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Wrfiii it JLEVRQLET PROTECT O PLATE Continued LOCATSON B Carburetor Source QQ Eliot Seite Bet B Bay City H Holley C Carter R Rochester MBCATION C Engine Production Code Number Expiunution Q MiEe i lQl2i iii tilil tiiil tBAl l ti tt lvletor Month bay lOth 153 155 163 i65GO Series December 25U 6 Cyl i tint lrlntur ii ierteaearida Engine Rianl lr frlehirtrisih industries V Flint Engine Sl Saginaw Service Eniiirwe plants wit atarnp a eource production date and engine suffix on ai engines mgervricty plants mit stamp aseenibly plant rlesigrtation and continuous sequence number portion of the vehicle rrlelxtiiiaiscri nurncer ati 307 32i 350 3 end 42 cubic inch engines except Corvette Since all Corvettes are built at Lorrie the assembly plaht designation is not required Here only the continuous sequence number wrt his tls ti Engine Production Code Number Locations RAi SEl ii3E i d Cyl Stamped on pad right side of engine at rear of distributor CQRVI Stamped on top of engine biock immediately forward of generator oil filter adapter i A i r t2 Stamped on pad immediately tiorward of right hand cylinder head LOCATION D Rear Axle Number i iLlV ii f v iit contain prefix letters production date numbers and suffix letter QS E ktii E QZ ZQ titerl lG2l l12 lGl Chevy ii Month Day i 2th Axle Planti february ti chevrolet Gear it Axle W Warren B Buffalo l McKinnon industries S a 1i tet vc tit lEt tt C tLE l MOTOR DlVlStUN GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON P A 3OA 24