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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 61 September 1979
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1977 CADILLAC TRIM COMBINATIONS s 2 J1 a E 2 3 e E as Option Trim Level g E E 5 g g E E 3 g 5 5 Styles Code Seatslboors E 3 vt E E va r tn va G G SGH M8 l T X CB69 AV7 SN 19B 26B 64B 79B Dover Cloth 0869 AV7 SN 150 260 440 540 640 670 790 Florentine Cloth CB69 AV7 SN 192 112 152 242 442 542 642 672 732 792 Sierra Leather CB69 AV7 SN 022 Sierra Leather 0669 AV7 M 0 156 266 646 796 Florentine Cloth 0047 A65 AV7 SN 26D 54D 67D 79D Aberdeen CI Sierra CF CD69 A52 AV7 SN 260 54D 67D 79D Aberdeen Cl Sierra CF CD47 A65 AV7 S V 19E 26E 44E 64E 67E 79E Dynasty CI Sierra CF CD69 A52 AV7 S V 19E 26E 44E 64E 67E 79E Dynasty Cl Sierra CF 0D47 69 A65 AV7 S V 193 113 243 443 543 643 673 733 793 Sierra Leather CD47 69 A65 AV7 SN 023 013 Sierra Leather CD47 69 AV7 M 0 26H 64H 67H 79H Lombardy Cloth DF23 A52 S V 26D Florentine Cloth DF23 A52 SN 190 150 Dover Cloth DF33 AS7 SN 26D Black Sierra Lea Frt 0ompt Florentine Cl Hr Compt DF33 AS7 S V 190 150 Black Sierra Lea Frt 0ompt Dover CI Flr Cornpt EL47 A65 AV7 S V 19B 268 44B 54B 64B 67B 798 Edinburgh Cloth EL47 A65 AV7 SN 192 112 242 442 542 642 672 732 792 Sierra Leather EL47 A65 AV7 SN 022 012 Sierra Leather EL47 AV7 SN 243 443 643 673 Sierra Leather Two Tone EL47 AV7 MN 164 244 644 674 014 Sierra Leather KS69 AT8 S 0 190 150 260 440 540 640 670 790 Dover Cloth KS69 ATB SN 192 112 152 242 442 542 642 672 732 792 Sierra Lea Doeskin CF M I GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORP0RATI0N cADILLAc 51 14 6 A