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<- Fuel - Exhaust - Carburetion Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 14A December 1983
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I I T T T I T T r T IT T T T T T T I I I T I T AI I I T I I I T T T T T ll I I T I T T T T I IT I T T IT T 1953 1982 CTORVEI IE I I T T T T T I I II I I IL LUSTRATION I It I I I T IMPORTANT T I T T I T I T T Passenger vehicles for 1975 thru I982 contain many parts dirnensioned inTT T TI T T the metric svstemi These parts are verv close in dimension to familiar cus T T TT T T T tcrnary meawrements in the Inch system It is important that during any I T T T I T T T T vehicle maintenance procedure replacement fasteners have the same iT T I T measurements as those removed whether metric or customary Mis T T T II T T T T matched or tntorr ct fasteners can result in vehicle damage Iar malfunc IT T T T T T I T I tion orTp0ssIblv personal Iniurv T T T T I T T Fastener siaes denoted on Illustrations may not reflect metric dimensions I I ITT I However since the same vehicle may be built with metric or customary T TT I T I T I fasteners care should be exercised in selectmg replacement pan equIva I I T T IT T lent to the original fasteners in dIrnensI0rIs strength and pitch of thread T T T T I Both netrIc and customary fasteners required for replacement are listed In T I I the Warehousing and Distribution Division Standard Parts Catalog T T T T A speciai Warehousing and TDIstrIt Iutr n Division lahel sayTng Metnc Fas T I T teners Required In red letters will be used to Identify service parts whIch T T I T I I T T require metric fasteners but replaceparts which originally used inch fas T TT T T teners This label vtiill enable dealers and 0ver the c0urIter customers to T I 3 T I I T T T T T T quickly recognize parts whIcn have changed to metric fasteners is T h I T I IX I I I DECEMBER 1983 I I I I I TT T WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION I T I T T DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION T T IT T T T FLINT MICHIGAN 48554 T I II IT T I I T I IIIT I I CHEVROLET 14A PRINTED IN U 5 AI I I TI I I Z T I T T T I T T J T T i T T IITTT T Ta T T T T A 2 T T T T T