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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961 |

Screw Compressor pressure reliet Screw Gear shifter shaft lock 4 312 Screw Side roof rail w strip 10 721 valve 9 178 Screw Gearshiit 4 017 Screw Speaker mounting plate 9 650 Screw Compressor valve miq 9172 Screw Gearshiit control upper supt S Y w Speed i ii r 9 782 Screw Corvette body rear panel 12 12l to mast jacket 4 018 SC ew Smmng mom 2077 Screw Differential carrier cap 5 506 Screw Gemshm Operating lever 4 U44 Screw Starting motor bnish 2 052 M Screw Directional signal lamp 2 895 Screw Genermm brush 2291 Screw Starting motor solenoid r 2 102 Screw Distributor cap retainer 2 388 Screw Genemwr drive and l 2 307 Screw Steering column jacket brkt 6 785 Screw Dismbumr Contact sup Screw Headlamp beam adjusting I U 2 737 Screw Steering wheellhub 6 512 Clamp V I I U I V U l I l l 2387 Screw Hecdlcm Comml Gcmmor 2 760 Screw Sunshode retainer 10 219 Screw Distributor vacuum control 2 417 I p N Screw Sunshcde Support JO 225 Screw Dome lump I I Q h l 16 494 Sc 9W Heudlqinp 1 p 2 775 Screw Tachometer mtg bracket 9 750 Screw Dom mm mst 14 686 14588 COVQI pane Screw Tail and stop lamp door 2 688 Screw H d1 1 r 1d q 2 729 screw Tail gm qiqss chmmei 12 180 9 D Ch k link 10508 Screw Headlamp seuled beum ret 2 736 Screw Tail lamp latch 2 675 Screw DOO glass Chcmgel Screw Headlining listing supt 12 955 Screw Tapping 8 977 TO live 16 392 Screw Headlining trim roof roil 14 651 Screw Toe board 12 559 Screw Dom inside locking md 10 556 Screw Heater control assy 8 852 SCY W Tr f r 5 7 59 4 555 Screw Dom inside mm I l l U t 16165 Screw Hood panel to cowl 3024 Screw Transmission case 4 105 Screw DOM lock I l I l v l A t 10 474 Screw Hood lock upper g gg3 Screw Transmission control 4 038 Screw Dom lock femme Screw Hom button Cup 2 82 Screw Transmrssron governor 4 255 Scygwl Hydygulic stggying adapter Screw Transmission low and drive control 10 508 16 345 Emp 6560 valve 4 265 C gm 1C T9p111 t I l 10 570 Screw Ignition coil mounting 2 183 SC W Tmnsmlsslon Oil P d1 l Safety VM U U I I U A I P A b V 410 540 15350 Screw Instrument panel compt door 10 262 Plug 7 I 4 195 Screw DOM Outside lock l h I m 527 Screw Instrument panel end plate 10 252 SCWW7 T 5fm5S10 P m 1 Y P mP Screw Dom Sqmy lock l A U I l m 551 Screw Load floor 12 977 hub attaching l 4 115 Screw DOO wmthersmp m m10 Bg5 Screw Main cylinder reservoir thumb 4 651 Screw Transmission servo bcmd d1 4 253 Scmwl DOO Window gcwwl Q filter 337 Screw Transmission throttle valve 4 278 regulator I U I U t I l 10 792 16 270 SCmW Ou pcm drum L453 Screw Trim attaching 15 275 Screw DOM Window reveal mould 10 708 Screw Oil pcm pipe 1 427 Screw Truss head 8 913 Screw Duct GSSYU io dash U l h I 9 786 Screw Oil pump retaining set 1 652 Screw Vacuum modulator conn 4 205 Screw Elect Sem dj mms l I 11 55G Screw Oil supply pump section 4 197 Screw Ytlcuum power brk cyl piston Screw End gate iock 12 227 17 198 S P i g b k l gn 600 I suppm plum 4822 Scmwl End gum moulding cmd Screw Parking lamp 2 587 S 1i9W Vt POWGY Yl1 d6f glass mn U HU l U U I