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![Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 30A October 1970](/getbigpage?pageid=49385)
TRIM COMBINATION CHIART Cont Comb Comb No Material Models No Material Models 1965 Regular Seatss 1965 Regular Seats 758 Med Fawn Imitation Leather 11411 69 Med Turquoise Pattern 759 Med Fawn Imitation Leather 132 11 69 855 Imitation Leather 15435 760 Lt Faw RRz tta Cloth 11411 69 1 Med Turquoise Imitation Lt Fawn Imitation Leather Leather 761 Lt Fav PanerFiT5 i6i T 7 i35 Med Saddle Regency Cloth I 98TI V 857 Med Saddle Imitation 16437 39 69 762 Lt Fawn Radiant Cloth 13411 35 69 Leather Lt Fawn Imitation Leather 859 Med Saddle Imitation Leather 16435 45 67 763 Lt Fawn Ramada Cloth 13637 69 80 860 Lt Fawn Renfrew Cloth 15411 69 Lt Fawn Imitation Leather Lt Fawn Imitation Leather 764 Lt Fawn Rialto Cloth 13211 69 Lt F a7v n Pattern Imitation Lt Fawnjmitation Leather 861 Leather 15435 Lt Fawn Pattern Imitation Lt Fawn Imitation Leather 765 Leather 13215 863 Lt Fawn Regina Cloth 15611 35 45 69 Lt Fawn Imitation Leather Lt Fawn Imitation Leather Lt Fawn Pattern Imitation 865 Med Fawn Imitation Leather 15411 69 766 Leather 136335 67 866 Lt Fawn Regency Cloth 16437 39 69 Lt Fawn Imitation Leather Lt Fawn Imitation Leather Lt Fawn Pattern Imitation 870 Lt Fawn Imitatiy1 I ather 16435 45 67 767 Leather 13480 872 Med Red Regina Cloth 15611 35 45 69 Lt Fawn Imitation Leather Med Red lmitatiog Leather Med Fawn Romany Cloth 874 Med Red Regency Cloth 16437 39 69 768 w Med Fawn Sardis Cloth 116237 69 Med Red Imitation Leather Lt Fawn Imitation Leather 876 Med Red Renfrew Cloth 15411 69 Med Fawn Pattern Imitation Med Red ImitatioLLeather 769 Leather 116135 Med Red Pattern Imitation Lt Fawn Imitation Leather 877 I th 15435 772 Med Rea Ramada Cloth 136 2 7 69 eo M Red IrnIt ti n Leather Med Red Imitation Leather 886 Med Red Imitation Leather 16435 45 67 Med Red Pattern Imitation 774 Leather 13635 37 Med Red Imitation Leather 1965 BUCKET SEATS 776 Med Red Regatta Cloth 114 l1 69 Med Red Imitation Leather IVI6d Saddle IITIIYBIZIOI1 Leather 11837 777 Med Red Pattern Imitation 11435 Med Saddle Pattern Imitation Leather 710 Leather 13837 67 778 Med Red Radiant Cloth 134 I1 35 69 Med Saddlegwjation Leather Med Red Imitation Leather 712 Black Imitation Leather 11837 780 Med Red Rialto Cloth 132 I1 69 Black Pattern Imitation Med Red Imitation Leather 714 Leather 13837 67 Med Red Pattern Imitation l 781 Learner 13215 Lt Pawn Pattern Il Igd Red imitation Lgathgr 717 Imitation Leather 13680 i3k Red Kmany Cidth W i3k T Lt Fawn Imitation Leather 791 Red Sardig cidth 11537 59 718 Lt Fawn Imitation Leather 11837 Med Red Imitation Leather Med Turqwise Pattern Med Red Pattern Imitation 7 724 Imitation Leather 13680 793 Leather 11635 Med Turquoise Imitation Med Red Imitation Leather Leather Med Red Pattern Imitation Med Red Pattern Imitation 794 Leather 13480 726 Leather 13680 Med Red Imitation Leather 1 Red Imitation Leather Black Reggwcy CFR T 732 Medi Blue Imitation Leather 11837 811 Black Regency Imitation 16437 39 69 Med Blue Pattern Imitation 7 7 Leather 741 Leather 13837 67 814 Black Imitation Leather 16435 45 67 37 39 Med Blue Imitation Leather 823 Med Green Regina Cloth 156 I1 35 45 69 744 Med Turquoise Imitation 11837 Med Green Imitation Leather Leather 826 Med Green Regency Cloth 16437 39 69 Lt Fawn Pattern ImTtation Med Green Imitation Leather 770 Leather 13837 67 829 Med Green Imitation Leather 16435 45 67 Lt Fawn Imitation Leather 836 Med Blue Imitation Leather 16435 45 67 I Med Red Pattern Imitation 839 Med Blue Regina Cloth 15611 35 45 69 786 Leather 13837 67 Med Blue Imitation Leathei Med Red Imitation Leather 842 Med Blue Regency Cloth 16437 39 69 787 Med Red Imitation Leather 11837 Med Blue Imitation Leather Ivory Pattern Imitation 847 Med Turquoise Imitation 16435 45 67 792 Leather 13837 67 Leather Ivory Imitation Leather Med Turquoise Regina Cloth Ivory Pattern Imitation H 850 Med Turquoise Imitation 15611 35 45 69 796 Leather 13837 67 Leather Ivory Imitation Leather Med 7Turquoise Rer r51vCloth 77 7 Med Slate Pattern Imitation 852 Med Turquoise Imitation 1541I1 69 799 Leather 13837 67 Leather Med Slate Imitation Leather T I7ed Turquoise Regency Cloth 802 Ivory Imitation Leather 16637 67 853 Med Turquoise Imitation 16437 39 69 805 Slate Imitation Le5 1e Lri 16637 67 Leather 815 Black Imitation Leather 16637 67 t l97O CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION P A 30A 97