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![Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 14A December 1983](/getbigpage?pageid=40930)
1981 CORVEI IE PAINT COLORS IENISIEIP CULIII NIH CUBE UITZLEI DUPUHT HASDII Whllz ID ZIl 5040 IIJZ Snlur Mnullu I3 Z953 4l7 5 5550 I Blah I5 5117 99 A545 En Blur Manila 24 3340 IZZDSG I Dart Blue Mnullrc Z 1174 45105 lZZ 5 Vnllrm 52 3216 BME Il434V I I Frusi Engr 55 3 l7 45205 53 Rnd 75 3332 65115 l22Z5V Maroon Muullrc 75 314l EIIZE IZZIV Charcoal Manllrc 04 32Z3 EMIZ IlZI Carry Over Cnlnr 1982 CORVEI IE PAINT COLORS l MNSIIED EODE IZIUPUNT MASUN I Wrme ll l363l 5040 I l Snlver Mn 13 3402 BEZBZ IZESUD Black I IE 5300 55 A 546 Srlver Blue Mu Z4 3405 EHZBS lZE57D I Dk Blue Mu Z5 34lD E5Z5l IZSSBD Bn Blue Mel 21 34I3 BBZB7 lZ560D Charcnal Met 35 34lA 58255 lZ55l Srlvzr Green Mel IU 3Il5 BBZHS IZGGZ Gnld Mer 55 3425 B5258 lZ573G Srlvnr Barge Mer 55 3425 55150 IZIDU Dt Clare 55 345Z BBZ65 5753 I WAREHOI35ING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET IAA I 40 REV 12 83 Bg 1 4