i I 12 195 Screw Parking lamp door 2 594 mspechon hole cover 4 883 Screw End gate support 12 203 17 635 Screw Pinion bearing cap 5 481 Screw Vacuum shut diaphragm 5 535 Screw Folding Sem Cushion h i U ILMO Screw Pinion shaft 5 518 Screw Vacuum shift selector valve 5 840 Screw Folding Side moi mu l I 14155 Screw Pinion shaft bearing cap 5 480 Screw Valve rocker arm ad 0 429 Screw Folding mp Cmd dust boo l 13384 Screw Pinion shalt bearing lock 5 452 Screw Ventilator garnish mldg 10 652 Screw Folding mp imm l U l l l 13 365 Screw Pitman shaft adjuster 6 822 Screw Wheel appearance 5 871 Screw Folding mp in bow Slut mm 14155 Screw Planet carrier pinion shaft 4 176 Screw Wheel cyl acl 4 672 Screw Folding mp mm roof mil A V 14 080 Screw Pressure relief valve mtg 9 178 Screw Wtrrdshreld division outer 10 052 5 7 717 7 bow 14 340 Sum Gum S w W dSht m S m d 1 56 Screw Prem Control Valve adj 9198 window 1 gg7 11340 g4 Screw Windshield glass 10 009 Screw From door glass Hi U1U 715 Screw Quarter window reveal 11 031 Screw Windshield reveal mldg 10 096 Screw From door qlcss division UIUBBG Screw Radiator grille 1 266 Screw Windshield wiper 10 150 16 064 Screw From dom qluss nm U h 10 701 Screw Radiator grille baffle 1 276 Screw assy Brake shoe adjusting 5 110 Screw Front door inside locking 18 392 gcwwl iam axle mlm plug 5 400 1 Screw GSSY From dom glass lower Screw Front door lock to spring 10 474 CLT em Compartment hd sash panel 10587 Screw From dom Per l2 212 12242 Screw assy Gas tank gauge 3 112 vent t t 10 652 m 6S 10 670 ew gem mPL locklsmkgr 12 237 Screw assy Gearshiit lever 4 017 Sew Fmm dw www mm 1 m EZv 7hZZL f 11 1111 11 1 111 10 759 Sm Y b m Screw Front fender 8 143 Screw Rem door window lower Screw assy Hood catch lock 8 085 Screw Front seat adj gear nut 11 561 sash V I U I A I I l h V I U I A l Y 10 747 Sql gw qssyu Hom 2845 Screw From Sem di handle 18582 Screw Rear door window motor set 10 791 Screw GSSY Instrument Case 97746 Screw Front seat back side Screw Rear end stake emblem 17 615 Screw assy Instrument console 9 744 outer panel 14 810 Screw Rear fender to body 8 206 Screw assy Radiator core 1 270 Screw Front seat hinge arm 11 375 Screw Rear license lamp 2 708 Screw GSSYH steering gem bull Screw Fuel injector air meter 3 335 SC W Rem Clu Tl T wi d w 1 wer return 6 843 Screw Fuel injector metering 3 332 guide 11 D4U Screw assy Tail gate lock striker 12 242 Screw Fuel meter 3 322 Screw Rim View mkmr 16 O69 10 86 Seal Accelerator rod toe board 3 469 Screw Fuel or air meter 3 314 1 1 H 5 531 1 Seal Air cond evaporator case 9 211 SCM M pump m wm 7 71 Sheet mZ 7 f 1 Q 1 1 11 11 I 11 81977 Sm 1 i q mmof gm Screw Fuse and junction block 2 483 Screw Sheet metal umich l l v Q 16170 Seal Air flow 4 9 782 Screw Garnish moulding 11 128 Screw Shifter 1OCk A A U 4312 Seal Air flow heater control 9 795 Screw Gas iilter thumb 3 890 Screw Side pcm 17 5g5 Seal Air suspension air comp 7 457 Screw Gas tank filler neck compt 12 945 Screw Side roof rail reveal mldg 14 651 Seal Air suspension leveling valve 7 477 1962 W 56 Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporation