fuel Instrument Panel 3 108 Include Series Designation 8 132 DIAL Instrument Case 9 748 ESCUTCHEON UNIT 17 507 DIAL KIT Heater 8 849 ESCUTCHEON Air Conditioning Control 9 279 DIAL Transmission Control Indicator or Pointer 4 020 ESCUTCHEON Body Footman Assist 16 450 DIAPHRAGM UN T Va uum Power Brake 4 922 ESCUTCHEON Body Roll Over 16 560 DIAPHRAGM Main Cylinder Filler 4 651 ESCUTCHEON Door Lock Remote Control DIAPHRAGM Vacuum Power Brake Relay Valve 4 942 Inside 16 345 D APHRAGM Vacuum Power Brake 4 922 ESCUTCHEON Door Window Glass Upper and DIODE Generator 2 319 Sides 16 181 DISC ASM Front and Rear Wheel Brake 5 809 ESCUTCHEON End Gate Lock 17 204 DISC Front and Rear Wheel Brake 5 809 ESCUTCHEON End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 DISC Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder Reaction 4 934 ESCUTCHEON Front Door Ventilator 16 176 DISC Windshield Wiper Motor 16 064 ESCUTCHEON Instrument Panel Compartment 16 110 DISC with Facing Clutch 0 886 ESCUTCHEON Radio Antenna 9 647 DISC With Facing Clutch 0 886 ESCUTCHEON Seat Separator 16 650 DISTRIBUTOR ASM Air Flow 9 786 ESCUTCHEON Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 DISTRIBUTOR Ignition 2 361 ESCUTCHEDN Window Regulator 16 270 DOOR 17 110A EVAPORATOR ASM Air Conditioning DOOR ASM Cowl Side and Heater Air Inlet Evaporator 9 210 and Outlet 9 789 EXPANSION PLUGS Cylinder Block Also see DOOR ASM Headlamp 2 728 Std Parts Book 0 034 DOOR ASM Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 EXTENSION ASM Transmission Rear Main DOOR Back Up 2 697 Bearing 4 317 DOOR Body Side Asm 16 570 EXTENSION ASM Air Cleaner 3 417 DOOR Instrument Panel Compartment 16 110 EXTENSION ASM Engine Cover 16 549 DOOR Roof Vent 9 685 EXTENSION ASM Transmission Rear Main DOOR Seat Separator 16 650 Bearing 4 317 DOOR WELDING Back 16 160 EXTENSION UNIT Transmission Rear Main V DOOR WLDG ASM Front and Side Door 16 150 Bearing 4 317 DOWEL Differential Carrier Cap Front Axle EXTENSION Air Cleaner 3 417 Corporation Design 5 506 EXTENSION Air Injector Reactor 3 675 DOWEL Flywheel and Clutch Housing to Cyl EXTENSION Body Side Asm 16 570 Block 0 685 EXTENSION BrakeCyIinder and Pedal Shaft 4 648 DOWEL Flywheel to Crankshaft 0 669 EXTENSION Cowl Side 16 551 DRAIN SYSTEM Rool Vent 9 685 EXTENSION Dash and Toe 16 550 DRIVE Air Conditioning Compressor Clutch EXTENSION Engine to Muffler Exhaust 3 609 Actuating 9 188 EXTENSION Floor 16 545 DRIVE ASM IT Oil Pump 1 639 EXTENSION Flywheel 0 679 DRIVE ASM Starting Motor 2 086 EXTENSION Front Body Hinge Rear Door DRIVER End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 Hinge Body Side 16 507 DRUM ASM Front and Rear Wheel Brake 5 809 EXTENSION Instrument 16 080 DRUM ASM Propeller Shaft lntemal Cam and EXTENSION Member 7 009 Shoe Brake 5 605 EXTENSION Muffler Tail 3 705 DRUM ASM Transmission High Clutch 4 169 EXTENSION Steering Column 6 518 DRUM Progeller Shaft Duo Grip Brake 5 610 EXTENSION Tire Valve 5 875 DUCT Air leaner 3 417 EXTENSION SHIELD Body Load Carrier 17 505 DUCT ASM Air Cleaner 3 417 EXTENS ON Fuel Tank 3 015 DUCT ASM Air Conditioning 9 262 EXTENSION 17 110A DUCT Defroster 9 779 EYELET Electrical 2 530 EYELET End Gate 17 225 E F ECCENTRIC Fuel Pump 3 935 ELBOW Air Conditioning Evaporator Air Inlet 9 218 FACING UNIT Brake Shoe For Riveted Type ELBOW Air Injection Reactor 3 680 Shoes 5 018 ELBOW Crankcase 1 745 FADER ASM Radio Controls 9 649 ELBOW Oil Pressure 1 800 FAN ASM Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 665 ELEMENT Air Cleaner 3 410 FAN ASM Air Conditioning Evaporator Blower 9 216 ELEMENT AirConditioning Vacuum Control 9 280 FAN ASM Heater 8 857 ELEMENT Cigarette Lighter 9 709 FAN Generator 2 274 ELEMENT Cowl Side and Heater Air Inlet and FAN Heater 8 857 Outlet 9 789 FASTENER Back Door 16 227 ELEMENT Defroster 9 779 FASTENER Body Side Window Parts Formerly y ELEMENT Oil Filter 1 836 in this Group are now in Group 15 460 17 136 EMBLEM 17 507 FASTENER Door Inside Trim 16 165 FASTENER End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCI 51 3 INDEX