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Parts and Illustration Catalog 32W June 1991 |

Z l l I il9LV 1 lQMADEllLl4QQ Jf E B JUNE 1 This Parts Illlustration Catalog ineledes all the latest coverage available at the time ef printilng THIS IS THE LAIQQQIQSCHEDUMEJQLIIREFZBINT OF THIS EUBLlCATl Q l LEASE B E jLlI IlN QMIS COPY QOH F UTU l I E l I FEREN C E jl LXTl Q COPIES w1LL BE AVAlQ 45 LE IF Tm lI lRE B EOUIRED QATALCK FORMAT The Engineering Department has implementecll an new computer system resulting in the following changes within Parts lliltatalogs TEXQQ I1 Removal of the W Iwith before the Ipeesitive regular production ophons I2 Usage Notes may appear direcctly aftelr the olesclription verbiage bound by parenthesis However nelteles may st ill appear at the beginning of each group under the greulp header ISL A program print elnhancement new Ieriahles all charts to be print ed independent l the text data Allzheugh charts will still appear in their major grenup in the catalog this modification allows for arrangement ef charts in an order that hlest acecommodates your needs For ezlzarnple if the preference is lor charts to be placed at the end of greup this can be a n lplish eld without any loss of text data I4 Trim Codes will appear in one of the twcm areas either in the description fieldl er ini the usage field Eventually all Trim Codes will appear only in the usage field I5 Another new l eature found in this caataleg is tlhe reference to the illustration page and callout number now appearing in the text description fieldl For example PGID 1 TLPV4 this translates to illustration page lll 1 callout 74 ADEQTIONAL CH4Eml 5 i Ia Specific carline reference informatienn plreviously tound in the Front Matter sectioh fer Engines 0 000 lhannenwissiens 4 000 Axles 5 000 and Tlriml Illombinations 14 0 Il1 has been relocated to the front of that resplective group