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Parts and Illustration Catalog 32W June 1991
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Hi CHASSIS GROUIP 1 OOO Gldsmobile Oldsmobile 1 COOLING SY G TEM RILLE OIL SYSTEM ALPHABETICAL INDEX A CLAMP Crankcase 1 745 CLAMP Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 CLAMP Engine Oil Cooler 1 540 ADAPTER KIT Oil Filter 1 840 CLAMIIP Hose Radiator Heater A C 1 166 ADAPTER Oil Level 1 516 CLAMP Oil L eve 1 516 ADAPTER Oil Filter 1 840 CLlP Radial1or Grille and Front End Panel 1 269 APPLIOUE Front End and Bumper Close Out 1 263 CLIP Radiator Air 1 272 CLUTCH Engine Air Cool Fan 1 050 COCK Radiator Outlet Lower 1 173 CO NlNlEC lOFi Crankcase 1 745 B COiNI llECT lFl Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 CO NNlECT ZZlFl Oil Filter 1 855 CORD Engine Coolant Warmer 1 152 BACKPLATE Engine Coolant Temperature Dash COVER Engine Oil 1 652 Unit 1 148 COVER Oil Pump 1 723 BACKPLATE Oil Pressure Gage 1 803 CUSHION Radiator 1 270 BAFFLE Engine Coolant Recovery 1 240 BAFFLE Oil Filler Tube 1 750 BAFFLE Radiator Air 1 272 BAFFLE Radiator Support Mounting 1 274 D BAR Radiator and Front End Tie 1 271 BASE KIT Oil Filter 1 836 BEARING Oil Pump 1 639 DECLAQL Front End and Bumper Close Out 1 263 BELT Drive Belts 1 066 DECAIL Rairliator Grille and Front End BEZEL Radiator Grille 1 268 Ornamentation 1 303 BODY Oil Pump 1 653 DEFl E3CT0lil Radiator Air 1 272 BOLT Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 DRIVE Oil Pump 1 639 BOLT Engine Coolant Pump 1 073 BOLT Engine Coolant Pump 1 079 BOLT Engine Cooling 1 219 BOLT Engine Oil Pan 1 428 E BOLT Engine Oil 1 652 BOLT Oil 1 835 BOLT Oil Filter 1 840 ELBOW Cirenkcase 1 745 BOLT Oil Pump 1 639 ELBOW Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 BOLT Oil Pump 1 657 ELBOW Oil Pressure Gage 1 803 BOLT Radiator Grille and Front End Panel 1 269 EMBLIEM Front End and Bumper Close Out 1 263 BOLT Thermostat Housing 1 252 EMBLIEM Radiator Grille and Front End BOOT Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 Ornamentation 1 303 BRACE Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 BRACE Front End and Bumper Close Out 1 263 BRACE Radiator and Front End Tie 1 271 BRACKET Crankcase 1 745 F BRACKET Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 BRACKET Engine Oil Cooler 1 540 BRACKET Front End and Bumper Close Out 1 263 FAN Enginiii Air Coolirrg EIectrical 1 055 BRACKET KIT Engine Air Cooling E ectricaI 1 055 FAN Efnginiszi Cooling 1 064 BRACKET Radiator Grille and Front End Panel 1 267 FAN KIT Engine Air CooIing Electrical 1 055 BRACKET Radiator 1 270 FILLIEFI Front End and Bumper Close Out 1 263 BUMPER Radiator Grille and Front Encl Panel 1 269 FILTIEFI Crankcase 1 745 BUSHING Oil Pressure Gage 1 803 FILTIEFI Oil Filter 1 836 BUTTON Engine Coolant Temperature Dash FITTING Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 Unit 1 148 FITTING Oil Distribution 1 531 FITTING Oil Pressure or Temperature 1 800 FITTING Oiil Pressure Gage 1 803 C G CAP Crankcase Oil Filler 1 758 CAP Engine Coolant Recovery 1 240 CAP Oil Pressure Regulator 1 609 GAGE Engine Coolant Temperature Dash Unit 1 148 CAP Radiator Filler 1 203 GAGE Oil Pressure Gage 1 803 CAP Thermostat 1 251 GASKET Engine Coolant Pump 1 079 T 1991 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPE RA TIONS OI DSMOBlLE 32W 1 1A INDEX